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RE: Milestone: I Am Now A Minnow + SBI Giveaway

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Either the platform sucks or I suck or we both suck.

Ha ha ha!!! Yeah, that about sums it up for everyone starting out! And even later on! It's been low lately, which doesn't help.

You are doing so awesome. I love your energy. And you seem to be getting well connected. I love your footer btw.


Lol I have to tell it like it is! I was really on the point of giving up before you selected my post for one of your web shows and I was like dang someone paid attention to me! Yeah!

Thanks so much and yeah I’m learning tons and meeting cool peeps it’s great! I hope to pay t forward and be the littlescibe for the next person!

Lol I tried to jazz my footer up I see all the cool kids do it

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Yeah, the footer looks great. Mine's pretty much nonexistent. I had one for awhile, then didn't, then...well, whatevs.

Well, I know it's tough sometimes. Here's the thing. You will hit this critical mass where it's like do or die. And you'll wanna just give up, and I promise you, that's when the gears start turning. You will want to quit, and you'll even maybe give it a break. But your gears will start turning. You'll be like, hmmmm, there's something here for me. What is it...? And you find it. You just do. That's how it works. It's not a matter of luck or leverage. It's a matter of time. It's a networking game. But not like you think. It's a networking game of figuring out who you are and what you want on here. And the closer you get to that, the faster you line up with people who are doing what you want to do.

It's about presentation, marketing techniques, putting the information together, connecting, and consistency.

Here's my story -

I spent about 20 months just dabbling in this and that, trying new things, off and on. Loved most of what I posted and talked about. Tried to keep it real. Enjoyed making friends and leaving comments, voting up. that sort of thing. Was fairly consistent most of the time, had to take a break for part of it, then came back with a vengeance....but still couldn't figure out quite what it was I was about. I had so many interests, and wasn't sure what I would be best at. And when I tried things, they were fun, but they took too much work, and didn't really stick, or didn't make money, or didn't keep my interest after a few weeks.

And then I found something that I jived with. It was tutorial videos. So I tried that. And I did really well at that. And got a good response. And then I started something that branched off of that. And I met some people. And that was cool. Then they elevated what I was doing and helped me move onto something else, and I tried that for a few months, and that was a good experience, and I made some really important relationships and learned a LOT, but didn't earn much at ALL. And that was frustrating. All that work, and nothing to show for it...until now, when I realize that the most important thing I got out of that was not what I set out to do, but something far better. Soon after that I ran into Steem Monsters, and @courscate then @o07 @jarvie @aggroed @carrieallen @chrisroberts @sircork...the list goes on. But each of these people blessed me in so many ways.

And they continue to do so. Right now, Steem Monsters is where my heart is. It brings me joy. I love covering this stuff. I love the people I work with. I love doing what I do. I am not attached to the votes much anymore. They come, or they don't. I'm doing what I want to do. I think it will make a splash at some point, and I'm doing a lot to make that happen. Until then, I gotta have a day job, I gotta do other things. I have to try and generate more interest, but it feels like home now. I belong here. I'm here to stay.

So keep doing the cool stuff you're doing. Just make sure you keep maybe like one or two staple things you do every day or every week, then you can toy around with other ideas and see how they fly.

But it's a process. Some people hit it big sooner. Most of us don't. And that's OK. It comes. I think you'll hit it sooner than most. You've got the right stuff.

Aw thanks <3 You have been a fantastically awesome friend to me too.

pro tip, a space after a username is needed to tag em for future fyi, i only noticed because I also watch for the keyword of my name plus the tagged ones...

You mean, take out the commas? -- OK. Done and done.

p.s. I LOVE your wit Cork. I crave it some days. Probably more than anyone else around.

nah, just space after em, see how mine isnt tagged because no gap before periods?

word, @hurrrrrrr1 <space>, <space> @durrrrrr2 <space>, etc

And I think we have the best chuckle club going. Hands down.

No I mean that, you can put your hands down. This is a help tip, not hold up.

HA HA HA!!! You always crack me up.

Now that is what I call a valuable and insightful comment! You really went at it and I'm glad to finally hear the origin story of @littlescribe and the similarities we shared.

Right now I'm still finding my feet in this chaotic world of steemit, there's just so much to see and do so I still have not found my niche yet but like I guess it will come to me with time like SteemMonsters did for you. I have registered on SM site I just haven't had the time to check it out and learn more about it, seems like there's quite a bit to get into.

Im surely having loads of fun on the site so i'll be sticking around regardless of the price. I can't see myself going back to posting for likes and lol and emoji comments and not being able to have real discussion because someone got triggered by my comments like traditional social media has become

Yeah, there's no going back.

And you WILL find your thing. I promise. Everyone has their thing. Everyone is genius at something, and usually the thing you're genius at is what makes your heart sing. And brings the best of you together in one place.

What are you genius at? What makes your heart sing? Regardless of what people think, how much money it makes, how it "looks" or what external value is placed on it?

Honestly If i think about it at the moment, the content I find most enjoyable is business, marketing and tech related which I put out on my external blog. I used to feel it was a chore, it was just something I was good at and interested in and it was a place to put down my thoughts and techniques. Then I got into steemit where I could just ramble on about any old thing and its helped me improve my overall blogging.

Since i'm an SEO i've had to produce tons of content for clients from travel, to finance, to retail and its made me a bit of a jack of all trades too! Which has also made me hate those topics, gosh travel posts kill my soul

If I had to chose a niche it would be questioning what we know. I wrote a post a while back about questioning the way the current education system works and It was probably the most fun I had writing a post and I got some great feedback! I'd like to do it more but it takes so much time to put together my thoughts and all the research and im lazy at times lol

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