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RE: For steemit to grow and be successful it takes all types... This includes types that you yourself may not like

in #steemit8 years ago

I thought we voted on a persons writing and not on the person. There is someone on here who has a massive following and famous on the outside but I can't get to grips with his writing so don't follow or vote but find a few sheep on here will follow anyone in the hope of a bit of that fame


Sure up vote who you like. The down vote though doesn't really do positive things for the platform. You referred to SHEEP. We need to be inclusive. Let the sheep vote for whomever they want. That doesn't mean you have to.

I kind of like to think of it as walking into a bookstore. There is a lot of stuff I don't like. I don't pull it off the shelf, and I don't bother telling people how much I dislike it. Instead I go buy the things I'm interested in. If more people agree with me then the demand is high and they end up needing to restock more often and perhaps the author will get motivated and write more books faster (unless there name is George R.R. Martin... then they get slower). :)

And negative news spreads far faster than positive. You could do 5 positive things and I'd be unsurprised to see 1 negative thing make people forget those 5 positive things.

Overall it doesn't do any good for the platform for us to be attacking each other. Just buy the books you like. ;) Let the sheep buy the books they like...

If any big name celebrities ever join it'll be good for the platform, but they likely won't be much different and might be worse than this person being attacked.

I follow the members I enjoy reading the ones that say something to me or ones I can learn from. Look after your own account and let others do the same.

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