Steemit, the Empowerer

in #steemit7 years ago



The world around us is changing fast and if you are not prepared, you will be lost.

When the first computers were created and the internet born, people did not know what it was or if they knew of them, they laughed. Now our very existence is based on the internet, with food, fuels, clothing, everything distributed with "Just In Time" delivery by internet, as well as all banking and finance, communications, etc., we are poised and already started on the worlds next reset.

What reset you ask.... EVERYTHING.

Society as a whole is beginning to see the position it has been corralled into, with restrictions and debt. Society has already begun to awaken to the constant state of war, taxation, impoverishment and control. There is no privacy, they monitor and tax all you do, it is all scam and people now (finally) see it. They are even seeing their own apathy that is the enabling factor of these devious issues that plague us.

Steem Machine

#Steem as you all know, is a unique animal in the Blockchain world. It is helping so many people, help yet even more people (paraphrase of my own corporate moto), but not only in personal income and security... also in learning. You can search and find anything on the web, but sifting through the extraneous stuff to gain what you need in this reset is an arduous task. By tuning the people you Follow and learn from, that presents the information you need and in a manner you can understand, you develop your own Educational model. In this new era of technology and FinTech, we will need all the help, news and trend information we can get... especially if we are investing in it, or keeping our own businesses relevant to the changing. We are not going to go through a reset, we are in it.

In Prior articles I wrote about how I am transitioning my business and Kyusho International into the future paradigms of Blockchain Technology and FinTech (Financial Technology). Societies, cultures, countries have all gone through major resets throughout history, with the peoples of that area loosing most of their wealth and security during those transitions. But this time it will be fully global and completely disastrous (or an opportunity) for so many. Now I am not a tech savvy type person, but I know how to learn and am aware of what to learn, it is called "Situational Awareness" and the first stage of preparedness.

So working with #Steemit, I have learned of and taken advantage of other technologies like Bitcoin (to be honest I had started with Bitcoin as a gamble before Steemit), Ethereum and Blockchain technology... it has already transformed my families personal protection against the coming financial crash and reset. And even though I have worked diligently to help people position themselves for this event, few have heeded. However those few people that have listened, already benefited in a great way from educating themselves and acting on that education (in part found here within the #Steemit universe), so I thank all of you here. As all here are on one or more social networks, for fun, business, networking, etc... as well as trying to keep up in our fields (mine are, Martial Arts, Health, Fitness, Protection), we must always look constantly and consistently at the changes and trends that will affect our futures, one of the more important aspects is trying to prepare ourselves for personal transitions of retirement and financial security.

One such trend is that throngs of people are now shying more and more from spoon fed pablum of television and turning more toward informational, educational, challenging learning opportunities provided in alternative sources on the web. #Steemit embodies all of what people are seeking, along with a way to interact and benefit themselves and others, not just in worthless word and "likes"... but in real tangible worth. A social network where you could also keep up on the news that matters to you and yours, learn new things and see the art as well as creative workings of so many minds... and all with great folks of like mind and values. Not to mention you can also be entertained all as you gain more security for your family... man'o man, #Steemit does this all and more.

How Empowering

I have my own personal blog for my business and here of course, but I come here to #Steemit to educate myself on the global transition to Crypto Currencies and Blockchain as it is a blog and forum where questions are answered as well as topics provided. I started back in August 2016, so less than a year... with no money invested (it is free to join), the value of the blog is now in 5 figures (00,000) ... on a social network (I call it a school)!!!!

But here is another great aspect of #Steem, I have been able to convert the earned value (with no money out of pocket) and re-invest in more cryptos like; Bitcoin, Ethereum and Veritasium... all which will be the base of future business and internet. So my knowledge in this field of bleeding edge technology, has been so elevated by all of you (huge thank you, thank you, thank you) and my wealth has escalated many fold. As example; my Bitcoin is up over 1000% and my Ethereum is up over 3000%... and we are still in the early adopter stage of this reset. Folks this is multiple 5 digit numbers in less than a years time, but the climb is getting faster and steeper as more businesses and people are beginning to learn about this technology, that... like it or not, you will be participating in. I think it is better sooner than later. This is not to brag or boast, it is to awaken people (you folks already know), to the already in motion reset... and to get you thinking and educating yourself for this transition and protection from it.

You are in the right place for the reset, "#Steemit"


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit:,,, sujanpatel


Very good analysis of steemit, pleasant to read.

Just saying what it has done for meas well as others... it is all credit to Steemit.

I've pondered about the upcoming, or current "reset" that we are in. For the last 14 years I've been preparing. Just wondering what will bring about the final push for this "reset"? A bit unnerving. Thanks for the post.

I think it is happening in increments we can not see (like the bank failure last week of Banco Popular in Spain that Santander bought, picked up, was awarded, was stuck with... for 1 euro), but are happening behind the scenes.

Nothing is unnerving when you prepare for it.

I like that statement you just used, and its very true "Nothing is unnerving when you prepare for it." kyusho. Thanks.

Upvoted.If you can please resteem my introduction post.Thanks

Thank you.

So much informative post ! Thank you for your effort !
thumbs up steem with akkha.jpg

Thank you.

Welcome !

We are certainly heading into uncharted waters, with all the threats to the systems we totally depend on for our very existence. We also have to adapt to a rapidly changing world on top of that, so we defiantly have our work cut out for us. Cheers

It should be interesting as well as a test for the strong... those not awake will be the ones that suffer the most, an unfortunate truth.

That's the way it's always been. Fortune favors the prepared mind. Cheers

It was your post earlier on your #Kyusho Facebook page that led me here.I deeply admire Your commitment to helping provide skills and knowledge for health, well being and self protection. this most recent step towards cementing our future safety and that of our families via crypto currency is a very wise step and this blog post was the tipping point for me personally into investing in that future. Thank you for your very helpful article and video regarding this reset and #steemit. - Chris

You are most welcome... this is a great platform to start working and learning the Cryptos which will be a part of everyone's life at some not too distant future. All the best for you and yours.

Great post:))

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