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RE: Unbelievable Discovery #2

in #steemit7 years ago

It is so easy to see (after pulled out of the regular status quo) that we tend to label ourselves in many ways:

  • pastor, evangelist, prophet, apostle, leader, associate leader, levite, bishop, pope, etc (for ministry)
  • businessman, entrepreneur, insurance agent, property agent, executive, soldier, officer, etc (for marketplace)

"Titles" that the world (or self) gives...

But we often place something that is more important, first; or worse, never thought of it:

  • redeemed by Jesus
  • loved by Jesus
  • adopted by God
  • ambassador for Christ

Just these 3 apparently requires such high requirements by the world standards, but actually, it is just a loving family relationship.

When we know who we are in God's eyes, (we are not mini gods just because we are titled as Children of God), we know how much we are loved, the titles of what the world has "crowned" us will eventually take fruit and we didn't even need it.

Just like the children you share @pastorlea , their creativity just blossoms when they totally have no worries and burdens on who they are. :)

Great insights. resteemed


that's true @littlenewthings, but do you see how the news of the founder affected the man? I was like 'woow'
have you ever witness that kind of scene?
I am sure it leaves you speechless. God called us to minister to people in love not to look for positions and fight ti be approved Galatians 1:10!

Honestly @pastorlea ? It was some time back the LORD already showed me. Many times I fell into the temptation of "titles", because my own Christian group reacts in that way. They believe having that position allows them to influence, and they think quite less of themselves when it comes to ministry / work when they have no title, even though often times they know very well who they are in Christ.
Maybe not enough faith standing in the world.
Maybe fear of persecution.

Sometimes I too have this mental barrier, but I declare to myself,

"Holy Spirit, I give you permission to take away what is not right in Your sight in my mind now, in Jesus name.

It is when we do not allow the Holy Spirit to weed off what is not right, we unconsciously still fall right back to the comfortable Law environment, forgetting the Grace that is more so glorious.

So for me, lately, no, it does not shocked me anymore. I can only share to those who are willing to listen.

That's the right thing to to, because it's not 'OUR' ministry, but His. So many times when I train leaders I tell them to remove this heavy burden off their shoulders and allow the Lord and Owner of the Ministry to do it through each one of us. Paul said it in an amazing way to the Ephesians 1:18

So true @littlenewthings. When Christ's love compelled us, we left nothing for ourselves but lay down everything for our King, for our Lord--Jesus Christ.

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