I've been on Steemit two years now. Was hoping it'd be much further along, by now. But also, can't complain.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Exactly two years on this platform today. EDIT: Actually, in a few more days. Thought it was June 27. Apparently July 1st. Oh well. This is still the post for it.

Laughably, the payouts for my posts have almost fully returned to their beginning levels.

Well, that's the market, so fuck it. Adapt or die.

Why am I still here?

I'm still here for the reason I've always been here: the idea.

Ideas create reality. Humans create money. We are the evaluators. We are the creators.

Money (systems of trading value for value) paves the way for further innovation of ideas.

This inspires new sparks. New creations.


  1. Yes, you can. We do. All money is created that way.
  2. People are paid for ideas all the time, everywhere.

A meme created for me by a friend here.

I've made a lot of friends here. Real friends that I actually trust. Some I have actually met in the flesh.

I've dug myself out here. Learned a lot about others and myself. The community is real. And, to me, still remains one of a much higher calibre and quality than those of other social media sites. There's a lot of bullshit on Steemit as well, don't get me wrong. But the real individuals here, put out some genuine stuff. Of a character and quality that smacks of individuality. And reality.

Thumbnail image for my first Steemit post.

Right after my first Steemit post 2 years ago, I quit my job.

Now I am a full-time unschooling advocate and Voluntaryist blogger. The way things are going, I don't know, though. I may have to adapt again, and go back to another job which I will eventually quit again. Hah! I won't settle. Can't. Too many important ideas to be had.

Ideas are everything. And that is why I am here. Thanks for a fucking killer two years. As questionable as things here may seem at times (especially now) the cat is already out of the bag. The idea has escaped. As my buddy @meno says, we're sitting on Internet 2.0.

Blockchain isn't going anywhere.

Why does that matter to me? Well, because the power is there. It's been revealed. And nobody can unsee that. What power? That that has always been present. The power of the individual spirit, and inherent to this, the capacity for peace, innovation, and ideas which can create and manifest realities we cannot even imagine at present.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


As @mena says Internet 2.0.

@kafkanarchy84 great work here. You are right; we are here for the idea. I sent you a discord contact. I think we all are faced with opportunities to 'adapt-or-die' and looking forward to talking about it with you.

Great live stream last night btw! I dig Voluntary Japan. Support from the United States.

Cheers! Thanks for the contact request. Glad to be connected there.

stay strong man. don't give in to these trying times. just realize that sometimes, it gets bad before good. you'll always overcome.

Thank you. Sound advice.

From the moment they are created, all physical things - living or not - begin a journey that inevitably ends in death or the trash heap; but an idea can be immortal.

And I agree. It's too late to un-Steemit the world!

As usual, excellent post.

Namaste, my friend.


Cheers, brother. Namaste.

Happy birthday/congratulations on making it 2 years!
Been going thru my list and seeing so many who can't hang with the big dogs and ride the waves of steemit.
Letting the ideas out to explore this world is a study in patience and some days ya make a dime some days ya don't but it validates your right to be....

I really appreciate this. Thanks, @weetreebonsai.

Almost glad I didn't get here long enough ago to really feel this tumble. Stay strong and adapt. The technology is new and there will be bumps, but I've no doubt the future will smile kindly on these times. Keep architecting, man.

Keep architecting. Always good advice. Thanks, @bpangie.

Sorry to hear that you're not doing as well on Steemit. I don't know if that's because the price of crypto going down or if you're not doing as well on your posts. There was a very brief period of time that I thought I was now going to be able to make my living on here, so I know it sucks when it seems like you might get to live this dream life and then you don't get to. We must have both come in at the same Great Anarcho Capitalist Move to Steemit. 😄 It's crazy the opportunity that was in front of me then. My very first post made almost 100. The people who stuck with it at that time got huge accounts. I would be in a totally different situation in my whole life now if I had done that. However, at the exact same time I was evaluating my voice. I was coming hard like the usual anarchist voice, and when I found Abraham Hicks, I had to start making big changes in my philosophy and presentation. So I found myself coming back with a vengeance December 2017. What I learned is: write through it all. Ha. When you're going through a change, write about it. There's always writing. But anyway, so much opportunity here. I love it here. Will be so interesting to see what pans out over the next year or two.

Awesome man. Congrats! And amazing that you were able to quit your job. Big risk, but looks like it was worth it. No risk no reward.

Thank you, man.

No risk no reward.


Risk is what we're adapting to.

Congratulations and happysecond birthday, cheers to many more. Did you really quit your job just to blog? That's amazing

Thank you. I've quit several jobs throughout this experience, several times. Yeah. Most recent one was in March. Have been organizing unschooling events, blogging, doing journalism, etc.

Happy anniversary. I hear you. Glad you found the way so early and helped paving it for others to follow. It also great to know you in person.
Wishing you all the best for everything to come

FYI Maybe you can follow the canary.

Thanks! Great concept. Followed!

You're welcome.