What Will You Do With So Much Power in Your Hands?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


All this time I've been here at Steemit, I've seen and lived through several phases. I've seen and read several discussions between whales, witnesses and ordinary users about the injustices committed in relation to the distribution of rewards and lack of attention suffered by minnows with whom those have the power (whales and witnesses). I believe that this discussion will not end simply because here at Steemit we deal with two very dangerous things that are POWER and EGO.

No one is obligated to anything in this life, including whales and witnesses in voting on the content of all users. I honestly am against the idea that "Steemit is for everyone". I do not believe it because there is no money for everyone, there are not enough whales to curate everyone's posts and that's what I say, everyone should feel today that I'm right. See how many quality posts are lost from newbies with no influence or power to "appear" to whales and to be rewards according to what they deserve.

But, but and but ... whales (or witnesses) because they accumulate a lot of power, they have a certain "duty" to distribute that power in some way and I do not speak in charity, kindness or anything. Steemit is a gear, as I said in previous posts and this gear should work. It is the game of "win-win", "Help me to help you", "Everyone should win in the end" and "No one cries and no one laughs". Everyone here needs one of the others!

Thinking about it all I am happy and at the same time thoughtful when I see some user, especially like me, an "old user" who launches a commemorative post that has managed to achieve a reputation mark, followers or that now he has 30, 50, 100 k in Steem Power. I stay happy. But I stay also thoughtful. It would be all lighter and more harmonious if everyone, being aware of their influence and power, could help each other in their needs.

I do my part or try to do and I do not want to pose here as a "good Samaritan" or "good Christian," but I try to help as much as possible those I like and always appreciate with my votes or comments. And see that my power is very small today because of the power down that I determined to start some time ago. I keep thinking about those who have so much and do nothing, close themselves in their groups and do not reach out of who needs them.

If you don't do the same because of voting power that leaves if you vote regularly, it is recovered in 1 week. In 1 week, the voting power returns to 100%.

What Will You Do With So Much Power in Your Hands?

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Steemit is shit just like BitShares. The reason are the people who made it. No empathy, dumb, no vision, greedy, .
I posted many times what I think would be good to solve world problems, get many users and make the place outstanding.

I agree with you in some points. I will take a look in you post about that. Thanks for coming my friend.

Kind of a shit thing to say about people and a network that has been good to you man. :/

If you think so. It's all about definition I guess.

I regularly browse the photography and art sections looking for new authors that deserve an upvote. My 100% upvote is a bit more than 20 cents, which is not that bad. Also, I sometimes send those authors SBD tips.

Awesome and congrats my friend. I think there is a lack of social cooperation here. That should change.

Totalmente de acordo! Eu voto em ti!

Obrigado minha querida. Esse post é somente uma critica muito verdadeira sobre o que acontece aqui no Steemit. É muito ego e poder para quem não tem capacidade para lidar com tais coisas. Tudo aqui poderia ser mais simples se as pessoas se ajudassem. Os mais fortes ajudassem os mais "fracos" e todos nós cresceriamos juntos. Mas não. Os que tem poder, se isolam em grupos de privilegiados e além se fecharem nesse grupo exclusivo, não ajudam e contribuem em nada para o crescimento da comunidade.

Por esse post falar a verdade, deve ter incomodado muitos...por isso pouca audiência em comentários e votos. Não ligo. Não me vendo e sempre serei eu mesmo.

Obrigado pelo apoio de sempre.

Eu é que agradeço todo o seu apoio, desde o princípio, e pelo que me ajudou e ajuda sempre a impulsionar a minha ainda curta presença aqui.
Vc é grande!

One thing i love a bout steemit is the sens eof community i have come across on here and do my bit to help foster the community on here and make it a community we can all be proud of supporting original content.

I personally do not give out many 100% upvotes ot that they are worth a lot anyway but try to share my upvotes around at lower percentages to many people

I hope hoping with my part in a couple of community groups on here that we will build up and be able t not only help new users or those needing assistance here on Steemit but expanding to do community outreach as we grow

Great thought provoking post tip!

Thank you for coming and exposed your opinion my friend. Your support is very important to me.

Your welcome my friend 👍😎

I agree, dear Jay. But I simply can't give less than 100% most of the times. I like, then I give 100%. You have to teach me how to resist that. Maybe by thinking of sharing the votes to many people can dissuade me to put all the eggs in the same baskets. Thanks!

I think you summed up why I do smaller percentages
I can only give 10 100% votes a day without draining power

But I could do 50 20% votes in a day

Smaller amounts of course but to more people

Yes, indeed, you are absolutely right. I will do that more often. I'll have to refrain myself. Cheers, my friend.

Well I am not saying my way is the best way it’s just the way I am

Ahah, I know! No worries, mate!

What's like draining power? Less than 50%? Or more...?

i know some say 50% some say 90

I try and keep my power over 85%

Ok, seems wise :). Thanks, my dear friend!

Your most welcome

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