This is your chance to power-up for cheap before the price of Steem establishes a new floor.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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I wrote a post about how the price of Steem could further go down in the coming weeks because of power-downs, less investment and sell pressure, . This is actually a good thing because now, Steemitans who had less Steem power and wanted to buy an expensive $4 a piece Steem dollar at one point, but couldn't, can now buy it at about $1.07 - $1.20 per Steem power.

Think back to when Steem was at $4. I'm sure you were thinking, "Gosh! this is so expensive now ..." but still wanted to get in. You were willing to spend that much because of the constant rise of Steem and didn't want to miss out. A lot of us were praying that the price of Steem drops so we can buy it for cheap before it sky rockets again. Well guess what? Our prayers have been answered and now Steem is trading at about $1.07 to $1.20. If this is not cheap, then what else is? Now the price could still go down but call it joy instead of bad news because now you can buy Steem even cheaper. Think of it as a win win situation. Steem is serving as the perfect cryptocurrency to hold.

Powering up

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The price going down means we can now power-up for cheap. I repeat, the price going down means we can now power up for cheap. Do me a favor and take a look at your Steem power value now. Take note of it, check it in again after two hours and tell me whether it's gone up or down.

FACT: Steem power never goes down, it always goes up

Right! Steem power never goes down, even when the price of Steem goes down. It's the invention designed to keep the network stable and healthy long term as long as more people hold it. You get rewarded massively for holding it and the more you hold, the more you receive in return. Therefore you need more of it. You don't want to purchase more of it when it gets expensive as compared to now. You have an opportunity to help yourself and others, and get more influence on Steemit. If your posts weren't visible enough, you can promote yourself and others by purchasing more Steem power.

No I'll wait, it'll drop some more, and then I'll buy

Very understandable. If it does, that's great and you can still purchase it for cheap. But what if it doesn't. You've missed out then. You have to realize every moment of not owning Steem power is money not gained. If you had money to invest in Steem power but were holding it, waiting for the price to go further down before you buy it, then you may end up losing as the price could stabilize for a long time or even rise up. All those days not invested in Steem power means you missed out on the further Steem power to be gained just for holding during that time. Steemit is fun already and the more Steem power you hold, the more influence you have, the more fun it becomes. The more of it you hold now, the better. It's nice to be able to give out a cent at least every time you upvote a post. You feel great. It's fun and it's beautiful.

When Bitcoin started

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Bitcoins early days were like this also. Here's a chart of Bitcoin in it's early days before it sky rocketed to an all time high of about $1200. 

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Now remember it started from nothing and got to this point. There was high volatility even more fluctuations than what we're seeing with Steem but yet Bitcoin has worked its way to become a stable cookie. Given these reasons why Steem is better than Bitcoin, , we could see Steem rise to number 1 sooner than you think. These are early days. Crypto itself if volatile, Steem being young is another reason there's much volatility. And then there are power downs, which is a feature of the network. All these will affect the price here and there. But slowly but surely, with all the steady progress Steemit is continuously achieving,  just as Steem creeped its way to be in the top 5 currencies of all time, so can it work it's way to the number 1 spot, deservingly so.

Happy Steeming Everyone!


Good advice but haven't a clue how to do it.

If you've already earned money from your blogs, half of it is invested in Steem power already and half of it is given to you in Steem dollars. I checked your wallet and it seems that's your situation. Before i tell you how to power up, holding Steem dollars also earns you a 10% APR interest. So decide on whether you want to power up. Powering up means you're locking your Steem and can only withdraw 1% percent a week in two years once you power down. Powering up and powering down are clickable links that will walk you through the process when you click on them. To power up, which I'm guessing is what you don't know how to,

  1. You click on the drop down arrow next to your STEEEM ----- (NOT STEEM POWER)
  2. Click on "Power up"'
  3. Type in the amount of Steem you want to power up or click on your available balance to select all of it and power it all up.
  4. Click the "Power up" button
  5. Enter your password if required.

If you haven't made anything from blogs and still want to purchase Steem to power up, you can purchase Steem with Bitcoin either on Steemit or other exchanges and power up. If you buy it from other exchanges, you have to transfer it to Steemit and then you power up.

Hope this was helpful. Let me know if you have more questions. I'm here for you :)

That was really helpful thank you. I have a little in my wallet just got v to decide what to do with it. Now I know how to do it I have options, Thanks again

I'm glad it was helpful. Yes, decide on what to do :) Take care :)

My thoughts at the minute to take my money and give up, I won't but the temptation is there

I'll likely not move more than 10k into the platform until I see it exit beta, streamline its UI and gain better traction overall.

Very understandable :) As we've seen, i think the developers will continue to streamline the UI. We've come a long way from when the follow feature wasn't even yet functional to the many features now. With time, I'm very sure the developers will do just that and eventually exit out of beta. And once it does it will definitely gain even more traction. Steemit is already gaining traction in record numbers. Kudos to all the hardworking Steemit developers and everyone involved with the amazing work so far. I know you guys are working extremely hard day in day out to make this the very best social networking platform of all time. All the best to Steemit :)

@onesunbeingnow - agreed, I'm about to make a small investment (roughly 1k) and continue posting content while keeping an eye on growth and UI improvements.

Nice post but i'm still going to hold out powering up for a bit. Steem looks very bearish, loosing 10% a day is harsh. Ive got my buy in around 130k, then im hopping for the rebound moonshot.
Hopefully im right and in 2weeks we can call me a dolphin. Great post!

Haha. I'm glad whatever you're doing, you're still trying to get the most Steem to power up if that's what you intend to do with your Steem once you purchase it. Good luck. I do that too but buy a little at a time at different prices because you never know when that rebound moonshot(your words lol) will happen and leave you behind. Anyway, all the best to all of us. Looking forward to celebrating your new dolphin status :D Thanks :)

like your style upvoted and followed

Whales are just selling and giving birth to new dolphins and whales.

How are they giving birth to new dolphins and whales?

I have a price for ramping up my vest count. Other do too. The price will only go so low till we buy in.

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