Flagging from IDIOTS is CHILDISH AND REDICULOUS ! IM STEEMED ! 😲😨steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

STEEMIT NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ! AND THE SOONER THE BETTER ! This has been going on for a few days now and getting very discourageing to many of our fellow steemians! And it just happened to me as well today for absolutely no reason ! Now theres too many upvotes for me to see who flagged mine , but after looking at some others these 2 names are doing the bulk of it ! : rizwalley101 and jenniferlawrence . 😨

Revenge flagging to someone that flagged you is one thing , and unacceptable! But to blatently go along and flag every other post to innocent people who have absolutely nothing to do with your flags to begin with is just REDICULOUS, CHILDISH , AND GETTING OUT OF HAND ! 😲

There are proper chanals to deal with these things ! Like going in Steemit chat , then clicking on the steemit abuse chanal to discuss your problem or situation, and try to take care of your issues BEFORE They get out of hand in the proper forums ! Heres another link through steem cleaners for help : @steemcleaners and heres a link with many guides available !

This is very discourageing and upsetting to all steemians! Especially for our new comers who are haveing a hard enough time as it is to raise up their reputation levels ! AND SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT IT !

NOW I LOVE STEEMIT ! as most of you know , and I really hate seeing this on steemit !

I Think there should be a limit put on how many flags a person is allowed to give in total ! As in per day , or per hour ! However it should work , but at least then it would cut down on someone going along and flagging hundreds of people in 5 minutes! I think this is the best solution that way if your mad at someone you can only flag that one person and go to steemit abuse channel and have your argument settled there in the proper forum ! Too many people are suffering and being involved in these disputes which have nothing to do with them , AND I ALONG WITH MANY OTHERS ARE TIRED OF IT ! 😲😨

I would sure like to hear my fellow steemians opinions on this subject , and any other ideas or recommendations you may have ! Also whoever knows how to change and fix this problem , it would be much appreciated by all of us ! SOONER RATHER THEN LATER ! STEEM ON ! 👍😨


Thank you for following my blog

All comments are greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance for your upvotes.

track who's been doing what on your account here

Thanks ! We now know who it is ! I did a blog , its one guy useing 4 different names ! Check it out ! :

I flagged him also, It's nice how the community helps itself, not relaying on third party to resolve the problem.

Thats awesome! Theres no place on steemit for these idiots ! 👍😲

Do you know how to check out how much your curation is ! ? It only shows the amount of posts ! I just cant remember how to do it ! Lol ! Thanks ! 👍

go to
type in your name. click "incoming votes" you can see all votes and flag. and the power they use. you can also type anyone's name and see all their stats too.

very useful. I keep it open when im curating so I can better manage my voting power.

You peaked my curiosity so i went to snoop on you. lol

You have the second lowest voting power I have ever seen.
You must vote sooooo much. Did you know that?

right now this second.

Please take a break from voting for 24 hours. I know its really tough, trust me I know.

But with voting power this low your vote its hurting you and the author.

I do appreciate you vote a lot. I wish people voted more often. if you want to vote more than 20 time per 24 hours reduce the voting power to 50% and it will be beneficial to all.

Good Work Karen. Really.

I usually vote about 40 full votes in a 24-hour period and I don't go below 90% voting power.
Karen, if you vote a lot on comments, you can turn your slider to 5% or even 1% just to acknowledge the people's comments without using a lot of your power. A comment with lots of good detail can still get a 100% if it deserves it.

Oh , Ok ! Thanks so much for the great information! Im going to follow this advice from now on , and hopefully my voteing power improves ! I will need to keep track of my votes ! Perhaps i can do that in steem stats ! Thanks again your awesome ! And a fellow Canadian ! I am now a follower ! I see from your blog your in western Canada , im in British Columbia, so we may be neighbors lol ! Very cool ! Steem on! 👍😉🎄

Wow! This is really useful information, THANK YOU!
(I feel so ignorant now....) LOL!

I know ! Me too after 5 months im still learning ! Mostly because I just havent had the time to check out all the stuff lol , too busy blogging ! Hehe ! Its great and very useful info ! Thanks for the coment ! Steem on ! 😆👍😂

i do that with comments too. ^^ solid tip. ^^

Yes i agree ! Awesome tip ! And will be implementing it as well ! 👍

Thanks for the info. I tend to vote a lot. Never knew this was a thing.

I know , i didnt think it mattered for minnows too much as my slider does little untill i have much more steem ! 👍😉

It will mostly effect your rewards for curating. And a Minnow, ya, maybe the difference is really small. I still love that you vote so much.

You are manual voter and not using a bot. So to vote so many times shows true dedication to the platform. I commend you. The other time i saw it lower was probably due to bot and the user not really understanding how to us a bot.

@mindhunter is the only other manual voter who strives to vte so much that I know of. He will be super proud of yo. lol

Hahaha ! Im going to take yours and @canadian-coconut advise though from now on ! Lol ! She votes 40 times at 100 percent and doesnt drop below 90 percent ! Then she lowers the slider to 1 or 5 for comments , and that should really make a difference for me , I just seriousely never gave it much thought untill now ! Im grateful for the awesome advice and thanks for the nice comments about my manual voteing ! Lol , im 8 to 10 hrs a night blogging at my boreing security job ! It keeps me awake ! Haha ! Steem on ! 🎄👍😉🎄

I wanted to add a big cheers to @mindhunter ! Keep up the great work !👍😉

Oh, wow ,ok , great thanks for letting me know ! I have been busy lately so i tend to come on and upvote all the people that follow me in my feed , rushed , then i go back and read about them later ! I will stop and see how it works thanks 👍😉lol then i upvoted you ! Ok i will stop now ! Haha

I've tried to find how I can do that, reduce voting power, but I could not find it. I've also voted on some posts I read and found good, and suddenly had the impression that after my vote it was worth less for the author. I'm new so I really have no idea what is actually the right way to do it

Awesome to know ! I go to steem stats all the time , but never knew that feature was there ! Thanks a bunch , great info ! Steeming on ! 👍😉🎄

Done and Done ! Wow this is awesome ! Thanks gain ! 👍😉

flagging and bots...
gonna kill steemit..

Its just so disruptive and discourageing! I just wish they would do something about it ! Thanks so much for your reply ! Steem on and happy holidays! 😉👍🎄

Do away with flags altogether! If you don't like something...KEEP SCROLLING! Intellectual anarchy now!!!

Haha ! I like your style ! Not to mention you can always MUTE THEM ! Lol ! Great reply Thanks , Steeming On ! 😉👍🎄

I came here for the free speech! Flagging is censorship for cowards...I've had to mute a couple in the short time I've been here (they didn't appreciate my style) ;-)

Haha ! At least your muteing and not flagging the COWARDS ! Im following you , because I LIKE your style ! Lol ! STEEM ON ! 👍😆

Thanks...I'm following you as well!

Awesome ! The more the merrier ! 😎😉

Thats really cool and much , much better ! I just clicked on the second one , and i like it ! I will try it if i can figure out how to do it , i dont know much about computers is why i use a tablet ! Lol its much easier for me ! Thanks so much i love it ! 👍😉🎄

steemd also works the same way, I just checked it out and your "flagger" has been dealt with... Keep Steeming my friend :)

Oh! well now thats great to hear ! I really feel bad for the newbies ! And thanks a bunch for all the info ! I cant believe i dont know this stuff by now ! Just been too busy i guess to look into it ! Will definately use it alot now , its awesome ! 👍😉

Oh, just to clarify... Change the address from https://steemit.com to https://steemdb.com and leave the rest of the address the same..

It's a quick way to check various things about a post, including votes :)

Gotcha ! Steeming on ! 👍👍👍

Limits should defiantly be in place for flagging in an hour. Seems logical.

Thanks so much , for replying , and im in total agreement ! And i hope someone does something soon ! Steem on and happy holidays ! 👍😉🎄

So true. Thank you for your support with my post last night being flagged for no reason.

No problem at all ! I really hate when this happens on steemit ! The idiots flagged mine today as well , but it was corected or dealt with as @majes advised me ! Thank you as well for the support! Keep steeming on ! 👍😉🎄and happy holidays ! 🎄


Yes REDICULOUS! AS IN ADSURD AND PREPOSTEROUS ! LOL ! Thanks for the reply and steem on ! 👍😉

Your Rid correction is wrong ! 😊

No problem ! 👍😊

Very True... Upvoted.

Thanks for taking the time to check it out ! Ive been following you , and really hope things turn around ! Best of luck and happy holidays ! Thanks for the upvote ! Steem on ! 😉👍

Good Read, wish Steemit a brighter Future !

Thanks ! Yes me too ! We need to stay vigilant and watch out for loosers ! And there will be a bright future for steemit ! Happy Holidays ! 🎄🎅🎁👍

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