Truckloads of Pseudo-Anarchist Bollox - My Response To @dollarvigilante Post Called "If You Get Angry Others Are Making Money On Steemit You Need to Stahp"

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

My response to "If You Get Angry Others Are Making Money On Steemit You Need to Stahp" by @dollarvigilante .

1 - Your post is a great example of what I call 'verbal masturbation'.

2 - You are full of yourself.

"I've seen many people come on Steemit after seeing my story, post a very plain, not well written article and then complain that it didn't do well."

What an utter bollox. I must have read dozens of amazing posts from different people by now, who have got not recognition and reward just because they have no Steem Power or are not famous enough.
Your opinion is arrogant, inconsiderate and disrespectful to all hard-working and talented people who have not been lucky to be at right moment and the right time. You think that your luck mixed with talents gives you position of moral privilege and moral superiority.

"To put it simply, if you are on Steemit and are hoping to make money on the site by providing excellent work that others appreciate AND you get angry when you see others have success, you have the wrong attitude... and if you do this here then you likely do it in other parts of your life which will also lead to the same dismal results."

Many people don't get angry, because they envy success. They get angry, because of the inequality perpetuated by the wealthiest elite on Steemit. They also get angry, when they see wealthy elite promoting bullshit posts which contribute nothing positive to betterment of society, like recent $12000 post by popular Playmate.

3 - Anarcho-capitalism is a joke. You cannot have anarchism and capitalism altogether. The idea of mixing anarchism with capitalism is an obsolete concept created by people who lived in different times and who lacked relevant scientific understandings in regard to human behaviour, social engineering and intelligent management of earth's resources. It is concept invented in times when technology wasn't able to efficiently deal with scarcity and when it was unable to provide abundance. Sadly this pseudo-anarchism is still popular, as not many people are able to think out of the box and go beyond obsolete concepts of monetary systems. This kind of pseudo-anarchism seems to be, specifically, favoured between people of better social status, who have certain accumulation of wealth or private property (no wonder!).
In true anarchism there is no need for private property due to technology providing abundance of producsts. If you need some product, you basically go and borrow it from cybernated distribution centre (just like your borrow books from library) and then bring it back when you don't need to use it anymore. There is no hoarding as truly anarchist social system does not provide social environment (conditions) to condition people to develop behaviour revolving around hoarding and attachment to property.
You remind me of one of famous YT proponents of this pseudo-anarchism called Stefan Molyneux, whose scientific illiteracy goes beyond tolerable ignorance. Every time he speaks, he shows how badly undeducated and underinformed he is in his understanding of scientific method and it's application for social and environmental concern. Anarcho-capitalists tend to lack minimum knowledge in basics of science of human behavioral, genetics and psychology. They tend to lack understanding in how current level of technology with automation-robotization of production and services could erradicate scarcity and property. They do not understand social engineering and how environment with it's bio-pscyho-social factors influences human behaviour and values.
Clearly, you are very attached to your anarcho-capitalist, pseudo-scientific ideology and have generated around it whole identity for yourself. The fleeting identity, you have made yourself believe that's who you are. You have built all lifestyle upon it, and cling to it so badly that any attempt of questioning is pointless.


Thank you for this. A great counter balance (cockstop?)to the verbal masturbation brigade. Anyhow, I too thought, who is this dude on the system for like 10 seconds and assuming an "I know better than thou" position of authority? But, of course, as mentioned by yourself and in comments, people of this demenaour and ilk know no better. They really do believe they are better than everyone else.
Two sayings spring to mind:
"When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is difficult only for other people. It is the same with being ignorant."
"Ignorant people are always pompous and self-conceited; that is, ungentle and uncharitable."
Would be interested to hear your views on Elon Musk's plans to colonize Mars and how you think that could pan out.

About colonizing Mars.
I think we should focus on solving our problems on Earth first before wasting resources on colonizing space. We have to sort out our environmental and social issues right here, as priority. There is no point in colonizing other planets, if our value system is still as primitive as 2000 years ago.
If we don't sort out our environmetnal issues, then we may, as well turn Earth to antoher Mars (or Venus).
Also, Mask would better contribute to humanity, if he invested these resources in improving his electric cars and invest in some technology which would help to tackle climate change (like renewables technology)

Thank you logic,I´m on your team!Capitalism sucks,and it is doomed.
I will follow you,and I hope to discuss with you and maybe collaborate,as a fellow real anarchist,or anarcho-communalist.Currently I´m into Murray Bookchin.

Thank you for your comment. I'm not sure if I am worth of following but thank you for that too.

You are worth following as you bravely expose bullshit. And my goal is to collaborate with people fighting for good causes,like anarchism and ANTI-capitalism,and to vote for eachother as well(and sometimes donate),especially to raise people from poverty.I myself am living in poverty,and I´m sick of it,although I live in Sweden which is a pretty rich country.

You are right, everyone should support each other here in equal way. The whole core design of Steemit is spreading inequality by all those divisions between whales, dolphins and minnows. It's like cypto-classism. I have just followed you too. Thank you

Onre more thing though,I can follow all your arguments,because I am informed,but others might not.For instance they might not know about emerging technology and technological implementations like collaboratively owned local microfactories.They need to be convince,I think.But you wrote that article quickly,I`m guessing,and you were a bit pissed off perhaps? ☺

Yes, it annoyed me. I despise verbal masturbation with arrogant insinuations and judgments from position of privilege. He talks about himself like he thinks that he is someone special.

About abundance through automation, I will write article about it. We don't need to do micro factories. We can do large automation by building whole autonomous cities. It is more efficient and less resource wasteful. Such cities are not ruled neither by humans nor machines. They are controlled by cybernated computers with human supervision. Those cities would be connected with each other and giving resource feedback (if other city requires some resources). There is no monetary or trade system involved. This social system is called Natural Law\Resource-Based Economy. I would recommend the book "The best that money can't buy" by J. Fresco or watch recent documentary called "The Choice Is Ours" 2016.

Doc is a free documentary uploaded on YT.

Finding this post, along with a few others of a similar bent, has brought my steemit faith back a bit. At first I wanted to fight their stance with sound Rawlsian argument but soon realized I was dealing with nothing more than tax evaders making themselves feel better about it by saying that it was actually philosophically driven.

Haha thanks.
It is hard to break through with this criticism. Steemit is controlled by this pseudo-anarchist SP elite...

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