Thoughts on HF20, Scaling Back My Negativity, and Remaining Skeptically Hopeful. (WTF was that!?)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Let me start with what I see to be clear and obvious:

The implementation HF20 was not clean, professional, or really "successful" from the basic user's perspective. This was clearly voiced as a pronounced market reaction across social media as the official Twitter account and Steem blog here on the platform continued to urge users to be patient, and even--if I am not mistaken--to "go outside" for a little while. The official sources continuously voiced excitement and contentment with the new system, and botched implementation, while bagholders and investors were assured by the official sources and other zealouts that everything was "successful" and they were just being negative or "too judgmental."

A few things to note:

  • The Steem blockchain has been severely compromised and for over ten hours at a time twice over the last two weeks. Imagine this happening to other reputable chains. How would the response differ?
  • Due and timely detailed, adequate notification was not given to users regarding the impending temporary shutdown of their accounts. This means important transactions were halted, contest deadlines were ruined, and posts uploaded just before the HF suffered considerably from a rewards perspective. Some accounts here are worth tens of thousands of dollars. It seems like a little more attention should be given to communication. None of this is to mention the confused new user population.
  • Auto-vote lists were basically knocked out.
  • Users who were most productive on the platform and were said to have a "debt," and new users, were encouraged to purchase more SP to be able to post, even though said purchase did nothing for those who followed these instructions. This is questionable and unfortunate at best. Highly suspicious at worst.
  • As pointed out by other users, the implementation of RCs (which decision to implement I am still unsure of, and question the highly centralized means by which it was made) is a huge change, and could be a hardfork in and of itself. Neverthe less, after minimal testing, the implementation was launched in conjunction with several other changes. The dev and official statements? Basically: We don't know. We'll just try it and see.
  • Users have not been given any sort of indicator on their profiles or via official Steemit avenues regarding their RC levels, or the various costs of various on-chain transactions such as voting, following, posting, etc. If you would like to see your current Resource Credit level, head over to
  • Now, when I try to onboard people (which I have halted completely, at present) I not only get to explain the three iterations of Steem, but also have to tell them about RCs and "mana." Yay. Not complicated at all.
  • No more new account delegations! In order to be able to post once a day, upvote and comment around 40 - 80 times, ~200 SP is needed (correct me if I am mistaken). Now that new users will be given no SP when they open accounts, it seems they will have to pay 200 dollars or so before they can even make a post. I could be wrong here. Somebody please say it ain't so!
  • After over two years of being in beta mode, this website still lacks basic, bare bones social media functions like basic notifications, viewable voter lists, and community functions such as groups. This cannot be blamed simply on the oft-used idea that "decentralization is messy." Head over to SCORUM, for example, and see how much of a difference simple notifications make!

Productivity should not be punished. Proper announcements should be made. Updates brushing off user concerns and saying "success!" are not very helpful.

So why do I remain skeptically hopeful? Well, what other choice is there? I have shifted focus to other areas of my life as Steemit has ceased becoming a viable source of income, but I cannot leave altogether. I like it here. This whole thing has become a habit for me, and almost a kind of second home. Sad to say that the second home currently seems to be more like a spammy, money-shuffling argument pit, but. I like the lack of regulation here, and I like those people with whom I interact and I follow on a daily basis.

That said. I think it's time for the Dapps to take over, perhaps. But then, what Dapp would want to build on such a volatile chain?

Sigh. What I really wanna do now is buy a shit ton of Steem and see what happens. Wishing doesn't do shit, though, in this case. So, as I have always done, I shall do. Keep on walking. For those that are in my shoes and are not abandoning things here, but need a little breath of fresh air and some positivity, SCORUM is a pretty sweet place to be right now, and I hear Weku is interesting, as well.

I think it is time I scale back on my negative type output for a bit and focus on building and generation. Here's wishing Steem and Steemit the best, as always, even with all the critique.

Thanks for reading.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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That was the best thing yet I read on the HF20 'debacle' I think is a good word.

Very fair point about needing to know the cost of 'mana' - I noticed my alt account with 3 SP couldn't post via actifit just logically cannot be the case that you need 200 SP to do anything.

Although it occured to me that more engaged genuine users with low sp might actually have to limit their comments!

@Tabris did a recent post testing out mana costs for various actions - I dunno how to link to it but I just resteemed it.

On the 'putting steem second front'... yup - I'm glad this is a second income, but I still like it here. Then again so did matt sokol, who you may remember...

I would run a competition called 'find the problems mentioned by Matt that HF20 will solve', but I think the answer's too easy!

Still, as you say, there's nothing else quite like it out there.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a great article. Thank you. I resonate with so much of what Sokol is saying. I didn't realize he had left. I became very concerned about the same time he did--around March - July of this year.

BTW it cost me 0.5% resource credits to post that last comment. Not sure how quickly it recharges though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Man, what I am really confused about is the new account creation process. If I am understanding this correctly, new accounts simply cannot post until they pay? I am wondering how much SP is required before a new account can complete the basic and necessary task of making a post...

I know what you mean... he also seems to have developed more of a professional persona, less scatterbrained. Maybe he's quit the weed!

How does upvoting affect yr VP btw... is it the same as usual?

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol. May be.

I haven't looked into that too deeply yet. Just taking things slowly and trying to get back up to speed. I think it may be similar to before. Seems that way, anyway.

I just risked it - seems similar. Voting that is.

In terms of RC... 0.5% reduction for a comment and 0.05 for an upvote, but the regen rate is so fast I can't see it ever hitting zero.

Assuming you sleep that is.

Which bots don't so I guess that'll help resolve those!

Posted using Partiko Android

After spending yesterday thinking about the last month on steemit i feel its not what i thought it was and probably not the site to invest in.
Reading about witness's having to tow the party line or be removed and also unknown accounts having sway with decision making (that account @freedom thought to belong to the owner) then how can they call this place decentralised.
There will definitely be no more investment in this site with my accounts while i decide what is my next move.
I enjoy this site and spend many hours reading and voting. But as for a site to invest money into when my investment can be locked and frozen such as the last 2 episodes on the site. It reminds me of been locked into my investments in 1987 when banks and investment houses just switched off their phones.
My trust of this site and its goals are starting to wane.

Maybe i see the light or maybe i'm just pissed... time will tell

THANK YOU. I am not an investor like yourself, as such, but often consider folks in your position. A platform that goes offline four hours on end unpredictably is uncomfortable enough for me, a blogger who has been here over two years trying to build SP and enjoying the community. I can only imagine how investors must feel.

I am unaware of witnesses having to tow the party line, maybe. Could you elaborate? On a whole, though, I really resonate with what you are saying about decentralization. The platform is one thing, but now even the chain itself seems to be under very centralized and arbitrary control.

I feel disappointed. Like you, I am waiting to see what will happen, but more and more this site starts to resemble a kind of MLM/pyramid scheme junk heap. I feel for the dedicated Dapp creators trying to build on the chain, as well.

Thanks for the quick reply.. I must have read 30 posts yesterday on hf20 and over 100 comments on each. But i have managed to fine the thread that got me concerned.

and the post lower down from @ats-david that mentions a super majority and further down where @nationalpark mentions about @freedom voting for witness's

this is the comment from @nationalpark

honestly you couldn't be more accurate. They didn't informed us about anything and after all of this mess they even said it was successful. I hope the autoving thing to start working again cause for a lot of people included me it is a big deal.

Also the active users that had the "dept" it was like you slap them in the face. You are active? You have quality posts? You make tons of great comments? then f@@@ you@@@ :P

And after all this we have to wait once again 3-4 days for our voting power to reach over 80%..... Waste of time for stupid things. Also i don't know about SCORUM and from what you say it sounds awesome so today or tomorrow i am gonna check it out but weku which i tried is at least for me 100 times worst that Steemit in terms of abuse and plagiarism. It has potential if they erase the issues steemit had and has because it's in early states but from what i've seen the problem is too big already!

I've not posted, commented or voted for a couple of days now but this morning when I checked I see this. My voting power has never been that low at any point during the two years I have been on here. (God only knows how much mana/rc I will consume with this comment with a .png). Hopefully, things will balance out over the next few days as suggested by the devs but the communication has been pretty poor throughout this process with users having to do their own experiments to see which actions consume the most RCs.


It is hard to stay positive when decisions are made that don't make sense. To me, anything that makes it harder for new users or users with low SP to interact with the site is a bad thing and just telling people that they should just buy more Steem if they want to use the site is a bit shit.

I've posted and commented quite a few times asking why the decisions made by Stinc appear to favour large SP holders at the expense of low SP holders/new users but it seems that blogging on the Steem blockchain is the past and Dapps and SMTs are the future.

Thanks for the post. Like you, I enjoy this platform and the interactions I have on here but perhaps, the bloggers will do better in the future going somewhere else while the whales keep on earning most of the Steem through delegation and vote selling.

I agree with much of what you are saying, both on the negative and the positive side.

This fork will likely show it's importance in 6 months time when SMTs come into play. We'll know then if the past/next week have been worth it or not. I'm going to take my usual fairly positive stance and say I think we are set for some good times ahead.

I was going to do a stream on Vimm, but I am holding off until maybe tomorrow night because of this. Otherwise I got to make a post as I won't get to stream until Sunday. Hopefully it recovers quickly and ends up being for the best.

Whew... I am trying to be positive and remind myself that I don't know the details of what exactly is happening behind the scenes so I can't accurately judge things and shouldn't comment. But at the same time.... I question a lot of the things I am seeing. I am in full agreement with you.

It's a miracle the steem course didn't plunche because it's mainly based on trust. I guess we should be lucky the general trend on coinmarketcap is upwards the last week. In a negative market steem could have gotten a hit big enough that it would be hard to recover from.

I'm a little nonplussed at the moment. Just waiting to see how the mana / RC level out. It looks like my auto votes have started to kick in again but not many of the people I follow have posted yet. It certainly has been eerily quite. It remains to be seen as to how things will shake out once everything recharges or will we ever recharge fully. That is without stopping and waiting before interacting with the chain for a period every couple of days?

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