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RE: For steemit to grow and be successful it takes all types... This includes types that you yourself may not like

in #steemit8 years ago

I have no idea what this is about. We do have a lot of healing to do. Going on personal vendettas to get someone flagged because they don't comment is not rational, and people should be rallying against this person. This doesn't mean we have to agree with others, or get along with them, or do anything with them, but going crazy over comments isn't too rational to me. There is no requirement for anyone in a "community" to do things together. The world is one community, and we don't all do things together. People are pulling in different directions because we're not on the same page of understanding. Steemit has the same issue.

Also, bringing up issues, calling people out, is not something wrong, just to be clear. It's speaking the truth, and getting the information out. Don't ever see it as a detrimental action, it's not weakening the community to speak truth, as if getting clarity out is in some way "attacking" someone as well... hehe. I have no clue what your talking about in this instead, because truth and clarity are not included.

Anyhoot, good luck to whatever is going on here, hehe.

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