How surpassinggoogle's "showing love" impacts negatively on the steem blockchain

in #steemit7 years ago

1. He is providing bots that vote automatically regardless of content quality.

surpassinggoogle runs two bots. One is @steemgigs and the other is, @steem-untalented. They vote on posts regardless of how good or bad they are. The blog bio of the bot "steem-untalented" says:

Mention "@steem-untalented" in your reply, when you spot any level of talent/gifts/out-of-the-boxness. We will vote and strengthen even the #untalented!

2. His bots leave a huge comment that contributes to slowing down the steem blockchain.

His bot @steem-untalented leaves a very big, I mean really big, I mean huge comment on posts it upvotes. Remember when steem was down due to heavy load? Yes, his bot did contribute a bit to that. When I said huge, I meant this huge:

Hi @littleboymo We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote! You have been spotted by a human @littleboy to possess rare gem!

#untalented abolishes the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

Now, i am not saying standards or human standards are wrong. All i am saying is: you can do it, so don't let these existing standards prevent you from starting out-of-the-boxness altogether.

Finding out, who you truly are or attaining the awesomemest version of yourself, is essential to greatness and is a gift to humanity, every time!

Thus, #untalented is a home for all and forms levels of talent. With #untalented flaws are allowed.

#untalented is a branch of the #steemgigs community

Join the steemgigs community on discord

#untalented is a branch of @steemgigs. If you would like to offer your service in building the dreams of other steemians, you can do so under #steemgigs.

However, if you want to experience full blown freedom and grow in confidence about your gifts and talents, share under #untalented.

We aim to create historical moments in the genre of touching lives and you can support us if desire, by voting on steemgigs for witness. Simply click here

and type steemgigs in the first search box.

See this URL for more info

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

That's probably bigger than the average post body of steemit blogspots.

3. His bot sometimes upvote plagiarism.

The bots recently upvoted this post. I selected some text from that post and searched on Google.

The post is from greatvideos. He recently made a horde of accusations against me but surpassinggoogle still upvoted him.

He recently promoted bitconnect in a post:

4. His upvotes on plagiarists is skewing the reputation system.

Recently, I wrote about a plagiarist who had 70 reputation points. He has posted at least 6-60 (probably even more) plagiarism posts and he got a some votes from surpassinggoogle. He is a mass abuser but he still was able to rise up with a 70 rep points and surpassinggoogle helped him on that.

5. His activity is negatively contributing to the economy of steem and helping with price loss

The delegation he received from ned scott is pre mined SP. Those steem didn't have any value when they were mined. The pre mined SP is supposed to be for preventing bad investors from taking over the system by buying a lot of steem. But it is being used for supporting plagiarism and low quality contributions that don't bring value to the whole platform. That definately contributes to price loss of steem.

Thanks for reading and please give your feedback on this writeup.


At this point, i leave you to your creator. I am happy to see you changing; at least you can identify when someone displays love and your very headline displays that, telling me that your heart has the capacity to be touched. I will see when you pick up one good thing that i have done and i would so love to talk to you then cos you would have become a testimony. You accuse people of doing what you just did, your virtually copy/pasted my words too and used it to form half of your post and your earning from it, but ofcourse, my words are free to be used, cos they spread love. If you read that message from untalented and still dislike it and your heart isn't touched, you case is a special case. Show face, let's see the you behind the littleboy. My face is public. Don't hide anymore. Show the face of this person, who will eventual change to one who loves, for you will. Normally, i won't respond to you even once but i care about you that you change and especially that you don't hurt others with your actions. People are on the brink, don't let simple actions like this push them off the cliff cos you will answer to you creator. In my physical life, i am on the brink too and here displaying love cos in my physical life, i have faced way bigger things. Please care how you behave and stop harrass people cos you will answer to your creator. It is a small world. Don't think you will not answer to your creator. Change, change, change. Slander is worse than plagiarism even. Stop it. Stop it. You say, i was top 20 or 19 witness, i never got to top 59 once but i have a full rpc node of 256 gb, a 32 gb witness server, building the steemgigs interface which will likely be on its own server and that will sit on its server. the bot you mentioned is a human bot cos i respond to follow up comments and it is still being tested and not fully functional. it also has different languages and is called upon of mention, similar to how originalworks is and steemgigs is not a bot, visit its last post. i simply added a feature to it on the discord for the steemgigs community and this is nothing related to delegation as these accounts have always existed and the voting power for steemgigs is its own plus at most gives out a few cents as vote. Stop being passionate about stuff like this and put your passion into good use. If i don't do your wish, so be it. i have a ton i take care of. Check how many times i post in a month even on delegated power, cos i want others to earn as well. Yes, i struggling to even post 15 times in a month. Pick one good thing that i do. Look at how many comments there are on my last two post. Let your heart be touched and re-touched, let it. Stop harass people. Stop it. Stop the slander. Get your facts right. Stop slandering people. It is worse than plagiarism cos plagiarism can be an error and is easier to fix. Forgive and most especially forgive yourself. You said i am bro and chat with juvy. you try to portray that i have close ties with him that is why i upvote him, that he is brother to me, when you are brother to me. Stop the slander. Juvy has had rep 70 for a long time. Check history and who voted on him all along and do your homework, if that is what you like and mention the good too. Plus, sift the not-so-good to find good in it. With juvy's case, i have not even had a chance to look at the post etc cos i have spent days in the hospital trying to keep my mum alive yet i paid attention to you, even with how you behave and remove the vote on the post you mentioned and i have paid attention to juvy since then and his content but you want to send me on your errands instantly, to go source out old posts and remove votes and when i don't listen, you do more than one post to call me in it, slandering me and i forgive you, but at this point i see the need to teaching like a brother, because i don't want you to hurt others intensely with your seamingly harmless deeds. Overall, you are new to steemit and limited in your knowledge in the regard as was very obvious in your last post. you are also very novice when it comes to life itself, if you don't know what i means when someone calls another bro, so why should i trust your limited judgement even when it comes to plagiarism and act hastily. I am grown man and why were beside me, you will see these things. I pace things bro, these are traits of a grown man. I have respected you enough, stop disrespecting my person. There are several comments. Stop making me bigger than you by going to study my case. Spend time studying your own case instead. Or attract me into studying your case. Draw people in with your beauty. If you want to be part of steemcleaners, you will need some sense of judgement, you will need to hear both sides, you will need heart, you will need patience, you will need love, you will need the ability to forgive or give second chances. Steemit is not facebook. The reputation model allows room for these things. It keeps behavior in check. If someone does something wrong, doesnt mean you have to disrespective. Yes, the blockchain is bare and transparent, doesnt mean there is not a measure of privacy and there shouldn't be respect.

if i am to educate you, i will tell you the above words. A steemian lady lost her life to suicide and you may not know her. Overall, those seemingly harmless actions of yours, can tear apart and if someone hurts so so so deeply cos of these actions of yours, these are worse things that the so-called plagiarism, that you eat yourself about. Respect people and adjust

Your message is clear Terry." Put your passion into good use" @littleboy.
Today, I'm not going to write a long comment. I Just want to SING!!!!!!!!!
Steemgigs Family!!! SING WITH ME!!! LOUDERRRRRR!!!! Let's sing together!!!! 1....2.....3....

Terry had a farm
And on his farm he had a @littleboy

With a waaaa waaaa here
And a waaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa there
Here a waaaa, there a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Everywhere a waaaaaa

But Terry is a coolest guy
The sheep says baaaaaahhh baaaaaahhh
#Steemgigss are stronger than ever
So stop this waaaa waaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Coz We got Terry's baaaaaa baaaaackkkkkk baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!




I am the drummergirl.

yess! Go girl! I'm with you!

Sissy, I am singing with you. 😀 @littleboy got kuya Terry's attention and us his supporters. @littleboy is making a history. We, supporters of #untalented, @steemgigs and @surpassinggoogle are now on his two posts making some noise. Noise of love, care and support to our dearly Terry. Let us share our love and care to our @littleboy.

It's better to sing this time sis:) ONE LOVE!! ONE NATION!

Tama sissy! ONE LOVE! ONE NATION! La la la la la la la la la

yes, next time " Hit me Baby one more time" lol

Napakanta din ako don sis! hahaha ayoooos ❤

next time sayaw naman daw sis:) lol

Lets sing it again louder. ....😆😆😆😆

Sige sis..kantahan mo nga yan.
Baaa baaa black sheep
Have u any wool?

thnx nay, may warning na kay @donkeypong
titigil na yan.

Kapal eh..wait naten if meron pa sya lakas mag-ngangangawa.

kapal fez mas makapal sa wool hehe

UU lolsss..pinoy henyo in 20 minutes.

thnx nay, work mode pastol muna ako ng mga tupa:) lols

Don't allow other people to change u or tell you what to do....i knew a long time ago that people will definitely criticize ur actions but hey!...u dont need to worry....what you are doing is out of honesty and kindness...whether the outcome results to be good or bad doesnt really matter....besides u cant satisfy even yourself,talkless of the multitude of users on steemit

Those that criticise you need to think twice....they need to ask themselves these questions

1- what have we done to be of benefit to people on steemit?

2-how many lives have i impacted positively?

3- what have i done to help people on steemit all around the world in general?

4- have i done even a quarter of what @surpassinggoogle has done?

5- if @surpassinggoogle stops what he is doing,what would be the next thing for steemit?

I guess everyone can answer these questions,at this point...i rest my case!!

it is obvious some people are looking for cheap popularity

I'm sure that as soon he made this post, he said to himself, "Let the comments roll"
And sure it did

lol. he just wanted traffic and Terry generated it for him

Well said

I sincerely hope he get this message deeply....

Slander is worse than plagiarism

Life is Beyond steeming a steem


Sounds like the little boy needs some popularity. Out of all the people on steemit giving out votes anyhow, you thought of @surpassinggoogle? Well, I believe something's wrong. You complain on accounts that only give a few cents leaving out the ones giving out massive upvotes on worthless posts? I believe you're toying with @surpassinggoogle, you know he's kind, he wouldn't do something drastic or hard on you.

My candid advice:

  • Wise Up!
  • Grow Up!
  • Stop being a little boy!
  • Show Love!
    After all these, you'll be good to go...

Choi, this comment just they sweet me.

Lol.... Thank you

If I could upvote 1000x on this response, I would!

Exactly @arrliinn If I could a million times, I would. When one does any thing outta love then that person is right for love covers a multitude of sins

yes, @thelovejunkie! I guess I missed a few more zeroes there. LOL. @surpassinggoogle, despite everything that goes on in between on/off steemit, still manages to spread love and positivity around. What's even greater is that it ripples to the people whose lives he has somewhat touched.

very well explained Sir Terry @surpassinggoogle.. i agree..No more hate..just love..then
everything else follows... continue taking care of your mom..

It is best to allow this guy to rant endlessly. I am off this blog!

Terry, you are so loved, just as you show love to everyone around you. I think it's simply the balance of life, that for every truly good soul spreading light and positivity, there has to be the opposite spreading darkness and negativity.
I look down this comment section and what I see is a a whole group of people coming to support and defend you my friend. That is your love shining back at you. Big hugs to you darling.

I am fairly sure I saw steemgigs in the steemit witness page that lists the top 50 witnesses. I stand corrected that you probably weren't top 19 but I am fairly sure you were in that page that lists the top 50. I saw you there.

The only thing that's unfortunate here is that he hasn't made it anywhere near your claim. We WANT him to be a Top witness.
"I am fairly sure I saw you"... Come on. That's just pure foolishness.

Okay bro. You see well.

@surpassinggoogle is a man with a good heart, merry Christmas Adobe_20171117_073250.png

Confusion can happen sometimes. We forgive...

We want him in the top 50 mate!!

I've never received any upvotes or comments or price from @surpassinggoogle before, but I have loads of close friends that have.

Whenever I tell people about steemit and those people I look up to on steemit, I always mention @surpassinggoogle

@surpassinggoogle heart is my current goal.

Imagine if every whale on steemit was the opposite of @surpassinggoogle , most newbies wouldn't have still been here.

Yeah! you are very bro. I wish some people can just focus on why they are here and stop beefing. This is beefing at it peak. @samstickkz. you are just right about @surpassinggoogle. The little guy cannot just comprehend that.

You are right.

@surpassinggoogle's heart is my goal too.

Word!!! You are on point.

Am not replying the main post
Here to show love to @surpassinggoogle
All i know about him is doing good
He is a source of positive inspiration to me and many.

Bro keep up your good work,we really appreciate you
You are shooting higher
Team #untalented
Team #steemgigs
Team #surpassinggoogle

Looking for who to vote for witness
Vote @steemgigs and you would be doing the right thing

why are yhu not replying the main post

Cos the guy is not making a point at all....well presented bullshit!!

nice reply my friend, well i just like to say that peoples who can't stand to see the success of other's will never experience there own, this negative mind set will only makes things worst, well i don't know you @littleboy but i know @surpassinggoogle he is a person who constantly working to make steemit amazing place for all, look at steemgigs look at #untalented look at untalented contests, he always gives encouragement to minnows like me, when ever i feel down i just read his posts and you know @littleboy his words gives me energy, gives me confidence to continue my journey on steemit.

You also talk about voting bots well as @surpassinggoogle describes in his comment that these are still in the testing phase, well i have a question if 0.001$ upvote is destroying the reward pool then what is your opinion of 10$ upvote, why not you spread your voice to stop real shit going on in steemit, why not you are stopping or posting against those peoples who are selling their votes and upvoting shit comments and shit posts just for fulfill their greedy nature, here is the proof below.


just think did this comment deserve a 16$ upvote did this is not drying up the reward pool, did such peoples who are selling there votes are on the right path, why you peoples won't stop them, i think we all have to take actions against such greediness because these peoples are harming our loving steemit and trying to destroy it by doing such huge corruption.

Funny gif's, askquestion, lays, tayabhussain are on my radar. I will deal with them after this. I know way more about them then you.

Yes this is my concern but terry is a great person, he is working hard to make steemit a perfect place for everyone, his untalented contests gives new steemians and minnows a perfect opportunity to express themselves and this is great for whole steemit community, he is trying to watch every single untalented post and trying to solve problems of peoples as much as he can, i 100% support terry, if you love steemit and want steemit growing then leave terry and go for these accounts expose there greedy nature, prepare the big flash hammer for them and stop them up voting the un valuable and shit content.

I believe that littleboy just became littlegirl after your reply :)

well said bro @amec

well said @surpassinggoogle , @littleboy be matured dude..instead doing this things to make you famous on this community by attacking some person's not healthy bro..

hope this little boy stop his attacks....stop hurting terry supporters...if you hurt our bro terry, you can hurt as all...

You are right. He is hurting us too

You have told him what he needs to know. I hope you will get the message @littleboy. Let the sleeping dog lies and focus on the important things. @surpassinggoogle is a man that God has blessed and called which no little boy can curse.

I believe in one perspective...
The more you give the more blessing you'll get...
Jealousy is a fertilizer to hate...

As I always said... you contribute unconditional love to all... I don't care if it is good or bad to set an impact but one thing is for sure... it's unconditional love.

Thanks for the support Sir... Hats off! I bid you more blessings @surpassinggoogle @steemgigs @steem-untalented

You are right @dante01. Jealousy is a fertilizer to hate and Hatred will lead to death... God will bless @surpassinggoogle @steemgigs @steem-untalented more!

Hello @dante01
We have given you our still tinnie-winnie upvote!
You have been determined by a human @diosarich to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!

Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!

So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.

#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info

and also this URL for the discord community

If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to

and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!

Just incase you find any level or form of gifts, talents, attempts at out-of-the-boxness, or any steemian low in confidence about their abilities, worth, etc; please don't let it slip emptily by.

Kindly call on me! Simply reply to any such post and add @steem-untalented or #untalented to your reply and i will be there to upvote, acknowledge, strengthen and encourage them.

I really didn't know that there are blockheads like this using this blockchain. Cheers @surpassinggoogle. Keep doing what you do best...which is sharing love. You have really inspired all of us to do good. the moon bro!

To the moon bro! I repeat.

This little boy obviously has little brain and no heart at all.

Very long comment.. Hehehe.. Good man. @surpassinggoogle

like my dad would say "a condom would've prevented this..." @littleboy its obvious you've got almost nothing to do than sit around and hunt for popularity...nice strategy but this right here is lame!...go get a life and stop sticking your nose in people's businesses.
@surpassinggoogle ...keep up the good works, haters are gonna hate but that should be your inspiration to do more good works not a are a good man!

You will always be an inspiration and a source of motivation to the steemit community, the way you handle this slanderous little boy obviously shows how honourable you are.
Continue been wonderful.

I am surprised to see this kind of post from a steemian @Littleboy, this is definitely uncalled for. I don't know @surpassinggoogle, but he has upvoted my post once or or more. He gave me hope and his upvote encouraged me to steem on. I almost leave steemit full of doubts when my posts were earn 0.001 depart the effort I put in and the quality of my post. Not until he touched my post.

Life is this way, people are different and with different views . You can't please everybody so please move on. Just as you said in your 1st line leave him in the hands of his creator.
This is one of the major reasons I wrote my today's post titled **A CALL FOR FORGIVENESS **

Is there a way to help lighten the load?

I wish you all the best with your mom. You don't need this but since you responded, I suppose you can forget all about it. Thank you for rising above.

@surpassinggooogle, as far as I understand it as long as you include the source of were your information is coming from and give credit to your sources you're fine. I believe that what every steemian shares in this community has a great impact on them and would like to share it to other steemian frets as well.

At first, I was a little worried about having original content but I've come to realize that the Steemit Community is not just a contest for posting original content, this is allowing each individual to express oneself, if lucky, you get others to be inspired and learn lessons and up their spirits.

Let us all keep inspiring each other!
Spread some love♥

It's only Jealous people that are below you that tries to pull you down because you are far better than them. Sow good seeds man. What you do doesn't pay. @Surpassinggoggle: Keep doing your good work.


wow you got my vote even though I was low. I commend you on your patience with this guy. I have nothing else to say but I do hope this @littleboy will soon grow up and change his name to "Bigboy". To me he is not worth it.

A person's crab mentality will put him into hot water and in the long run he will answer for his actions and his Creator. Spread LOVE not GREED, ENVY and HATRED to somebody who do nothing bad on you. God bless.

We love all that you do. Being selfless and building a community with a changed perspective to help all. We can change the world and make it better that way. I love you Sir.

I think this issue has been overflogged. Time to use that energy for something really positive. I usually focus mine on positive things. I think we should all do that. I do not see the need to continue prolonging this issue. @littleboy, I think by now you have your answer. Peace.

this is the least thing that all of us want to express about you dear friend Terry all of us want to tell you these same words thank you so much for your support and giving us hope that we are going to achieve something in this huge world steemit....all my respects and all my regards to my dear leader and supervisor @surpassinggoogle

You are great, your nobility always present.
You have done your part, for now your energies should no longer be distracted here.


You just displayed an act of love here again @surpassinggoogle.
Despite all the aclaimed allegations and what you are battling with as regards your mum's health,you still chose to throw more light on this issue. I hope we realised that there's life after steemit.

You've made your point elsewhere, repeatedly, and you've flogged that point to death in a mean-spirited way when it could have been done nicely. Your activity is entering troll territory. If you persist on planting comments on posts where your point is wholly irrelevant and on anything you possibly can find wrong with good people, then expect some flags soon for your spamming and trolling.

The things we say about people tells more about ourselves than others.
If you have issues about people its best is to approach them privately and sort it out with them.
@surpassinggolge did no wrong by showing love to people. So please let him be

Abi now. May he should change his name to bigboy instead of littleboy. He need to smell the coffee and start showing love.

Terry is one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my entire life. God knows who does good and who does bad. I am glad I have met Terry. I'm glad I have met Juvy. I can't say the same yet for @littleboy but I'm very forgiving. I even reason with my friends trying to save an enemy, and this happened in Steemit too. Weeds get plucked out of the soil. Learn to be a flower and bloom good things instead @littleboy.

Very well said kuya.

Sir may I ask, is this how you "help" steemit community? By scrutinizing a person for the negative impact caused by some of his actions, REGARDLESS of the positive contributions he have made, and sacrifices for the entire community? I ask that you at the very least surpass something of THIS caliber before casting stones at your self-proclaimed offender. Have a good day sir.

I think he is only looking for cheap recognition

Honestly am still wondering what he's up to

We all need to appreciate @littleboy's effort. He is really passionate about protecting the reward pool, he is not very well informed about how steem and steemit works, but surely his passion must count for something.

I like all the publicity he is creating for Terry. Because of him, we all feel motivated to protect @steemgigs witness. I have not seen so much campaign for Terry's witness till very recently. @littleboy's effort is working and I sure hope he keeps going while he can. I like the opportunity he is creating for everyone to show Terry how important he is in this platform.

People who are not publicly making their opinions known are out there observing. The opinions may vary greatly around whether Terry made some mistakes as @littleboy pointed out here and his other posts, but it will not (unless motivated by jealousy or envy) about him as a person, as a witness, and as a Steemian.

The thing I've noticed in life is, many people don't understand what giving means, it puzzles them in fact.
And they're usually very selfish people. they wonder how someone can give so much when there's nothing in it for him.

maybe if you did understand showing love, you won't be making this pointless post.

which makes me wonder,are you trying to get the attention of someone who doesn't like bots?

And I just checked your blog too...
First time you got 176 comments on a post, you mentioned @surpassinggoogle, and you decided to try again right?
We're really waiting for you to grow up...Littleboy

So everything we did here on Steemit has a little effect here and there on this platform, the gentlemen you were accusing is not god and he makes mistakes too. Why don't focus on what he has contributed to this place?

I cant believe i am seeing another callout on @surpassinggoogle again. Well @littleboy, I wish you well.

i dont know about this @littleboy
as for @surpassinggoogle, i hv not recieved any upvote from him but i through his blog and from other steemians testimony, i can solidly say he is doing a great job here on steemit...

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