Thoughts on cutting down Facebook time after one week. Less hate. Less "debate." More Steem. More Dream.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I've been taking a break from serious debates on Facebook, and checking the site regularly.

I've chosen to place more focus on my life in "meatspace" and also here on The energy I've redirected has already served me well, and I'm pleased to find that as I put more focus into being engaged on Steemit, Steemit becomes that much more gratifying and engaging.

Many folks are reticent to abandon Facebook entirely, and I can totally understand that. Actually, I've done it before. What I found, however, is that I still had a strong desire to express myself to my connections there, and in ways that maybe are not yet so feasible on I can also stay connected to literally thousands of Voluntaryist allies, and close friends and family that are not yet part of the "Steem-o-sphere." I can make short, off-the-cuff posts about this and that tidbit, funny or profound moment from my day, without feeling any pressure to turn them into long form posts that will be earning Steem.

For example, I can rattle off a couple lines about something funny one of my students said, hear my family and friends' reactions, all in a very low pressure and simple way. I don't always feel this way about Steemit.

Antique Typewriter (with lettering).jpg

That said, the less I check Facebook, and the less I engage in the puerile mudslinging that has become so prevalent there, I can simply focus on sharing those light little moments, and even my thoughts on Voluntaryist issues, without putting too much stock in it all. This "light" way of using Facebook is working out really well. I feel so much less pressure to respond to every single notification now, as I have announced my decision to cut back, and can focus much more on my blog here, and the community here.

Rolling away from Facebook like a boss.

As I invest more into blogging and being engaged on Steemit, the platform becomes more engaging and rewarding, and I feel the "Facebook itch" less and less.

Even in regard to Steemit, the more I focus on life as it appears in my immediate vicinity, and my relationships, the more I feel inspired to share and express myself on this platform.

So, all in all, I'd say the results of my decision thus far have been positive. Plus, more and more, Facebook is just becoming invasive, and a spot where folks like myself will be (and already are being) surveilled by the state. Fuck that. Well, I guess that's about it. What are your thoughts on Facebook? Get at me in the comments, homies!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Steemit is the only social media or blogging I've ever done.
FB, Twitter etc are govt created entities designed for data gathering. People are disturbingly happy to lay bare there whole lives on those platforms. One day that will come back to bite many of them in the ass.

Yes. Couldn’t agree more.

Compared to facebook, steemit is much more highest, positive,successive and productive platform. Great decision and I think your active service will make the community more stronger and perfect. Thanks for the great decision, Good luck.

I can make short, off-the-cuff posts about this and that tidbit, funny or profound moment from my day, without feeling any pressure to turn them into long form posts that will be earning Steem.

For example, I can rattle off a couple lines about something funny one of my students said, hear my family and friends' reactions, all in a very low pressure and simple way. I don't always feel this way about Steemit.

This is one thing I hate about steemit, the fucking expectations from people. I really hope that projects like APPICS or that ZAPPL one and STEEPSHOT get accepted and people vote on content produced through them without any high expectations. It's like I need to sell my ass in every word. Some posts are looking like those landing pages with tens of thousands of empty words. Bleh.

It's like I need to sell my ass in every word. Some posts are looking like those landing pages with tens of thousands of empty words. Bleh.

Couldn't agree more.

Hey man, when's the next VJ live? I miss it. Would've been perfect on this cold ass Sunday with some IPA 👍

Ah man. That sounds great. IPA and YouTube talks.

Actually cutting back now to focus and keep streamlining. Kind a got burnt. Just feel like I've said my piece for now, know what I mean?

If DTube becomes a bit more reliable I'm gonna put more energy in that direction, I think, but for now I'm looking to simplify and sharpen my focus.

Sounds like the right thing to do for you at this time, man. Though I gotta say, VJ live was like a brand tied in to your steem series and never felt like it was happening outside of steem-o-sphere. Dtube or anything else, I hope the show comes back soon.

Everyone who knows what Steemit is can say it is much better than Facebook.

I love Steemit a lot more than Facebook, but I still believe Facebook has it’s purpose. I mainly use it for Facebook pages, groups, and marketing. Especially since it’s still the social media platform that the majority of people are on. But when it comes to personal use, Steemit is the way to go!

nice decision my friend, well in steemit we stays updated regarding all sorts of information and we can also see variety of posts in steemit but in facebook we mostly see casual posts with less details and we also see many peoples are spreading false information in facebook, Wishing you all the very best for each and every one of your future endeavors! Stay awesome.

Facebook is a great, successful network.
There are limits to the number of friends there, people are mostly entertained. It's a steady business platform, we get the effect of a social network and we're still making money. It's definitely a much better option, I've long lifted hands from Facebook

You spoke my mind my friend @kafkanarchy84. Since i joined steemit 5mnths ago, i have lost interest in facebook and it's pettiness. Thank you for sharing, somebody else is with me.

I but in Facebook up just my steemit links ... nothing more .

Hello kafka.. I too agree to your decision of staying away from Fb and concentrating more on this platform which is much above its standard and quality content compared to other social media..

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