Comments, Views and Votes...????

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I don’t get it – Am I missing something?

OK, so I am relatively new, still only a few short weeks here (some may say that’s a lifetime) and I am slowly getting to know stuff; slowly plodding my own sweet way through the protocols and pathways and accepted norms of steemian society.

Great people – great posts – lovely connections being made – discovering gems of creativity - all so richly wonderful, and to top it all, I am actually beginning to make some real tangible headway with music exposure, which is the icing on the cake.

For so many years I wanted to share music this way, as having the creative drive is one thing but when your temperament for live exposure is less at the forefront, then on-line sharing becomes the perfect outlet.

But there are some quirks about this place that I don’t get and wanted to ask you guys, as the title of this post alludes to… I don’t get the correlation of posts to views and votes.

As an example, on the more successful posts I have uploaded, I notice I may get 3 times as many view as votes, and for me that is a really healthy 30% hit rate. I get that lots of people wont fall in love with my sound, of course not and so I am more than delighted by those that do. This hit rate varies and I notice with other posts in the same ball park, it’s a pretty similar picture.

Now let me say right here that I am in no way questioning the quality of a post just trying to understand the dynamics of the system. Becuase it got me to thinking there are some REALLY ( I mean whale size ‘really’) successful posts on here from the big hitters, with many times the vote size I am able to muster.

If like me you are trying to get a grip on the way things work, you will dig a little here and there, as I did. I notice very often the ratio for these highly successful posts has a strange phenomenon happening. The Ratio of views to votes is, well, just plain wrong!

What I mean is that I have noticed it is not uncommon, and indeed the norm, for these posts to have a negative ratio of views to votes (Perplexing I know) and often at a considerable rate of say 50% or more.

So what is the deal here guys???

Look, I know I am not the brightest button in the sowing box, But the numbers just don't add up. How does a post viewed by only 80 good steemians, get to be voted up over 200 times, Did I miss something?

Is it perhaps the curation reward? Is it that some more 'financially minded' folk jump onto successful dudes posts to reap the benefit and does that even compute?. Its Great for the creator in terms of SBD, but what about the genuine-ness of the process, the integrity of the platform?

Should I be saying this – Am I being too provocative? – biting the hand as it were – It's not my intention.

I Love STEEMIT, I truly do. I love the openness, the sharing, and yes the rewards as well as the abilty to ask difficult questions, like this. To be heard, and hopefully open debates about what this platform can be. I am beginning to feel a part of this place and understand more and more of the nuances (not all of them, as you can tell).

Ultimately it is about our own content, expressing our own unique creativity, following our hearts and allowing that to be the drive of our interaction on here.

Thanks so much to all of you on this platform, no matter what your drive or reason for being here.

And so my question is an honest and sincere one, that I put out here for a deeper insight, and who knows, I may take another step in my journey to understanding the STEEMIT vibe more clearly.

Thank you so much for reading this far….


Yeah it's the bots. You can use bots too if you'd like more votes and build a following or go on the trending page. Or you can just comment around and such to get to know some people. Who knows you might get curated like I did if it's a quality article. :)

You can read more tutorials, just search for posts on here or you can also check on a few I wrote. There's lots of Steemit tutorials here. You can even make your own when you learn more. :)

Good luck!

Great information thanks. I am note too sure I want to go down the bot route but will assess it a little bit more, and will check out some of you tutorials

It's down to bots. Yesterday I set up an account with Steem Voter, and allocated 10 people that I would choose to vote for automatically. This would ensure I don't miss any curation rewards (on people I would vote for anyway I might add).

You were one of the people I chose as an automatic vote recipient as I like your music. This post was auto-voted before I read it. Your stats were 2 votes / 1 view at the time. I'm sure a lot of people use Steem Voter to auto-vote the whales to then get their share of the rewards. It does mean that any old crap posted by a whale can get to the top of the trending lists, and will just multiply their earnings too...

Hey @grizzle, firstly thats very kind of you, thank you. I kind of guessed it may be something to do with bots or a financial angle of somesort. I guess its difficult to separate the rewards side form the ocntent side, but as you right say, it can make for dubious post rewards.
Ultimately I suppose Its a matter of personal discernment. At least now I have a better understanding. cheers.

I always look at @danieldyemusic as an example of amazing upvote rate with sometimes 300 upvotes for 60 views, and I think there are 2 reasons :

    Yes I am gonna repeat again ,his quality of songwriting /music skills/ lyrics writing and style is far ahead of the game and people notice that .
    When your song played on @dsound, it won't show as a view and someone can upvote you at the bottom
    so his followers know what they will get, even before clicking on the link he posts.

Well at least that's how I explain it to myself :)

Thanks Ed, I didn't know that, that would make sense and answer the anomoly. I couldn't agree more @danieldyemusic is utterly amazing, I was thinking more of the posts that had very dubious quality but still scored well.
Thanks for answering my query.

Ohh hh . WEll in that case let's all agree there is a part of randomness and it's all about activityu at the time of your post as well

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