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RE: The rival of Steemit !

in #steemit6 years ago

Excellent post. I've been having very similar conversations over the last couple of days. I spend ages trawling through all the 'crap' you mentioned, trying to find something decent to curate on. It's like the system is getting clogged with junk . I put a lot of effort into my blog, but pretty much avoid these bots, as I don't know what's acceptable or worth while. Good content is getting lost amidst all this 'noise' and lazy, shoddy posts are reaping the rewards, whilst creative articles, where a great deal of effort has gone in, are not even getting seen as they're being pushed out. I can only see this problem getting worse, if it's not addressed.

It's the same in curation, I don't know about you, but as a new Steemian, even I'm getting tired of "I upvoted you, you up vote me?" comments on my posts. Another form of spamming. Much more and I'll start flagging them. I also encountered the Facebook, thinking it would be a discussion group, but no, I suddenly got inundated with upvote requests and links.


The situation is even worse here. I was away from this situation and I used to think all those posts were of good quality getting huge upvotes and I was surprised to see someone from my facebook group getting $25 worth of post in almost all the crap he makes and I researched and found their were too many other steemians doing same and earning even more.

This must be stopped, I will work against it and I want all of your help !

Count me in @pathi. If I can help in anyway, just let me know. I stumbled across some whale posts discussing this problem. Perhaps we should look out for these and start commenting en masse? 😉

Let us support together !
I know there are a lot of content creator facing this same problem we need to help them. This site must be original. I have asked @taskmaster for help if he helps this may get into mainstream.
Thank You for your support @looksfarwomen !

Great idea, I hope you get a response. Keep posting on this subject, and I'll be sure to help as best I can for a newbie.

Thank You for your support @looksfarwomen

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