Simple Techniques how to make $1,000 in one post in Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago


This Post will help you to make a $1,000 only from one post. So, we all know that we earn in this plateform by Upvoting, commenting and following others.

So, this post will guide you to know about Upvoting and how to get lots of Upvotes in your post so you can earn alot.

We all know that Steemit is a Social media platform. In the above line our all answers are hidden. When it's comes to a social media platform we have to get social as fast we can for our growth.

Today I am just going to Share with you my experience. Because I am not an expert I am also learning from different sources (no sleep😴😴)

As you all know we are trying to be successful here in this platform. So keep trying again and again even after you fail is most important.
So be motivated to your goal.

So Coming back to my point.

As a example when you start using Facebook at first did you remember what you did at first to get socialized? Or what you did to get attention from others?

Maybe this is what you did if I am not wrong 😂

Maybe you dress well then You put lots of effort to click a good profile picture then maybe edit it and upload. And you send friend request to different people whom you know and sometimes to people whom you don't even know. And little by little you grow your friend list. Then you start to like others photos and comment on other photos.

And the person also give you like back And also comment back too. People are like this if you give something then only they will give you back .

Then why not in Steemit?

Why we are not doing the same in Steemit too. We are all here to get profited from the website but no one is giving value to each other. If you don't give value to others people contents then you will not get too from that person.


You are just waiting for to get upvote in your post while you are not Upvoting others. If you don't Upvotes others then you will not get Upvotes too it's simple logic give and take .

So please make sure you follow your circle make a community with them and Start upvoting. This the way by which you will success here. If you like to be alone then this platform is not for you.

How Upvotes helps?

When we like someone post then it is call Upvotes in Steemit. By Upvotes the author get Steem Dollars and comment also the same. If you Upvotes someone then they will also return you in future. And Upvotes really motivate the writer because he put so much effort to write a unique post and when people Upvotes it the author feel happy like his hard works results at last. And because of this motivation he will always make new new content .

How to get lots of Upvotes?

There are no magic way that you will get lots of Upvotes at a instant. You start Upvoting others they will return to you too.

My little tip for you guys

Right now I am Upvoting everyone who comment on my posts because I know that they are loyal and always will be so I don't worry to return them too.

And of course those people who Upvote me the most daily basis I also give them back daily basis. And this way I am creating a relationship too with my readers and followers. And in return me also getting profit and my followers too.

So make sure you follow me ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The lazy people

There are many people on Steemit who is selfish. They don't give Upvote anyone expect himself. Those who are doing this you will know that you are doing it wrong when you will get more engaged with the website. It is really nice feature that you can upvote yourself but as you are in social platform so you think about other people too.

Make a good relationship with each other

Start to build a relationship with people on Steemit. So that you will be successful here.
When you will have a good relationship with other people then they will always notice you. Try to comment on every post you read. A good comment help to get noticed by others.

And most importantly support your followers too if you don't they will start to following others by leaving you.

This were just simple tips which will help you alot :)

If you think this post helped you then don't forget to keep motivating and inspiring others. 😊😊

Me also haha

As this will help you alot here.

If you still have any doubt please feel free to ask.


Thank you for your feedback. Hope u enjoyed

That message is motivating me to do hard work on steemit

Thank you bro be motivated always and keep doing hardwork

Simple logic give and take but why people don't understand...
Maybe people on steemit are very confused.

hmm most of us here new and some people didn't had proper guidance that's why it is happening. Because they don't know what to do.

Yes you are right.

Its really helpfull for me

Then you must follow whatever is written

good content keep it up.

Thank you bro for feedback

Surely Bro! I Did This But Will Give More Efforts Now In Giving Others Upvotes And Comments! I Am Following You 😊😊

Thank you for your feedback hope u enjoyed the post

good post like it and upvoted.
hope you will do the same.

I hope you enjoyed the post. Thank you

Great idea this will help each other to earn lots of money.
I want to say bro that keep posting such things.N71MeDT.gif

Oh thank you so much your comment really motivates me to do more

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