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RE: Lily Da Vine's 7 Tips for Steemit Success

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey, so I totally recognize there's a certain section of my followers that don't even bother with the other stuff, they're there for the content. Or they're just there for the kombucha, or whatever. I offer something for everyone :)

I agree in the F2F scheme. It doesn't matter if you've got a bunch of followers if all they do is say upvote for upvote and give you no value for your work. When my posts do well, it's because specific people found it valuable enough to spend a good amount of voting power on me, and I'm always thankful for that.

Clever link drop there by the way.


Something for everyone is a good path to take, as you have proven

I felt the link was sort of on topic, just :)

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