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RE: Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Steemit Birthday Best Friends?? [@mindhunter Speaks About Some Of His Favourite Friends On Steemit - And Drinks Beer!]

in #steemit7 years ago

Cheers!! (Not drinking now, maybe tonight).

You are really a helpful man on Steemit!! :)
I still remember it was my first month and I had a problem uploading photos on SteemIMG (hard registration process) and I was stuck. I wanted to post some photos and I couldn't. At that time I didn't knew SteemiChat channels and I remember to ask your help posting a comment in one of your posts. Less than 10 minutes after you answered with the and it was a bless. Still using it nowadays!! Thanks again :)
Among practicing my english, I reaaly appreciate Steemit help spirit and kindness! So special! :)


You've come a super-long way since now :)) Your eagerness to learn about Steemit as well as to learn English must also be congratulated. You've come on in strides on this platform, and it has ALWAYS been a pleasure to help you. Steem on Lily!

5 months so far. Learning about cryptos too. I already have a Coinbase account and yesterday I opened a Poloniex account to. Much to learn still. But the hard part of all this is explaining to non-crypto people what I'm doing in the last months. Hope I don't loose those friends...;)

Taking cryptos to the non-crypto world is tough. Most don't have the skills to move crypto-coins around, let alone know what they are. But that is the task that we must take on. Don't worry, for every friend you might lose in the real world discussing cryptos, you gain one friend back on Steemit ;)

You have definitely been great Lily.

I still have a long path to go in the crypto-world, hope I can figure it out right! :)

You really are doing super. Honestly


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