1000 Followers on Steemit! Thank You!

in #steemit7 years ago

THANK YOU! We just hit 1000 followers on Steemit finally, this is cause to celebrate! I suppose we did so a little prematurely with the new camera, but without it you wouldn’t have all these new photos to look at!

We’ve nearly been on Steemit a year now and it wasn’t easy to get to this point.  Our followers were hard earned honestly, due to the fact that I did my best to post just about every day for this past year, ramping it up recently to several posts a day with the addition of the new camera. It wasn’t just the posting, it was the story both past and present that keeps people interested.  The single most important thing about posting online is having something to post about.   

We started with telling our story of how we are on the run from the US governement for a victimless crime and chose to opt out of the court system entirely by heading for the border.  Against all odds, we made it here to Acapulco and through Steemit we have told our story.  As time went on we started sharing other things about our lives here in Mexico and got a lot of positive response.   

So we kept on posting and showing you all everything we encountered that interested us, from food to plants.  I’ve done my best to be as honest as possible to remind you all that we are just two people who made some interesting and risky choices in our lives to get where we are.  It’s taken a lot out of both of us but we’re finally getting to a point where things seem like they’re improving.  Thank you all for your support as it has been what’s kept us going this whole time here, even during the rougher times where we were barely making enough to feed ourselves.   

This year hasn’t been easy and despite what some would have you believe, we are not rolling in cash.  But we are doing pretty damn good compared to what we used to (especially these last few weeks) and honestly I think I’m at this point personally making more money than I ever have between everything we do, so I really can’t complain.  Things seem like they’re still trudging upward despite the uphill battle.    

This is partially due to our efforts but I’d be a fool if I said we did it alone.  There are several key people that have been in our lives this past year that have made the difference when it really mattered and to those people, you know who you are, I thank you.  We both do.    

This is a huge milestone, one that’s seemed far off for a very long time so I’m very excited to share this post with you all.  To all our followers, old and new, thank you!

Until next time! 


Wow this was a great story. Congratulations on the incredible milestone.

I can relate somewhat. When I was stationed in Japan I was charged for selling an ounce of marijuana. They wanted me to cooperate and turn state witness or they would throw the book at me, I refused.

I was pretty confident that I had a strong case up until the day my lawyer told the judge that we will be filing for a case dismissal based on a "lack of speedy trial". Based on that info the judge said we could go to trial that day, it was a Friday. We were not prepared and had to ask for an extension. The clock now was running against us and the "lack of speedy trial" motion would be dismissed. The Judge told us to return on Monday.

Realizing that I just got screwed over by my court appointed lawyer and was about to get screwed by the system I decided to head for the border. I flew out of the country. I didnt have any where to go so I flew back home in Brooklyn NY.

Long story short I was tried in abstentia and was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in a Federal Penitentary for selling an ounce of weed. I was 21 and it was my 1st offense.

One year latter I was apprehended. The rest of the story is pretty shitty. Maybe Ill share a full post about it.

Thank you for sharing and good luck to you.
My voting power is only at 48% but Im giving you 100% upvote.

Congratulations! If you have a link to your post on the why of running from the US govt, I'd love to check it out. I've only been really active here the last month or two and have missed some back story.

Yes, just posting everyday isn't enough. You've certainly have had a great story to tell everyone here . Your sinceratey and effort have really shown and that is what keeps people come back and viewing what you out there. I'm glad that you guys are doing better and it'll only keep getting better!

Congrats, that is a great milestone to achieve. I just joined steemit not long ago and find out it is easy to just get the number of followers (because there is alot you follow me i follow you stuff) but like you said the real followers are very hard earned and they worth alot more. Your stories have been a great read and i am sure you will have alot more followers when steemit subscribers continue to increase! Congrats again

All the best and congrats! Steem on! :))


As a mexican steemian I appreciate the love you have for my country specially for Acapulco. Please stay forever!!

Man Congrats, I just started today and got my first follower! HA HA I have no clue yet how to navigate this place. It's so fresh and exciting.

Thank you for all your informative posts. It is a pleasure to read them and a big CONGRATULATIONS on the 1000 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!!!! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

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