Am I the only one having stress dreams about Steemit?!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I was amongst the lucky ones that experienced early Steemit success. My friend @mada shared a post on Facebook about his novel. As with many of my inner circle, @mada falls in to a category of colleagues that has consistently demonstrated good taste in all things art, tech and culture. Friends like that save me time, because if they’re passionate about something […in this case Steemit], I don’t have to worry if it’s worth investing in.
I did my own due diligence researching Steemit. I’ve hardly used Reddit and I’m completely ignorant to cryptocurrency, so the learning curve for Steemit was steep. Like many in this position, the explanations @mada gave me seemed too good to be true, but I wasn’t motivated by money for content. I was motivated by the need for an alternative to Facebook. 

For years, I’ve felt victimized by a company that does not reflect my values or ethics. The shameless, insultingly blatant overstepping of privacy […not unique to Facebook, of course]. Arm twisting tactics to get users to do what they want. Milgram Study level experiments on our psychology by changing UI just long enough for users to adapt, then intentionally changing it back to assess stress thresholds. Clockwork Orange style targeting of users emotions with depressing and disturbing content, just to see how it affects their posting habits. Although the legal name issue is a complex one […as seen with the bullying pitfalls of anonymity such as Twitter], I do have several LGBTQ friends affected by that policy, and seeing how deeply it has affected them, it’s just another example of how Facebook does not represent me as a user, or individual. 

In the tech community, there’s a saying, “Everyone is on Facebook, because everyone is one Facebook.”. Poignant. For me, like millions, I bought in to the silo early, not aware of the walled garden I was allowing to dictate my social media future. I’m a freelance photographer and illustrator, and Facebook still accounts for 25% of my income. Instagram makes up at least 50% more […a Facebook company]. 

I remember when Ello snuck on to the scene. It was pretty bad, but I was so optimistic. I gave out so many private invite codes, and requested more. I was an ambassador for the change in social media, trying to bring my friends along. Sadly, we know how that story turned out. 

I wrote my introduction to Steemit, which you can read here, only intending to verify my identity and tell some of my story. Shortly after posting, I began seeing the value go up. Like, really up. Within an hour it was valued at $430. I called @mada and said “It says it’s $430. That’s not real, right?”, to which he enthusiastically replied “YES! It is real!”. In that moment, I saw the democratized juggernaut Steemit it will become against the enemies of social networks. Not necessarily referring to the amount of money my first post was making, but the ideal it represented. The outrage I’ve felt for Facebook was compounded 100x’s over when I became aware just how much my time, talents and efforts have been taken advantage of. 

That first introduction post continued to gain value, eventually trending and ending at $1780 for the first 24 hour window. @mada has since given me a few crash courses on cryptocurrency, Steem, Steem Dollars and Steem Power, and I’ve found great resources trending by brilliant contributors here. I’ve been given a surge of creativity like I haven’t possessed in years. Constantly thinking of worthwhile posts, unique to my personal experiences. I was a professional death match wrestler for five years. I used to breed rare species of tarantulas from all over the world. I performed side show attractions eating lightbulbs and having dollar bills stapled to my face, tongue and body. I have a lot to say! 

All those potential blogs have sent me in to a manic tailspin, and I’m wondering, am I the only one having anxiety dreams about Steemit?! For the last week, every night I’ve been posting in the evening, then having anxiety dreams about how well it performs. Posts being upvoted in to the thousands of dollars of value, then waking up to $2.12 is sobering […and somewhat entertaining]. I’m a poor artist, so the monetary attachment to Steemit does play on my vulnerable subconscious needs, but moreover, it’s a testament to how much this new world of social networking has impacted my life. I love having something to think about this much! The interaction here is genuine, the content is inspiring and the theology of the site’s architecture feels like the home I’ve been searching for throughout all the bad with Facebook.  

If you can dream it, you can Steemit! 

I post every day. Follow me here


I'm more stressed about missing good posts. There is too much too keep up with.

Totally feel you there @thecryptofiend. It's become a big part of my life as both a content creator and curator in a wildly short amount of time.

@thecryptofiend I saw a post a few days ago from a guy that made a concept for an Apple Watch app. As a recent purchaser of one, I immediately got excited! Steemit notifications to a watch! :)

I've had a dream about Steemit. I did not like it.

@drinkzya The ones where I had a post that got hundreds and hundreds of upvotes and comments, then woke up to it tucked back in to the corner of obscurity have been so sad they're funny, lol

A truly awesome post! I'd like to quote this:

"Clockwork Orange style targeting of users emotions with depressing and disturbing content, just to see how it affects their posting habits."

That one reminded me of the now "old crappy days of using Facebook", Facebook is the past, Steemit is the future. And if your concerned about the "amount your post makes", Steemit at least gives you something, Facebook gives you nothing, besides promotion, if you run a business....

@minion Thank you! Yeah. I listen to a lot of tech podcasts talking about how Facebook has just "won", and I've tended to agree with them, until discovering Steemit. Realistically, I can't imagine anything getting as big as Facebook, or it going away, but the principle behind Steemit [...assuming this is sustainable], could collapse Facebook [...and almost all social networks] from the inside out. Users just waking up to the reality that their contributions have value beyond just "likes".

I don't see "Steemit murdering Facebook" either, but I can imagine them as big competitors in the future and Steemit is only "the tip of the iceberg" the big picture involves something many users don't realize yet and Steemit is just a tool paving the way for it. ;)
About sustainable Steemit, well maybe not Steemit, but or any platform backed up by the Steem blockchain, we already have a "twitter like" steem site in Alpha, a steem powered Service market and a "craigslist" type of steemit site...The possibilities are limited only by the users imagination and technology. If this platform fails, a new one Is on it's way already, or is out there right now. I've recently covered Steemits history,
"Exactly 3 months ago on May 23rd Steemit had 1360 Users! Again, at the time I'm writing this, there is mighty 73.200 of us and hundreds are joining us each day!!!" quoting myself, lol, but you get the point, if your well informed about Steemit you know that right now "we are going trough rough times", but that's just the way it goes for now, we discover and fix problems as we go.

Yep I dream about Steemit often, but I felt a lot more anxious after the first payout (July 4) because that's when the money became 'real' and I felt that if i wasn't posting or working on a post, I was missing out on a very real opportunity.

Still feel that now, but not as much.

@jamtaylor The July 4th payout was about two months before I made my first post here, but I've been reading some old threads and it sounds like everyone was nervous about that. I do feel that on not posting everyday [...currently sat down at the coffee shop to write my next post]. HA!

Yeah, I was posting before July 4 happily doo-dee-doo not a care, after the very first payout it became real, and Steem then went up to $6.50, I remember when it was $0.30!!
It was lots of money going around.

I jumped on Tsu as a Facebook alternative last summer and was similarly disappointed.

I have not been having anxiety dreams, but I did miss the turn for the movie theater on the way to my second viewing of Captain Fantastic because I was obsessing a little about Steemit.

HAHA! I missed Tsu, but it sounds like it was another flash in the pan. Still amazed by Steemit's staying power. The cryptocurrency aspect of this site is brilliant! @plotbot2015

Seeing this post title got me laughing after our last chat!
I've been having steemit dreams, too. But they're mostly boring and abstract. Last night, I dreamed about steemit's growth rate slope (and how this slope will be lumpy, and how the degree of this lumpy-ness is related to ... blah blah blah).

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