To all the Spammers or wannabe Spammers. Take note.

in #steemit7 years ago

To all the Spammers out there or anyone thinking of Spamming we aren't going to let you ruin this fabulous site, You will be flagged You won't win

Ask to be Followed = FLAGGED AND IGNORED
Leave links for me to click on = FLAGGED AND IGNORED

Be respectful, work hard, write good posts,read posts, vote others posts, leave meaningful comments and you won't need to spam

Thank you son-of-satire

Thank you @artedellavita


This is what I think of Spammers !!🔪💣💉💊🔫

I hate them too, very annoying :)

They drive me crazy !! Im totally ignoring them now !!👍😵😵😵

I wrote a post the other day about it then someone comnented exactly what I had sad not to I the post, I then sent him a message saying you didn't read my post he sent back saying He had read a little bit? Very annoying

Oh I know the feeling !! Its very annoying indeed !!! 👍👍👍

I recently read about a potentially excellent and simple solution to this problem that seemed to me to be a bit of genius. I have often found @mattclarke's observations to be very insightful, and I hope you'll read this article of his and consider it:

"The seed of self-upvoting was sowed more than 12 months ago, hf19 just watered it."

Put into a few words, the solution is to make thoughtful curating more rewarding than collusion and self-upvoting. This greatly appeals to me because, as a content-creator, I want more readers, not a vast number of careless authors... ;) I think it would make it more rewarding to actually read and legitimately comment on articles than it would to spam.

I left Matt a comment near the bottom, which I hope you'll read as well.

Thanks for your consideration!



Its at the top now :) wish someone would do something to about these spammers, its all in the air with no one knowing what to do

I agree 100% and let's throw in the scammers too!
Nice post, glad i'm not the only one fed up with this crap!

We have to stop them and make sure the message gets out that we don't put up with it

Thank you. The more the merrier :)

Spammers are try to week our Steemit comnities we have together fight them

We all have to stick together and beat them

Amen sister! It was one of the reasons why I wasn't a "youtwitterface". Too much spamming, trolling and general mean spiritedness. Let's stick together and not let these trolls ruin this site!

Exactly, lets show them who is the boss lol

Up until recently I have been ANTI-Flag.
I'm considering otherwise.

I am the same, I have never flagged anyone but think the time has come we have to look after each other and deal with them

time to flag 'bots for certain.

I usually ignore or mute them. OK, let's flag

I used to do the same but its not working, we all have to stick together :)

I feel ya sister! It's like a new wave of members that started this trend it seems.

We all have to stand up to them, not let them win :)

Yes, yes and more yes!

I completely agree with every word. I sign under every word and carve them in stone....

Lets stick together :)

At the moment in fact I'm close to understanding the spammers. I only get lucky if blocktrades vote for my post, all the others are really low rewarded, really, 10$ is a rare and WOW success. Despite the fact that I'm here for a long time, comment a lot and not with "nice post" kind of things, and trying to do my best as much as I can. But seems like something is wrong directly with me. I even already don't post that much as I did before, cause really no matter how much effort I put in it - I always have the same low result. It was OK in the very beginning, absolutely OK after HF 18 when we all were at 1-2 cents for post, but now... I already don't know for what I'm trying so damn hard. Sorry for whining, it's just I'm really upset about it at the moment.
But anyway it seems to me that all these asks for upvote and follow is creepy. never did it in other social platforms, and can't understand why people do it here. I have over 1500 followers - does it make my rewards higher? No. Does it make me feel better? No again. Then why people are so obsessed with followers, while in fact only a low circle of on-line friends is needed, for communication and support?

I am the same I have stopped doing thank you posts for how many followers I have as only 20 - 50 upvote my post, I find it goes up and down, I can do OK for a while then bank its like I am a newbie again no wants to know.
Stick with it hun you have your loyal followers which I am sure they will grow as you do :)

My be it's just me, I take it too personal. I immediately begin thinking "no one likes my art, I'm bad at this". And it's so hard to get rid of this thought.

Believe me your not the only one. I have questioned my time on herw I have asked people to be truthful to me. I have always been told Steemit goes through ups and downs abd so many changes. ov course people like what you do. You have an amazing talent, keep doing what your doing :)

Thank you for calming me, it meant really a lot at this moment:) I think I'll better go and hug Astro, she always can find the right... Bark for me, lol:)

I'm supporting you as are plenty of others I love your work. Give Astro a cuddle from me :)

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