7 no-nonsense reasons Steem is way better than Bitcoin.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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Bitcoin is currently the number 1 cryptocurrency of all cryptocurrencies and regarded as the mother of all cryptocurrencies. It's been around for quite some time now and been through quite a journey still holding strong. Steem is a young very promising cryptocurrency, with a social networking platform called Steemit attached to it. The fact that Steemit is young and Bitcoin is currently number 1 in terms of market capitalisation can make you underestimate Steemits extremely positive promise and potential that makes it better than Bitcoin. Below are 7 no nonsense reasons Steem is way better than Bitcoin.

It's a Social Network

We all love social networking platforms. Before Steemit if you were not on Facebook, you were on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and so on. Outside the Technological world, we interact with one another and can view that as one big reality social network. It's a part of us and we do it both in real life and on the internet. Whether you like it or not, social networks have become a part of us, a way of life. Employers, the government, politics all use it for various means. There's not arguing that it is a very essential part of us now. Steemit is currently the most exciting and trending social networking platform, that's fun, and why people will flock to Steemit ahead of Bitcoin.

Easy Adoption

Explaining what Bitcoin or cryptocurrency is to someone who knows nothing about cryptocurrency can be a pain on its own not to talk about getting them to create a wallet, deposit, withdraw, explaining block times etc. With Steem, all you have to do is invite people to something they're already familiar with, social networks, and they're in. I guarantee you, if you set out, as a challenge, to invite a group of 100 people each to Bitcoin and Steemit, you'll get more people to join Steemit, than Bitcoin. I've invited more people into Steemit in a short amount of time way more than Bitcoin in a long time. It's that simple for people to join. it's fun and we already love social networks. I can't think of anything fun, practical and relatable to the social world that's running on Bitcoin and will draw attention. Once you join Steemit, you basically own your first Steem, which is invested into Steempower. How easy.

Bitcoin's bad rep

Bitcoin has been linked to a lot of bad and illegal stuff. Drugs, the dark web, financing terrorist and a lot more are all linked to Bitcoin, most notably Silk Road. The only "negative" thing i can think of about Steem is the fact that it's linked to a social networking platform, which turns out be a positive thing, so what are we even comparing here? Mention Bitcoin to someone and all they tell you is that it's a Ponzi scheme. They may even not know anything about Bitcoin, but just because of what they've heard, they might not even consider given it a shot. Steem has nothing negative going for it and all the positives going for it right now. 

Steem Power

With Bitcoin you gain nothing when the price of Bitcoin is stable and worse if it drops. With Steem, you gain more Steem just for holding Steem power, even when the price of Steem goes down. To all investors, do i even have to continue elaborating on this point? That's a no brainer. If i knew nothing about cryptocurrencies at all, that alone will be enough reason for me to jump in on Steemit, get myself some Steem either through blogging, curating or investing money and then power up to Steem power. That will be more than enough reason for a lot more people.

No pre investment required

With Bitcoin, you have to invest into it with fiat currency or mine it(which can be very difficult and unprofitable due to high electricity bills, cost of maintenance and so on). With Steem, you actually get your first Steem tokens, invested into Steem power just for signing up. How cool is that, plus you get more just for holding Steem power. Without investing any fiat currency, you can spend your time and blog your heart out, sharing and providing value to the Steemit community and get paid if people like what you provide and it receives traction. There are hundreds of people and counting, who have not spent any money on Steemit so far, and have made thousands of dollars, some invested into Steem power to earn more Steem just for holding and keeping the Steemit network stable, and the rest paid out. All just for blogging and spending their time, providing value for people. And you can too. In addition to that you can also invest real or fiat currency like the US dollars, Euros and so on.

No reason not to join

Steemit gives you no reason not to join. For a system to give you money with the possibility of making more and not requiring you to give them anything other than your time, what reason do you have not to join it. With a social network that pays you to blog and have wonderful, possibly life changing experiences, what reason do you have not to join. Other Ponzi schemes take your money and require you to invest more and more in order to get more. Although you can make more Steem with Steem power, Steemit doesn't require you to invest money in order to blog. It only wants your time to provide value to the community so what reason does it give you not to join. None my friends. Bitcoin's negative rep and early adoption difficulty alone can drive away adoption.

Females, Females, Females

Only a couple months old, Steemit is arguably the cryptocurrency platform with the most females being a part of it and growing. And with everyone acknowledging the fact of female deficiency in the world of crypto, even Bitcoin fanatics would appreciate the service Steemit is doing in bringing new people to our beautiful world of cryptocurrency.

These are only a few reasons, no nonsense for sure, why Steem is way better than Bitcoin. Think about Steemits potential given how young it is and the impact it can have in the world of crypto, years from now. I won't be surprised if by the mention of Steem alone, positive smiles draw on the faces of all who were a part of it.

Thanks for reading folks and Happy Steeming!


Steemit role to mass adaption:
#1: No barrier to entry.
#2: Steem Power holders get rewarded more for longterm and doing "work".
#3: We were all do it free on Facebook. Now we get paid! Even if its only $1000 a year its way better than before!

The more reason why everyone is and will flock to Steemit. All three points are absolutely correct for 3 points :)

females females females

Yes! females females females :) Much love Craig :)

Great point :) That will help in keeping the Steem network stable and reward us for holding. A no brainer and a beauty both ways :) Much wow :)

However bitcoin is still more secure and more widely adopted and used at this current time.
Many reasons that steem has room for growth!

True. There's no doubt. But if Steem gets to the point of Bitcoin in terms of how long it's been around, adoption, use cases, etc, it will be very interesting to see :)

Very much so!
So let's hope so! :)

Yes, Steem is special. It's a crypto currency with an attached social news site, that is contineously producing new ideas for the usage of Steem. And that is forming a very strong community around Steemit. Thanks for the post.

As I was reading your list I was actually taken by surprise when I read that last point. You're right, cyptocurrency is WAY too dominated by males. It's a really great point that strangely I overlooked.

Before Steemit, i only only knew one female, Amanda B Johnson, currently promoting Dash, who's in crypto. I'm sure there are females in crypto but waaaay less than males. Steemit is an amazing platform to bridge that gap and I'm glad for it. It's a point that cuts across all of crypto.

The good outweighs the bad for me anyways since I have never used Bitcoin. Nice post!

Don't get me wrong, Bitcoin was the first and is great . These are reasons why Steem is arguably superior than the great although Bitcoin is way ahead in terms of marketcapitalization and price for now. Steem is young but superior in so many ways. And it's only getting started. Thanks

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