My Steemit Challenge: Can One (a Malaysian) Earn Enough for a Down Payment of a Place of Your Own? 在大马用 Steemit 可以储蓄买房首付吗?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hi Steem-ians,

2018, a new year with new discoveries, and the real challenge is becoming closer than ever for me.

If you have read my older post, you would have noticed the challenge for fund raising for my mom’s surgery back in June.

To know my fund raising, you can check my Prayer Request Post here.

Back of the days SBD was only 1 USD; so when I was posting about it, so it was just enough for my mom’s surgery.

But since then, Steemit has been on the band wagon of a wild ride. Its market cap started from a mere $1 pegged to a rising (and falling) volatile rollercoaster $7.19 USD (although it was higher and dropped some recently)

But how far can it go?

With my mom’s surgery savings is almost there, I am now challenged with a new one when somehow, I am prompted by God (from prayers and through even my boss and friends) that it is time to own a place instead of just renting.
But how can I do so?

I have been paying off my mom’s medical bills and my personal loan (of my own medical bills) previously and finally, I am ALMOST DEBT FREE...

And to take on another mortgage while my dad needs to go for MRI in March as well?

No, I am not whining... hahaha

If you would ask me back in June 2017, I would definitely say

NO. Are you crazy?

But with the market bullishing (and sometimes bearing) these days, A LOT OF THINGS CAN BE POSSIBLE
The 1,000 SBD used to only get me MYR4,000; but as of today’s date,

Captured from

  • @cholephuan93 can at least cover 4 semesters of her upcoming Bible College
  • I personally can secure this with almost 7% of my down payment of a 725 square feet small apartment for me and my parents.
  • @gtpjfoodbank can do a lot of things with to help the under privilege families!
  • The whole #teammalaysia can save up for STEEMIT FEST !

Wait, is that really possible? Can that work??

Well, since I am residing in Malaysia, I can tell you what I have found out that could work.

  1. We have our awesome Malaysian Internal Trade lifestyle practice where we are starting our buy / sell habits among each other.

You can see the example of what @elizacheng and I have done for each other

Or help @superoo7 to shop something he needs (and wants) online

I also could do some de-cluttering sale with @awesomianist where I get to sell off my heart felt collection of Harry Potter Series (yes, I have read it over and over too many times and is time to pass to another reader) and he gets to give something for his sister.

And I needed extra RM50 for love offering for my friend’s father’s funeral tonight and @jun04035 has graciously helped out.


  1. worse case scenario, you needed the money and you have to quickly convert it but no one in your group is able to help you; you can go through remitano (please check if it supports your country); but you will have to bear a heavy (standard) 0.91 SBD exchange fee from BlockTrades if you want to get it out within 30 mins.

Note: each deposit will incur a fixed fee to pay the Ether transaction cost (current fee: 0.182 SBD). You should send at least 5 times this amount (0.91 SBD) to get a reasonable exchange rate.
taken from Blocktrades page

Disclosure: I have personally tested where you can deposit straight to your Remitano’s deposit account for ETH and you can sell it there when there are online buyers.
Always remember to pick a buyer that is from the same bank like yours to avoid further inter-banking charges

So, do you think this is feasible?


Will such evolution work in your life?


Will getting an affordable place you can call home finally come true?


Who knows?

If you support this adventure of mine , I don’t mind an upvote and a cheer; plus, follow my progress as I actually MIGHT finally get to see a doable place to stay for me and my parents; unfortunately with a heavy heart my family dog can’t stay with me.

(No thanks to MBPJ States Council)


2018年,新的一年, 新的发现,真正的挑战正在变得比以往任何时候都更加接近我。



当天我写这个文章时,SBD只有1美元; 所以当我张贴的时候,这个数目对我妈妈的手术就足够了。
但从那以后,斯蒂米特一直在狂野的旅行车上。 其市值从1美元起步,上涨至7.19美元(尽管涨幅较高,最近有所下降)




我已经付清了我母亲的医疗费用和个人贷款(我自己的医疗费用)以前和最后,我才几乎没有债务... 而终于可以再次好好储蓄救灾钱 ...




绝对不! 你疯了吗?


1千 SBD曾经只给我4千马币; 但截至今日,1千SBD可有机会另换2万八马币!

  • @cholephuan93至少可以涵盖她即将到来的圣经学院的4个学期
  • 我个人可以为我和我的父母收取725平方英尺的小型公寓的7%的首付款。
  • @gtpjfoodbank可以做很多事情来帮助低下的特权家庭!
  • 整个#telayslaysia可以省下STEEMIT FEST机票和零用钱!

等等,这真的有可能吗? 可以工作吗


  1. 我们拥有令人敬畏的马来西亚内部贸易生活方式实践,我们正在彼此开始买卖习惯。
  2. 我们也可以用Remitano来交换买卖,但是必去先换去ETH会比较换算。









如果你支持我的这研究经历,我不介意欢喜地接受你的一【赞】,随着我的进步,看看我真的可能终于看到一个可行的地方留给我和我的父母; 可是不幸的是,一颗沉重的心,我的家狗不能留在我身边。


Please click on the logo to read why I have this project of 1000 SBD at the first place.


Keep writing, engaging with great writers, and you will be on your way there for your tuition fees covered @chloephuan93 !

Yes... Just do it!

Interesting! Trading using STEEM/SBD internally to adapt them into your current lifestyle..

Quick question @littlenewthings: How do you change SBD to MYR?

Internal trade, is just trading personally with your fellow friend.

Remitano (external trade), you have to "sell off" using Blocktrades into ETH to your personal Remitano account, then look for online Malaysian buyers to buy off ETH from you with the price you are comfortable with.

But that will cost you more than 15 MYR just on transaction fee.

same here, trying to fund stuff in my life via some Steems

Yes, 一起加油!

Right now since you are still relatively new and still a minnow (beginner's level), it is good to keep powering up to help other great writers at the same time they will notice you and engage with your post, of course, with proper comments and not spamming.

The beautiful part is that you can actually power down if you ever need the extra cash; so at this point of time I personally treat it as an FD for my crypto currency.

So far Steemit still has this seamless transfer among members, so always keep option 1, internal trade in your choices to "cash out"

This really minimises so much transaction fees and service charges where things can go relatively smoother and easier.

And, you get to really get to know people because in #teammalaysia , we strongly encourage to internal trade with your local region instead of cross states; unless you personally know the person already.

This forms friendship, integrity and accountability for one another.

Thanks for the advice.
I feel rather fortunate that I had found you guys to guide my journey with Steemit.
Many thanks, and let's work together!

Super encouraged by your target lar... i wanted to do the same too.. sama sama add oil!
There is noting to lose to power up SP to help others, eventually help yourself too. Now, im also keep promoting Steemit platform to my friends to grow teammalaysia. The more the merrier..

Yes, well, let's see how we can set that aside and make it come true. I already managed to buy groceries for my parents with a batch of sold SBD (when it was only $2) and I have just sold $10 through Remitano (to test the platform) and got another 10% expenses for my mom's surgery set aside.

I think when we do that, Buy and Sell and power up, it makes the whole exercise practical and can turn into a lifestyle for struggling Malaysians.

Sama-sama add oil indeed!

Good one! That’s the dream, buy property with “fake internet money” to prove everyone wrong :)

Well, didn't we already have that done in Sabah? The difference is it was in BTC; but this time, let's see if we can do it the Steemit way !

Yea I heard only quite recently - amazing

just keep doing the right way: post, connect with Steem-ians here, interact and introduce more people; repeat.
Then soon your network is strong enough to make that happened in Sabah a reality for you too 😀

We can make this happen!

Yes we can! Woot!

There is no doubt in my mind you will soon have enough money for your mom's surgery. You are a great daughter for taking care of your parents and giving back to them when they need you the most. Love it. :)

Keep up the amazing work, my amazing friend, and have the best day ever. Hopefully Steem will sky rocket very soon. :)

Thank you so much for your constant support and encouragement @awakentolife ! You are such a gem!

I have successfully saved up 25% of my mom's surgery solely via Steemit! How cool is that??

You are more than welcome and you more than deserve the support. You have helped me so much on Steemit and this is at least I can do. :)

It is amazing how Steemit is literally changing people lives for the better. And I believe it is only the beginning. :)

Awe that is so sweet of you @awakentolife .
And yes, I do hope that one day that it becomes such a norm that people actually do have choices to spend in both fiat (gov bound) and crypto (free market - I hope) to cope with daily needs.

That can reduce a lot of poverty on this plant.

I am sure it can eliminate poverty all together over time. :)

That is why Steemit is such an amazing example of how it should be. I just wish more users will realize that success on Steemit is directly related to helping others. :)

Since coming onboard the Steemit platform and earning in SBD, i am beginning to realise how fiat pales in comparison compared to cryptocurrency. Not only the rate of appreciation is ridiculously slow, but it is the way how it is distributed as well. Earning in crypto and spending in fiat is becoming increasingly real. All the best saving up for your dream home!

Thanks for your well wishing @karinzdailygrind !
It is a wonderful idea about the "earning in crypto and spending in fiat" lifestyle; however, I personally believe this is only the transition since the fiat government is already doing its best to turn everything into a currency paperless society since 21st century begun.

So what is more practical is that we can actually trade, buy / sell in crypto maybe based on the fiat's exchange weight for real world goods; where that gives us an alternative way to settle our daily needs.

Having a one way earn -> spend mindset will not last long as the crypto coins that are exchanged for fiat will ultimately be overflowing, hence its value will turn into over producing and not really circulating.

So as much as I love to change it all to fiat and put a down payment for a house, I would be more excited if it is transact between 2 steemians thus reduce all the unnecessary fiat and banking charges, minimising to only paying relevant tax and service charges for those who did the pain staking paper work for purchasing a home.

That, would be really awesome.

Very well said @littlenewthings. Earn -> Spend mindset will certainly not last long once it starts to go mainstream. It may even devalue the cryto coins further. So what should one do to leverage on the rise of crypto?

That is where phase 2 needs to work, with every #teammalaysia member working together in our Discord

This is an awesome project!! Best of luck, and I really do think you can do it. Hope we can help, too!

Well, let's keep cheering each other on then @mental-extract with upvotes and encouraging comments!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Done!! My pleasure. Cheers!

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