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RE: @transparencybot - three points

in #steemit6 years ago

I have to use bidbots. I have no choice. My work with curie helps but its not a guarantee and as you see I haven't had time to even really try to find curie worthy posts. But my goals are not going to be realized until i have a lot mors money and i cant sit around waiting for a whale to see the work of @teamgirlpowa or the #teamgirlpowa members

I have resisted since i started in October 2017. Thats 5 months. And everytime we come down to "how to become more successful " its always $$$ and with hood reason as this is why ppl come here. And those who believe in our mission have been working their asses off and only now am i finally able to start paying but really im not cuz im just barely keeping up with the funding.

Most of its coming from my sbd and steem savings

Do I want bidbots? No. Do i think that myself and my members produce quality and offer a space thag didnt exist before we fought for it ? Yes.

Am I gonna do what I can to keep it alive and make it stronger? Hell yes.

Im cool with @transparencybot hell you can look and see the promotions.

But I'd love a better solution. How can we get more whales to delegate their votes rather than sell them?

How can we impose socialist solutions on a fully anarchocapitalist platform?

Lets also be honest about curie, how can we create sustainability for the artists we discover? We cant all become curators. Even at that the art suffers if you have a day job and live in an expensive country/city.

So kudos to @transparencybot , boo to those who cant admit they used them, but lets keep talking aboug REAL solutions cuz no ones biting on delegated curators...for fear of low/no ROI


I have to use bidbots. I have no choice.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I have been here less time than you, and even 1 month ago I was saying the same thing. I had to use them for visibility. But the truth is I don't. There is another path to visibility, which is to connect with others on their posts. Not only can you have a meaningful exchange with the author, but others of like mind who comment on the post.

I think it comes down to expectations. Do we expect instant success, or can it take awhile and grow naturally? To achieve your goals here, perhaps you feel you have no choice, but you do have a choice as all of us do.

How can we get more whales to delegate their votes rather than sell them?

We can't, and it is unrealistic to expect such a thing. Whales have free will as all of us do. So the questions that could be asked is how can I make this grow without ever being noticed by a whale? Is this worth doing if it takes a long time to grow?

I have decided yes, and modified my approach here. Modified it from a month ago when I too insisted I had no choice.

I have 300 + women from various parts of the world and a long term goal.

but thanks for your input ☺️

transparency bot is only commenting when a post has spent something like 50 SBD on promotion, or some cutoff that I should probably look up before commenting - but the point is, it wouldn't be commenting on your posting or the posting of the vast majority of bid bot users. It is IMO something that should be added on the platform level - if I ran a front end for steem, I would include a tag on posts that spent over X amount on promotion and treat them like paid advertising, which they are. The site would append an "ADVERTISING" label or whatever to the post short description in the feed and they would be excluded from "Trending" to keep the brain in proof of brain. In the meantime, this bot is providing the service to us in the comments. Sure anyone can look at votes, but it is not apparent at all what those votes mean in many cases when a post used a combination of different services each with vote trails.

Yours is the first idea that I have read which actually makes sense! "Paid Advertising" is actually a BRILLIANT idea. People can't come to a platform where earning money is literally the perk that drives it's new member signups and then complain that capitalism exists. (It's like... Noooooooo you don't say? You mean to tell me people like money and those who don't get it are hating on the ones who do? I never would have seen this coming in a million years! That's almost like... everything else in life!) There are plenty of different sodas which taste great but when I go to my favorite chili place I have to drink Pepsi Co. Products because they pay the cost to be the boss and poor little Faygo and Big K can cry all they want. People may give transparency by saying Pepsi spent 30million USD in advertising last year and it's like "Thats why they are running things, if you spent 30million in ads you would be too or atleast a strong competitor." I agree.... Paid votes can leave the Trending page but the worst thing is to join a platform based on open speech and money, then pretend its not about money. We (we are a team) personally do not sell to make any profit on this platform but we do believe in good business and only a child thinks that you are not dealing with business when you are handling money but our business in particular is not Daycare so moving on.. Your idea is wonderful and may become an actual solution that can be implemented into a H.F I personally have been friends with a witness on here in real life since childhood and we have had discussions about this very topic on MANY occasions in various chats/get-togethers and not once have I heard anyone mention something as sensible as what you just have. If you can afford to invest on a higher level, why do broke people get to cry that it's not fair because while you were working hard sacrificing for the future they were "enjoying life". If everybody got their way on here... everyone would get paid everything and we all would get nothing (figure that one out ^ ^) How are we EVER going to get investors here if people whine when you make $50? Do they not understand that the actual monetary value of steem still comes from real money? Cold Hard Cash of investors and a few lines of code are THE ONLY difference between a steem dollar and a facebook like! If people want their visibility I say give it to them and restrict the marketers from those areas such as Trending.. There are only so many slots on it anyway and everyone wont make it to it and they will whine about something else but Whales wont delegate their votes for free now that they have tasted the warm fresh cash flowing from the necks of the steem users... ohh so warm. Tell a vampire not to be a vampire but instead to wait in line at a blood bank until someone notices him and wants to give him some blood and see how well that one rolls over. Sorry for the book of a message but GREAT IDEA that might satisfy a lot of individuals plus @transparencybot will be out of a job.... .... I digress. I would LOVE for transparencybot to announce large winnings for the week in a community-approved marketplace/steem exchange!! The only complaint that we would have is that it doesn't use big enough text and spam more people to let them know how well we roll. Give steemit something for everybody, rich, middle, and poor beggars alike! (now ur talking) We have not cashed out anything from here (and won't as of now... we are here to stay) but as a Day-Trader I would love to bring my marketing skills here and bust those steemy chops wide open, you haven't heard a real cry yet ;-)

It doesn't have to be implemented on blockchain level through hardfork and in fact not sure it could be anyway. Makes more sense for it to be implemented at the front end level. It would be trivially easy for Steemit, Inc. to adjust the algorithm in Trending on to exclude the payout from bought votes while calculating trending posts. Likewise for, or any other web front end. How a website displays blockchain information doesn't need to include witness consensus at all. Posts can be labelled as advertising or whatever.

That could work. I really wish it would, I am so tired of people whining about money on here. A little info (transparency ^ ^) about my past... Once upon a time I had to sleep behind a pizza place in an alleyway... My friends ditched me because I appeared "needy".... Later, They were ready to be friends again when I had a small apartment in the ghetto because I was "Just the right amount of broke" that made them feel good about themselves to have me around. Now I Day-Trade and those same friends are no longer friends because I'm not broke so to them it's not fair that I took my money and put it into Crypto while they got their tax returns and blew it on expensive restaurants and such that they could not normally afford. When people complain about money, 90% of the time it's because they don't have any. You can't make something from nothing and if you aren't willing to even put money into your own ideas why should someone else? I'm not going to stand on the corner with my leg out hoping that a whale will notice and want to mate with me in exchange for an upvote. When I was homeless i didn't wait for someone to feed and cloth me and here on the Blockchain I follow the same values. "From Nothing comes Nothing" so since you have the first idea that I've heard which will possibly fix some of this while at the same time bring investors (new money) in, I presented your idea to one of the witnesses last night who I know has the coding expertise to see if this is really doable.

Hi There! You have just been upvoted by @justinadams Witness. You will always recieve a free upvote on every post you make on steemit as long as you keep your witness vote. Thanks For Your Support.


Hi There! You have just been upvoted by @justinadams Witness. You will always recieve a free upvote on every post you make on steemit as long as you keep your witness vote. Thanks For Your Support.

Its literally already what they do. In fact you can go to @originalworks now and find "contests" that are about writing copy and "reviews" 🤣😂 For free and maaaybe you get paid, lol.

Sure they are but tbh im only doing 5 dollar bids to pay my mods and i have been considering doing bigger ones 🤷‍♀️ I would be mad too. I think its a step in the right direction but i feel is more punishing the users rather than finding solutions for the platform to curb bidbots and whale self votes

"I have to use bidbots. I have no choice."

This isn't true.

You demonstrate your principles.

I am more sad that you drag Curie into the cloud than that you reveal your personal lack of principle.

Good luck.

Drag curie??? Lol 😝 are you a curator or a reviewer? Ive only seen you in MSP so apologies if I find your response silly.

Curie is a great org and a good job if you have the time. Still tho, not sustainable on either curator or author end. I wish it was. I love curie. I have made that clear many times of you had a clue who I was. :)

Thanks for your luck but i bust my ass even if luck is not on my side.

I have a lot of respect for Curie. I don't relate your mercenary principles to Curie. That's what I meant to imply.

I have been aware of you, from PAL.

I cannot agree that treating your conversations with peers on a social media platform requires advertising. It's false to state it does. You only state it is so because the principles you have accepted aren't sound. This is why I mention it.

Curie isn't about that.

You aren't understanding what I'm saying. Please ask questions rather than making asssumptions. Might be "fruitful" ? 😂 or perhaps you should get a second job.

I don't need more money.

I work plenty.

I'm making no assumptions regarding your statement that you have no choice but use votebots.

That's simply false. It's also mercenary, and treats people as cash cows.

Those are pretty awful principles.

I'm not being unkind. I'm being honest.

I personally don't think we need to attack the character of the individual user of bid bots.

You clearly demonstrate that. I'm not so sanguine about ignoring why mistatements of fact are knowingly written.

I reckon that matters.

What "fact" was misstated, exactly? Mr. "I believe kindness is underrated"

"I have to use bidbots. I have no choice."

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