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RE: Curate like a Boss - A Beginner's Guide to Querying SteemSQL (by a complete SQL beginner)

in #steemit7 years ago

Agreed that the work is its own reward. However, there are other writing venues where the reward system is set to provide decent focus to non-dollar factors.

Here, when I finish reading the ton of stuff now posted on the reward system, I'm almost made to feel badly that I have no desire to play a game in which I might struggle for days to produce good 'green' content, watch it disappear into 'ether' 20 minutes after I upload it, and find out days later that almost nobody saw it! This is not a good picture, Carl.


Hey I meant to reply to you earlier but my thoughts were still kind of gelatinous and oozing around and I couldn't quite crystallize my response. My first reaction was, this is kind of a curmudgeonly attitude but the more I thought about it the more I have to admit you do have a valid point. I can point to many posts of mine that actually received a very good reward for the time I spent making them, but in every case they were art or music posts. Art and music are much easier for a broader swathe of users to appreciate - they are as close to universal as anything is with humanity. A tutorial post on the other hand takes an insane amount of time but is hardly appreciated. A literally insane amount of time. Unless you have actually tried to break a process down into its component parts and outline them step by step with illustrations, you really don't have a clue how long that process takes. On the encouraging front, at least is now properly rewarding posts like this. I just came along too soon with this. That is one of the beautiful things about the Steem ecosystem is that solutions to problems can and will just arise because it provides the basic mechanisms and the potential combinations and applications are only limited by the nearly limitless imagination and creative genius of the early adopters who are congregated here.

Thanks for your comment, @carlgnash.

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