
It seems like there are many tools at our disposal at this moment in time but will we take advantage of them and will they be useful in the future?

I'll agree there is no doesn't exist anywhere in nature either. But maybe something termed "Adaptive Utopia" might be more in a realm of possibility.

I'm a huge fan of the quote by James Madison of "If men were angels, no government would be necessary." Speaking for myself, I don't need to be told by a law to not murder, steal, assault, etc but rather I CHOOSE not to based on personal philosophy and ideals. Personally I find it sad that many people (of course not the Steemit population) only stop themselves from horrendous acts because of the perceived punishment (which in reality exists even without a law.) For example the lack of anonymity in a small town stops many negative acts from occurring because the likelihood of reciprocity is high (since everyone knows each other, where they live, etc.)

When people have a better idea of how they actually work, motivate, interpret, communicate, filter, etc the idea or providing personalized products, services and maybe even polices hopefully would become easier.

I will admit I'm an optimist and have hope for 'most' people being beneficial to themselves and others. I see people not being exposed to 'outside of the box' ideas being a cause of them being stuck in what I see as outdated methods.

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