Steem Records Low Growth in Last 30 Days // BCC Better than Steem?!? // Will You Still Invest?

in #steemit7 years ago

I was reviewing @penguinpablo’s Cryptocurrencies Market Overview - August 09, 2017 post, and noticed that Steem’s growth is among the lowest of all the cryptocurrencies in the last month, posting only 6% gains.

My question to you all is why do you think this is? If Steem is really going “to the moon” then why is the growth slow in comparison to the other currencies on the list?

Does this make you reluctant to invest in Steem, or are you still bullish about the market?



Iv only been on steemit for a couple of weeks and I am still unconvinced. I think offering rewards sets people chasing the money unlike other social networks where people share content because they want to. But don't listen to me I'm still an amateur

The problem with the rewards in my eyes is that it attracts those who try to game the system. I think it's wonderful that people earn for their content. It is theirs, and they should be rewarded for it, but the masses of garbage could use a cleaning up.

I think you would have to look at the number of users that sign up and remain active to get a good understanding of what is really going on. Quite a few accounts are gaming the system and selling as quick as they can, so that is another issue to look at as well.

Yeah, the faster people liquidate, the less stable the price will be. Though I can't imagine new people are able to generate huge amounts of Steem.

One problem i can see is people sign up, post good content which hardley gets seen then they get frustrated and go inactive. Obviously it takes time to build up a good following but in this day and age people are impatient not only on here but life in general

this.. build up a following by posting consistent and good content.. and the rest will follow... look at anyone that is social media successful.. they all built up a huge following overtime.. once that following is established, then the profits come.. sometimes organically, sometimes requested... but its that 'vanity' time that us impatients should spend more time in... chasing the attention span of others by talking about ourselves and how interesting we are... that vanity is what finds followers... people LOVE reading about other people.. and who don't like talking about themselves... self promotion.. but the thing is,... dont go in expecting profits.. go in expecting to be the sexiest you that you can be and have people fawn over your attention.. because if you give some of that attention.. it only sucks them in more.. something akin to blowing a kiss after a first date... words... and i'm ranting (just dabbed, and stoned as fuckkkk).. but yes.. impatience is part of the fun game.. might as well enjoy it... personally... im not trying to get rich, i cant take this shit with me when i die, but i sure as fuck want to enjoy my time while I'm here... so... advert!!! follow and upvote this, or something.. LoL

I've experienced this myself. I posted a few stories that took a large chunk of time to write and earned very little (like .15). Meh, I haven't given up though!

i also 'did my part' and upvoted everything on this page.
1, to acknowledge i've read it
and 2, to support you greedy bitches on this site ^>^
but for reals tho, SteemIT is my new blog platform, cool beans if i can use it as a savings account and use the cash one day some years down the road just for using the site... imagine if i could get cashed out for some of my 5+ year old facebook posts.... remember, steemit is only what, a year and some change old?

Keep working on those followers and commenting on articles. If you do not have a following posting content is like having a business with no customers.

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