Austin Steemit Meetup Recap! (Steemit School + Crypto Trading Class)

in #steemit7 years ago

There's something about sharing a beer over conversations about Steemit & crypto with others in your community that's just plain...dare I say it? Magical. Yes, the Harry Potter kind.

A.) You don't feel crazy, or get the usual blank, skeptical stares when you say the word "cryptocurrency", and

B.) these people just GET it. They see the big picture & the value that Steemit is already bringing to people all over the world. It's honestly like having your own mini-Steemfest in your own backyard.


But, I digress :)

We had a total of 12 people attend our 2nd Austin Steemit Meetup & about half of the attendees were brand new to Steemit. I loved the energy & excitement that everyone brought to the meeting - I could hardly sleep afterwards from all the ideas & inspiration I gained from all of the awesome people that came to the meetup.

Our first meeting was really more of a meet & greet, so we wanted this second meeting to be more focused on giving a high level overview of Steemit & a crash course in basic crypto-trading.

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(@richardcrill & @pushing.truth dropping some crypto-trading knowledge bombs)

We were SO lucky to have some awesome fellow Steemians present their Steemit knowledge & experience to the group. Huge thanks to @xtrodinarypilot, @pushing.truth, and @instructor2121 (who came all the way from ALABAMA with his son @shirothezero on a roadtrip) for sharing your wealth of knowledge. Thank you, thank you, thank you - we seriously couldn't do this without you guys!!

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(@instructor2121 giving a crash course in Steemit)

We stayed at our meetup location until they closed at 10. We weren't ready to say bye just yet, so we walked to one of our favorite coffee/beer spots in Austin, Brew & Brew, & stayed until they closed. Actually, we all kept talking outside the bar for another hour, ha! Lots of good conversations were had, & lots of beer....for some of us ;) @richardcrill

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Thank you to everyone who came out to the meetup & made it such an awesome, memorable time! @instructor2121, @shirothezero, @xtrodinarypilot, @pushing.truth, @kittenlaw, @richardcrill & all the new Steemians that'll have their Steemit usernames soon! Can't wait to see them on this platform!


I'm already looking forward to the next meetup! I hope to see some new & familiar faces! One of the things we talked about changing for the next meetup is just calling it a Texas Steemit Meetup in Austin. I know we're a big state, but if you're ever in Texas you're always welcome to come to the meetups!


May travel down to join one of these one day

Congrats on your success

That would be awesome! Looking forward to seeing you at one of our next meet ups!

It was fun discussing Game of Thrones theories with you! Thanks for the great write up. I look forward to seeing where this all goes.

I'm pretty sure we just need to add GOT theories to every meet up agenda! Looking forward to see where this all goes too!

Beautiful people! Something about Steemians, they are always glowing.

Austin is still weird! Doing my part to keep it so.

Steem ON!

Haha thank you! We need all the help we can get ;)

Thanks for another beautiful post about the meetup! I had so much fun and am glad we'll be doing this regularly. :) I'm still wondering where that loooong line of cars with blue flashing lights was going late at night! Derek said he was wondering about that too, lol.

Haha right?! That was very mysterious lol I'm so glad we'll keep doing this too! :)

Nice one, dudes! Thanks for holding space for another Austin Meetup. I aimed to be there, but had to miss out. See you again soon.

Yeah we missed you! Hope to see you at the next one!

It was kind of a hibernation day for us. I think our family was feeling a bit beaten up by the hurricane aftermath. And so we took an opportunity to huddle in close with our kids and give them some extra love. :) Next time!

Been so long i did not read from you my friend!
Seems like a great time spent with all these amazing steemians! Really lovely people out there!
Steem On!

Hey @progressivechef! I know right - life's been busy, but I'm working on changing that haha I'm going to make more time for Steemit & other things that I enjoy doing. Looking forward to participating in your Iron Chef contest, so that'll keep me on here :) Keep on Steemin' on!

That's great to hear my friend! Oh yes don't forget Steemit Iron Chef, it is starting on Friday, don't miss the first one!!!

This is great @lindseylambz ! Yeah, I do get a lot of blank stares when I mention crypto to someone....and even more blank when I mention steem. Even people that are into crypto in Croatia don't get it. They are mostly into ETH, BTC etc. I am doing my best to introduce them to steem and steemit though... ;-) But well, all of them are into BEER so they are not 100% useless :-D

Anyway, keep having fun!!!

lindseylambz, Thanks for the great update. My friend Derek Smith attended. He needs some hand holding to get going on Steemit. Following upvoted and resteemed.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63630.78
ETH 3406.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55