I am officially addicted to Steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

So, it's been (almost) one week and I am officially addicted.

I now check the blogs of many people every day and then mosey on over to the trending section, make my way to the "new" section like 50 times a day. Where I can get to know people, learn more about steemit, or see beautiful photography, amongst many other things. I can't get enough of steemit. Aside from sharing some of my steemit blogs on facebook, my account is practically growing cobwebs. I literally can't find a point in logging on there. And once I get the cellphone I ordered (with mother fucking steemit earned bitcoins off newegg)

Oh and while we are on the subject of cool stuff I got with steemit earned funds. I also got a $50 SD from an awesome member of the community and she told me to get myself something nice, so I did. I got the cat ears and tail I have wanted to a long time. Yepp, totally going to randomly be a cat sometimes.

And I post a lot probably too much. I will try to cut that out.

I mean I guess I didn't need to tell steemit all about my weird VHS tape phobia.

What can I say, I just like it here. :)

I've actually had to pee since I started writing this blog. That's how serious this is.

Now I just need to get my main friends to embrace steemit so I can leave facebook in the dust.

Now, I am going to go read up and learn more about steemit as there are still some things I need to learn more about.


Ooh love the cat 'costume' :D
Don't forget to post a pic wearing it ;-)

I DEF will. :D

Hi Laura! Any update on that pic? :D

it *still hasnt arrived >_< It is from the UK to the US.

I hope you decide to share a pic of you in the cat ears and collar when you get them!

So you did go with Virgin Mobile, cool. Looks like a nice phone; hope you get it soon!

I am going to for sure share pics! I already have a second tail picked out too! It's RAINBOW! :D

Ugh, I actually accidentally got it sent to MN and because I used bitcoin they couldn't change it. They said they could give me a $79.99 gift card but the phone is normally $199 and they couldn't tell me if it'd still be on sale on Tue when I would get the gift card code. So, I decided to just wait 3 weeks until I get to MN. :)

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