The SELFLESS Experiment (I refused to upvote myself during a time of Leased delegation! )

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Ok, @steemit. For anyone brand new- it is a challenge to know which actions are frowned upon and which actions are clever. The whole thing is a sort of confusing world of excitement. I still consider myself fairly new to this #steem world, and anyone who reads my posts knows that one of my common themes is my lack of awareness when it comes to the unspoken rules of etiquette. Let's just say I have made a few embarrassing choices in the ways of my past steemit posts.
See for yourself and you will discover my faux pas tendencies of the recent past.

To the point.

Recently A steemian of revered delight by the name of @CarlGnash sent me some advice in a comment in this past post;
That day I decided to try his advice which was something like "I personally think self-voting is the fast road to exactly nowhere" and he mentioned the legendary @stellabelle who I have since grown quite fond of, as predicted and it is more than her inventive nature which brought to the world the #slothicorn and for that matter- here is a link to my entry into her slothicorn contest.
Notice the darling little spaceship made out of the ethereum symbol, the bitcoin moon and most lovely the steemit logo is actual steam rising from the moon. Haha !
Anyway. Back to the topic of What was I going on about? Oh right .See I told you that Stellabelle has a spell on me. I could write a book about her. As a matter of fact.. blur-1869429_1280.jpg

Woops! Back to the topic! Back to the Selfless thing.

So I was thinking about how it would be to refrain from voting for myself. I was my own biggest fan... so it would be sort of hard to break this habit. Plus, I had just leased a delegation of steempower through one of the many services, before I knew I would be conducting the experiment. I guess this is also a topic of controversy but ya know what? You can never make everyone approve of your every step. So whatever.

The delegation arrived in my account just at the same time as Mr. Gnash pointed out the whole "gift economY" thing. I was dumbfounded and a little embarassed because I didnt understand that each day you get an allottment of votes and the first votes count more heavily than the last. I was upvoting my own stuff- to the delight of nobody- not even myself because I did not ( and still do not ) understand the 30 minute rule. Enlighten me someone.

Knowing that the really neat people who have done very well tend to GIVE all their daily upvotes to other who they feel are deserving of the rewards made my self upvoting feel super lame. It is not lame, but it may not be the wise choice in the long run. Here is why.

Aside from the sheer coolness it appears that one has when they have the restraint to not pay them selves for talking, something else begins to happen.

At first I was antsy, and uncomfortable. I still was not seeing any action for my hard work on posts, at least not much, and I was feeling whiny and disenchanted by it all.
sad dog.jpg

My disenchantment and boredom led to an amazing thing...

I actually began to read peoples posts. Wow.


It is amazing that I had spent so much time here, with all of you and hardly knew how many of you had incredible content to sift through and talk about. I began to explore PEOPLE. I just got the chills. Twice.

You are all PEOPLE. Not little paychecks. Cool people!

When I began to scroll through posts and read the various philosphies I saw all types of humanity. Those who are intelligent beyond my own comprehension. Those with talents in dance, and music. Those who are simply charismatic in their social presence.

I began to upvote lots. I began to comment on the posts I liked or felt I had something to connect on.

Out of nowhere (it seems) I began to connect on a new, more heartfelt level with steemians.
It was as if a light switched on. The more I observe and absorb, the more I grow my own base of real regular readers too. The people I am connecting with are genuine, and engaging and incredible.

I will always treat well those who actively participate in cool conversations across this platform- when I have SP available to me. postit.jpg

Upvoting with substantial #steempower is fun and when you are boycotting your own self votes, it is truly a perfect recipe for creating a quality experience. I found brand new people who worked on genuine posts and rewarded them with postive comments and 100 percent upvotes because it feels good to get that little boost even if it is the only one because it keeps the spirit up. It keeps us all swimming in the pond. It gives quality content a chance to be seen. We deserve to see the good stuff! This helps! What a beautiful way to decentralize content distribution. I wish the mainstream media outlets would take a lesson from steemit. I really do.

I understand why some people operate on this "selfless" level - although it is not completely selfless because good curation generates profits too, and I am only at the start of my understanding of it.

I have come to the conclusion that it makes sense to #upvote others and your actions will benefit the community and you will reap the rewards of permanent friendships, rewards that come back around in the form of upvotes when you post, and the chance to be inspired by others who feel just like you do sometimes. While only upvoting others I have had a better experience in the last 2 weeks ( approximately) then I had since I started here.

cheers, applause, gold stars

Anyway, I wanted to share with my friends, all who are fairly new to my daily routine the results and final thoughts.

I do recommend you try it- but in the end, it is a matter of preference and not more.

Delegation, like the magic gifts of the fairy godmother, will expire tomorrow I think... and I will be sad to see it dwindle but I had so much fun dousing you all with my new appreciation and spoiling you with upvotes when I saw good, quality content - and I love this platform more and more.

@thecryptodrive In case you see this : Thank you so much. Lets do it again~ I love it!


Hello @lorilikes

It takes a lot of courage to admit you weren't reading people's posts and that you were only in this for yourself. Glad to see that changed.

LOL aha! I always believe in courageous and bold truth though. Even if it is blatantly embarassing to my own end... it is the only way. Thanks for what I think is a backhanded but genuine compliment. Nice to meet you. = )

Likewise... not backhanded at all... direct and honest as well :)

I realized this and I love your blatant truth. I bet in real life if I had broccoli in my teeth you would be the good friend and tell me. If my zipper was down you would let me know. Right? I adore that. Backhanded wasn’t the right choice of word for this. I should have said ...
Thank you for returning my honest disclosures with acknowlegement of how difficult they are to apply. I totally meant that you are great. A kind person who clearly sees a lady in the awkward spotlight twirling her hair nervously. My stammering apologies are - hard to deliver. Especially since nobody thinks I have any aoologies due. Thank you for witnessing my confessions ... it was brave for both ! Haha Heck ya . That’s what I should have said. In fact back handed is the farthest thing from what you presented. I am sorry for Saying that. 😌. Well, since I am on a roll, shall we put that on my list of “oops” things, and be past it? ✨🦋✨@spiritualmax

Well Lori, you made me blush. Of course we're past it.
Heck, we all have to learn how to improve ourselves everyday, and that is done in an easier way when people are honest and straightforward with us, and YOU walked the first step towards an honest relationship between us two by writing this post and exchange of words.
I wish you the best in this upcoming year of 2018 :)


Perfect! Cheers, and stuff. = )

Lol whats funny is that from day one i never thought to upvote myself. When i recieved stellabelles delegation i immediately had ppl to give it to cuz i was already doing it except two cents ag a time, lol. But i was uovoting @thekittygirl a lot cuz shes my right hand n best bud ! I realized this n asked if it was ok. Stella said we should. Upvote ourselves cuz the gravy train will leave yhe station, lol. But when I did-- not only did it feel like a waste, but also didnt gain me anymore money becuase other ppl upvote me who are more poweful cuz theh rock. So anyway i did things backwards but we came to the same conclusion. Pdls are you writing a fourth of july story about stellabelle?? Lol

I hope I didn't come off as some kind of Steem police passing judgement on others. I believe I noted in my original comment that plenty of people do self upvote, but also plenty of people find it distasteful. There are lots of reasons but one of them is actually about to be removed in an upcoming hardfork - currently (and for not very much longer) if an author self-upvotes a post when it first comes out, the author gets a portion of the curation reward that would have otherwise gone to all future upvoters - in essence, the self upvote (particularly if it is a larger upvote as yours was after the delegation) actually makes it less likely that a curator (someone who actually tries to earn on this platform from curation rewards, which is already tougher than it should be, IMO) would upvote your post because you already took a slice of their potential curation reward. This is actually being done away with in the upcoming hardfork - if an author self upvotes a post within the first 30 minutes it will no longer impact curation rewards for subsequent upvoters.

All that long winded aside aside, the main reason spending your voting power on other people is awesome is exactly for the reasons you say above. It is all about interacting with and supporting other people here - and that interaction and love will flow both ways. It may not be a direct one for one equivalency, and you may at times feel like you are giving out more love than you are receiving - but that is the great thing about a love economy. Nobody loses in a love economy. Giving love is its own reward :)

I think this is a terrific post and I resteemed it because I think it is very valuable reading for other people who are struggling to find their footing here. I am so glad @stellabelle's posting resonated with you. And your slothicorn is beautiful.

You rock!

Much love - Carl

Argh, I didn't even realize that about self-upvotes stealing curation rewards. This site needs like a weeklong training course before you get to make your first post. >.<

It's going to be hard to dent the self-upvote culture while that "Upvote post" checkbox exists, though. What was that thing about the currency speculators and the UI designers, again? :p

The last update post RE hardfork 20 said it would likely be rolled out before the end of the year, so this particular issue is going the way of the slothidodo :)


Steemit presents itself as a social network, and a very small society/subculture inhabits it, but if we look at what it actually is – it's a very lightweight proof of concept for the idea that you could, theoretically, build an actual social network on top of the STEEM blockchain, and Steemit Inc. saying, "men, it would be really cool if someone were to do that. Here are some tools that do part of the job. Now go forth and make our enormous nest egg stake even more valuable."

Hot dang. Some intense discussion over on that post! Thanks for the link, it's fascinating to see the debate over the heart and soul of the platform so concentrated.

Sometimes you just have to boil things down to the most succinct possible expression. To paraphrase Mark Twain, if I had had longer, I would have written a shorter letter.

I don't actually expect to see anything positive come out of it, but I'm glad that people have received some gratification from hearing my thoughts. That's rare enough that the indulgence is totally worthwhile.

Mark Twain fans are a special niche. Mark Twain fans are usually highly intelligent and willing to play in the mud. Does that accurately describe you, @lextenebris ?

I'm not sure I can speak to "highly intelligent" while maintaining any degree of modesty and not revealing a deep-seated monomaniacal drive to conquer and destroy others, but I can definitely state without question that I do not like to play in the mud.

Blood, sure. Viscera? Absolutely. Willing to translate back in time and slap around the followers of King Arthur while making an enemy of Merlin? Right up my alley.

Playing in mud? Kind of gross.

@lextenebris 😁Funny! Your first admission of intent to conquer- a perfect comedic delivery. It reminds me of when someone recently accused me of being a narcissist. In exaggerated (ironic) shock I gasped, then I declared “impossible! I can’t be a narcissist, because I am perfect!” I purposeply emphasized the accusation as truth, knowing that a true narcissist cannot recognize itself as such.
Regarding mud: it is gross for sure, but that’s why it appeals to those who love it.
Oh- final thought: I don’t know what Vicera is. Out of laziness, rather than Googling the word Vicera to gain complete understanding of your words, I have decided to define it myself, for good context. I hereby deem the word vicera, as used in your comment to mean... fancy mud.
How close am I? 🤓

I think it’s funny how it is automatically checked when you are using Mobile and on default settings.
🤓 Can’t please em all I guess. ❤️

@CarlGnash You always have the most focused, specific things to say. I love that because I know you are really reading and really absorbing the content. I would give my left ugg boot for more steemit users who mimic that behavior, it’s exactly WHY I am here. I am stoked that you shared my post- that had me doing cart wheels. Well... I considered doing cartwheels. 🤓.
You did not emerge onto the party like a steemit policeman by the way it was quite the opposite. I recall posting a few different plea-posts basically begging for some guidance and you came with information and insite I truly needed. I have endless reasons to thank you and so does a large number of users here- Because of your input a lot of positive surges of selfless boosts are circulating. You are great for the steemit economy!!
Also very useful info about the upvote changes coming soon. That’s something of interest .
Thanks for stopping by and doing your awesome “drive by enlightening”.

Yay! This makes me so happy to read this <3 <3 <3

Glad I came across your post and all the comments here. I think you made a decent sense. To be selfless? I think some steemians indulge in self upvote because they dont break even on their posts hence self encouragement. Steemit is about building bridges. Indeed patience and consistence is a needed ingredient in steemit. The book says, "give and it shall be given back to you". Thanks for your post.

Thanks for your cool, well balanced perspective. I shall follow you! I like the diplomatic tone you carry. Haha😁

That’s a pretty nice gesture. I weaned myself off the bots a few months ago even though they really helped me get on the hot pages a few times. I still self upvote when I feel a post hasn’t done as well as it should have, but I am trying to do it less and less as I post more and as I get more attention. It’s really great that you don’t do it even when you have so much extra sp to play with, but If we all can pay it forward, we’ll all win in the end.

I’m a really idealistic person, so much so that I ended up homeless trying to live by the principles of a gift economy. So now I am to be more practical and find a middle ground because I don’t want to be homeless :-D

I weaned myself of the bots


I had this hilarious image of a grown man breastfeeding from a robot 🤖 like Rosie from the Jetsons. Why? Lol
I am sometimes a crazy person. Thank you for your thoughts, I do appreciate the commentary, even with my twisted imagery as a result. 😁

Hahahaha that’s exactly what it was like, your imagination is spectacular! Followed!

Awesome, and ditto! You will see me in your comments. A lot. From now on. *high five

I always wonder why We can upvote ourselves? Is it so the bot can see what kind of person you are, and tweak the algorithm to give you less in the future? Steemit universe shouldn't be much different that the real universe. We reap what we sow, and if We focus only on rewarding ourselves, the only power we have is the power that we already have and nothing else, in the other hand when we give, we receive from the fountain of the infinite universe.

Great post and I'm glad that I found it just in time. I had some self-voted posts and then I went to undo the actions. That gave me the power to vote this one much more awesome :) All the best! Gaston

Is it so the bot can see what kind of person you are, and tweak the algorithm...

I often have a similar paranoia. Perhaps it is because my dad taught me how to behave politely as a kid. 👨‍👧

He told me once while driving me to a friends house that he always stopped at stop signs because “Lori you should always stop 🛑 when you see a stop sign. Pretend like always there is someone watching. Always. Then you will follow the rules and it won’t be something you need to worry about”. Interesting. So even in life during little moments like “to upvote my self or not to Upvote myself ...”. I imagine a watcher bot too. That’s hilarious though . 🤭
This kind of careful behavior has its tolls though. For example, in my 20s I went through a phase where I drank a lot. In the drunken hours of my evenings I would sometimes do regrettable things and I think it was due to havin pent up wild woman that when inebriated ... came out with extra zoom. Haha . Balance balance balance. Right ? To this day I stop at every stop sign though.

Oh Dear! I cannot agree more on this, although I'm more of a Revel that learned to behave. I really don't like to follow rules, or better said, rules that don't make sense. I follow the rules that make sense and also the rules that I've agreed upon, eg. When I'm working for someone else I act as the business is mine, and also use the same type of behaviour like the boss is always watching, because if not the boss watching it's definitely someone else. It's true that once you learn and practice that behaviour it becomes second nature, and it's pretty hard to lose opportunities because people always have a great impression of who you are.

Kudos to your dad for teaching you that!

Balance it is! I think we learn this when we get older.

The same thing I did about three months ago, delegated some SP, used to comment in introduceyourself posts and then upvote my own comment. Soon, I realized that this is not something I should be doing, my upvote belongs to people who have been working hard writing a good post and contributing to this wonderful community. So after one month, I was back on track and will never do this shitty thing.

It is hard to know "the right thing" when you start isnt it? Thanks for speaking up and confessions like that are the only way to rid yourself of the issue sometimes. Plus it takes courage to say what is really happening.

It is hard to know "the right thing" when you start isnt it?

To be honest, I knew how the system works and did it deliberately. I want to be honest with myself, I was selfish and was looking for some short term rewards. I used many bots as well but now, I hate them. I should be rewarded if I am doing good on this platform and vice versa. Let me send you a link on and will let you know what I mean. Not copy pasting here as I don't want it to be public.

Ok, I am looking forward to whatever that link will lead to. Where are you sending ? Oh! Chat. Got it- will go look now.

Only a handful of selfless persons still exist in this our selfish and self-intoxicated world. I really appreciate what you're doing. At one point I felt like giving up in posting on steemit because I almost lost courage and I saw people with no concrete message post getting the highest upvotes.
@lorilikes you are one of the very few persons that encourage me. I really appreciate you, your selflessness, your philanthropic exercises, your up building comments on my post. Someday, when my upvotes count, I would emulate your humanitarian activity. For now, the little I have to offer is posting quality contents to this awesome community. Yes! I said awesome and yes it is, because of people like you.

If selfless only means worrying less about yourself, then there are a lot, perhaps not nearly so many as the selfmores, but more than many would think.

Part of the problem is that the selfmores have more, and it’s far easier to see.


Selfmore ... that’s new. I like your perspective. 😁
It is true that more is easier to see... what can we do to even the flow of all things to more fairly distribute the .. stuff.

All I do is make up words [not really all but it’s a part of what I do]

I wonder, if things were fair, where much would be better, what would it take for us to maintain that state?

Unfortunately we have a long road just trying to get there.

Nice connecting. Time for bed. :)

See that is exactly why I am here. Precisely. It was you who first stumbled across me, I believe but you are a definite steemit must. A MUST! SO I am glad to be a part of the reason you are sticking around - because YOU are also one of MY reasons. EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION TO THIS GUY ASAJ. lol ! I am serious though.
Thanks very much for seeing me. I see you too!

Interesting point of view. Its odd how a system that allows you to vote for your own post then looks down on the practice. It goes against instinct. To imagine that there are self-righteous steemers digging through peoples votes to see if they voted on themselves is disheartening.

I am not saying I will give up the practice entirely, but it I will certainly be thinking of this post the next time I up vote my own post. For me, steem is replacing my Facebook and Instagram. I look at a post. If the title/pic are not enough to grab my attention, I don't dig in. I am looking for quality content. That is difficult enough with click bait at every turn.

It’s also strange that it self voting is actually ENCOURAGED - since it is automatically checked as well. As I said I am 100 percent in an experimental phase . Also- I do not actually know the consensus on how the whole community feels. I based a lot on looking through other people and the historical stats surrounding the behaviors with upvotes. still just a Society with rules unspoken at play. Also -a very young society in terms of how long steemit has been around so we could make rules of our own, and follow our own path I suppose. Speaking of click bait you will either love or hate my most recent post.⭐️

My personal view on voting on yourself is this: If you believe in your post, vote on it. Your vote is a vote of confidence of the quality and rewards good choices over poor ones. I don't up vote all of my own posts. If I feel it will take off, I may up vote it. The power of your vote goes down with use. If others are posting things I believe in, I up vote them over myself. My vote follows the power of the steem dollar.

In the end, steemit is not a charity nor designed to be one. It uses the power of a true democracy along with capitalist principles to increase quality of content. It has some weaknesses against spammers and people that take advantage of the system. The system will find a way to combat those flaws or fall flat on its face.

Guess all good things come to an end. Moreover, all things come to an end (good or bad). I always enjoy reading your posts because I know they come from straight from the heart. You're so genuine and sincere.

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