Don't Go Gentle, time to prove them all wrong.

in #steemit7 years ago

Let's take steemit and steem/SBD to the sky, let's show them who is the boss now, let's shut their mouths once and for all.


A lot of talks are going on around about our good little steemit community. Like everybody else I can notice a lot of deliberate negative talks about the future of steemit as a community. I accept and I apologize that in the beginning when I was new to this community I got a bit influenced by shit talkers and de-motivators. Let me tell you one thing straight though in the beginning steemit can look really intimidating as when we begin to express ourselves we kind of expose our vulnerabilities among the "strangers of the internet" and when a few posts go un-noticed we do get a little scared, a little frustrated and we get into that state of mind where we start to re-evaluate that "what we are doing here?"" That's where those shit talkers start to influence our perception by their constant bickering and well demotivating rants. Do not pay mind to them as they're nothing but bunch of jealous fellas and that's not all they are scared because they know this community has so much potential one day it will touch the sky.

I know I am still rather new to this enormous community and I know I will still learn a lot of new things here. I also know that it will take me a while(a year or so) to become even a dolphin but let me tell you one thing straight I AM PROUD of being a part of this massive, MASSIVE community and I am not afraid and I won't shy away but I will rather wait for a year or two to get where I always wanted to reach. It's only common-sense and it's only wise to wait instead of bitching around, doing absolutely nothing or wasting my time on other so called value-less, reward-less, weird "social- networking" sites. Where you will find bunch of people comparing their dick size, talking shit with each other and wasting their valuable time. Steemit is nothing like those waste of bandwidth and time, fake so called social networking sites. Steemit actually values it's users and it also take care of their finances. Now, one might say "what 'finances' I get 1$ for my posts and toward the end of the 7th day I just receive 0.25$". Well, if you are one of those people, let me tell you my friend, it's still better than either being roasted or roasting some poor bastard on other social media sites and getting nothing but either humiliation or negativity in return.

Now comes the main question "but would steemit sustain?" Answer is simple, YES it will sustain. "How can you say that?" Because steemit is a community that actually follows the logic. It has networking involved, it has money involved, it has intellect involved, it has value content involved, it also has more transparency than so many other shady social networking sites that collects your data and sell it for cheap just so you get bombarded and spammed with hundreds of ads and all sorts of stuff. On top of it all steemit is both growing and spreading like weed(the good kind, if you know what I mean.) and there is absolutely nobody out there to stop it! So guys and gals like I said it before, let's take steemit to the sky, don't go gentle in that night. Prove them all wrong and get rich in the process there is nothing more satisfying than proving your haters wrong and you have absolutely nothing to lose here that's my promise!

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follow me @kissofearth

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