I have an idea.. What do you think?

in #steemit8 years ago

There is so many writers on here all trying to be read, all putting there lives, experiences, thoughts and joys onto paper which can sometimes take a lot to do, spending time getting the format right hunting for the best picture then in anticipation they post it with fingers crossed and wait for someone to read there work, someone to leave a message but nothing comes, There post slides down the list amongst numerous other posts.


"What did they do wrong?" "What more can they do" "Should I give up writing"


To get members to read more the SUBMIT A STORY link to be locked until you read and comment on a certain amount of posts WHICH in turn will slow down the amount of posts being posted BUT increase the amount of reading and interaction on site meaning so many posts would have a better chance of getting a couple of reads and not being lost...**REMENBER ITS JUST A SUGGESTION PLEASE DON'T SHOUT AT ME **


Hi I am Karen, I am here to write and read.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Hahah Just kidding. because you said "DON"T SHOUT AT ME" I felt the need to shout at you anyways.

I love your idea! That would help others get content read, But at the same time I feel like there are 3 types of people.

  • People who read content, But don't like to post often.
  • People who like to read and write a little bit.
  • People who only like to post content.

That s the beauty of Steemit, Even people who don't like to write, but like to read can help curate content and upvote, and leave comments. And they can make money. I feel that those incentives are great enough! I feel like there is a lack of reading and curating, Because we have something that people aren't used to,
they can make money with their voice
People want to be heard and for the first time, They can share it on this great platform, But not only that, They can make money . I feel like later on people will do more reading than writing! For us writers we will get more exposure. We just need to wait it out!

I love your idea though <3

"OUCH"That hurt lol thank you for replying and reading my Suggestion, Just would be nice seeing the new page writers being read instead of nothing. I think it's such a waste

My post wasnt worth a vote. .. now you kill me lol

To get members to read more the SUBMIT A STORY link to be locked until you read and comment on a certain amount of posts WHICH in turn will slow down the amount of posts being posted BUT increase the amount of reading and interaction

Since you (attempted to) read my recent blog post and commented there, I came over here to see if there was something I could suggest or respond to. I don't have much time, but I will give a little bit of it to you because I care.

To drive more interaction, we need to ways to allows users to form interest groups. Limiting activity to force people to behave a certain way will just send them fleeing the site to something that allows them to do what they want.

My suggestion to you is to think about your interests and who would share them with you. And then tell us why you can't reach those interested people on Steem.

Thank you for responding, like I said it was a suggestion hoping some would put here suggestiions here or telling me where my Suggestion could go wrong and I totally agree with you. I am trying to write about my interests but no one seems interested as it's not what there looking for BUT thank you for popping in

I am not asking what they are not liking. I am asking you who will like your writing? Try to think about who shares your interests? Do you have a lot of friends that you share links to things online with in other social networks? Identify who your audience is, then we can figure why your audience is not here on Steem yet.

Thank you but I really don't have many friends. I'm disabled and housebound the people I joined up with on here have just about stopped writing so my network is pretty dead. Thank you for trying to help I appreciate it but unfortunately I am a lost cause

Well don't give up on yourself, even if Steemit can't help you. I am blinded in one eye, I have been dealing with a very bad chronic illness which has effects similar to Multiple Sclerosis, but I didn't stop trying to do something with myself. No matter how much more difficult it was to do the things that I used to do before I got in this condition, I still push myself to try to do. There was two years lost to a daily frustration of mostly collapsing back into the bed after every few hours of trying to do and not getting anything done. I think what helped me in my case is:

  • I'm a male, so have some natural fight (testosterone) inside me. Also I'd been a American football player and all-around athlete, so I'm historically very competitive and hate to lose or give up.
  • I love doing sports activities so much, that even it was struggle to do those, my memories of how much I love it, propelled me forward to fight to continue to do it, even it was miserable and painful. And now lately, my healthy is improving somewhat and starting to have some good or better days.
  • I could still use my mind sometimes (even though this was also difficult due to headaches, chronic fatigue, stomach pains, etc) and I've been prolific in the past with accomplishments in computer programming employing my mind.

I think the first thing you need to do is find your life outside of Steemit, before you can make an impact on social networking.

If your handicap doesn't prevent you from traveling, how about traveling to some place of poverty and working with the kids there to inspire them? Something like that. Spending your days playing and interacting with people who may look up to you as a role model who cared enough to spend the time with them.

I think if you posted very large and high quality photos (note readers are visual and the photos you've posted in your blogs have not been good) of yourself accomplishing great things in spite of being handicapped and explained how you had overcome, I think you would get a lot of respect on Steemit and gain a lot of income. They might even fund you to be able to continue doing.

But mostly do it for yourself, not for the money. Find your purpose to still be here on earth alive. I am confident you can do it. It is all about how you view life. I often forget I am blinded in one eye. I just imagine I am not blinded, and so I am not. I focus on what I can do, not what I can't do.

Apologies if I don't have the time to actually help you do it. I enjoy being a motivational doer role model. But at age 51 and in my current condition I can't actively help as many people as I used to do in my younger age, I am spread too thin and can only offer my words of encouragement.

Take care.

EDIT: Just to expand on that a little bit, you've got to find something that makes you feel important, loved, and appreciated. Even if you are handicapped from the neck down, find someone to wheel you around who feels important doing it, and then go to Africa where you are a role model because you are white and there are so many neglected kids who need a grandma or big sister who loves them. Just an idea, and maybe you have a better one because you know your interests better than I do.

I think the community is still very young and relatively small, that's why it is so difficult to attract large numbers of readers, because simply there aren't too many members in the frist place. This will probably change when the steemit community grows to the hundreds of millions of users like many other social networks. Now when will that happen is an interesting question I think.

Will the writers have the patience to wait until steemit grows, there's some great writers out there who aren't getting a single read which is such a shame

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