The Meaning of True Anarchism

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

The word 'anarchy' comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία,, "not, without" and ἀρχή, "ruler, leader, authority." This term means a person or society "without rulers" or "without leaders.

Mainstream media and the government tries to brainwash you with certain ideas about anarchism, but true anarchism has nothing to do with chaos or disorder (constant street riots of pseudo-anarchists don't help in eradicating this false image).
It, basically means absence of rulers not rules.
Realistic/true anarchism is not an ideology (despite ending with "ism"), because it is not based in any political or religious notion. True anarchism is self regulatory. It is built upon equality and upon requirement for every adult person to be as well educated and well informed, as possible. It's rooted in science and rational. Science is an opposite to any ideology. Effective, intelligent anarchy requires absence of leaders of any kind. It is highly intellectually advanced, apolitical system without any authority. It's a leaderless system, which requires self guidance but not authority.
Simply, people guide, teach a learn from each other accordingly to their competent experience. True anarchy is built upon coherent and relevant scientific understandings and requires intelligent management of the Earth's resources, with sustainable application of science and technology for social and environmental concern. True anarchy requires sustainable science.
Unfortunately, what dominates in our society is not an intelligent application of science but application of pseudo-science.
True anarchy can only be acquired, if everyone in society is equally, highly educated/informed. If all the population is equally very well informed and educated, then society does not require leaders. It means that people are capable of collectively arriving at the most intelligent, reciprocally altruistic decisions/solutions. That's why it is crucial for all of us to highly educate and inform ourselves and each other.
Social structures, so far, have been so messed up, because they have been built upon ignorance. It becomes detrimental to whole society, if ignorant and uneducated people try to impose some social changes by expressing their opinion through voting in the subjects, in which they lack any relevant understanding. Because of that decisions are being made , based on ignorance of majority of population (decisions should be "arrived at", not "made).
Such "made" decisions show little concern for our society and natural environmental, which we all share.
Lack of scientific literacy and sustainable education within population tend to breed hierarchy or leader-based social structures revolving around political or religious notions. People choose political leaders, so they could think for them them. They always choose incompetent leaders, because they do not understand what kind of competency is required for sustainable leadership. They choose politicians on the basis of their subjective feelings, ideologies, political notions, physical appearance or capability to generate impressive speeches and manipulative promises etc.
Ignorant people are not actually interested in politician's technical, intellectual or scientific competence. They are not interested to know if certain politicians (leader) are actually capable of offering tangible solutions to social or environmental problems. They are not interested to know if favored politician can actually understand the root causes of our social/environmental problems.
Almost every politician knows very little about anything relevant to improvement of the quality of society. Human/social problems since the dawn of men have always been of technical nature, not of political nature. Politicians usually come from legal or financial background, not technical/scientific background. Because, they know so little, only things they can do is to impose some temporary patchwork in the form of new law or policy. All laws/policies are meaningless paper proclamations which do not eradicate the root causes of the problems but provide a temporary relief of pseudo-solutions which later generate even more problems. They just sweep up the problem under the carpet.
Politicians have no idea hot to technologically improve the safety of roads and transportation system. They have no idea about how to eradicate social factors perpetuating homelessness, crime and lack of education. They have no idea how to improve agricultural yield while making it more environmentally sustainable etc.
Only technicians, engineers and scientists, as true problem solvers are capable on working on these issues.
For politicians it is easier to infinitely introduce pointless laws, rather than make an effort to educate themselves enough to be able to apply efficient problem solving.
An example of such inefficient social "solution" would be introducing laws which punish people who are susceptible to development of addictions to certain drugs, by imprisoning them. Putting people to jail does not eradicate the root causes making all these people develop such susceptibility to addictions in the first place. The root causes would be poverty, unsustainable or abusive parenting, unsustainable educational system, value system disorder in society etc.
If laws were to improve the well being of society, then we should be living in social paradise by now (considering the number of different laws and policies, which have been constantly introduced for decades). Instead we are living in more and more distorted and controlled society.
People should not expect social conditions to become better, if they cannot think for themselves, and they think that they should elect someone to think for them, instead.



Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 13.0 and reading ease of 35%. This puts the writing level on par with academic journals.

Great article. I'm always happy to see others spreading the idea of self-ownership. And idea that seems so obvious and self evident to me, but I need to remember that this wasn't always the case. I'm sure all of us were at one point brainwashed by the state.

In your intro you mentioned the misunderstanding and misuse of the term anarchy. This is something that annoys me to no end! I'm reminded of the Joker in The Dark Knight: "Introduce a little anarachy" he says. But you're right: anarchy is not chaos. Anarchy is the simple idea that you are your own boss.

Yes, I hate it too. Even stupid movie titles like Purge: Anarchy don't help debunking this disinformation. Movie isn't bad but story has nothing to do with anarchism.
And the state and belief in it are one of the worst religions. As with any dominating ideology, it is taken for granted and as part of human nature, so no one even realises, that it is something to question.

I have just noticed that my article is not properly edited and contains many misprints. I apologize for that. I spent few hours, last night writing it down. When I was editing it, in the end, I literally kept passing out and falling asleep :-)

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