Is it necessary in Steemit to publish every day?

in #steemit6 years ago



I've been at steemit for 7 months, and I've tried to write every day, without fail, but it's been a bit complicated lately, not because of lack of ideas, but because of time, I'm in process of moving, traveling, undertaking new projects, solving the day to day and I have left some days without publishing, leaving a somewhat strange feeling, since it is something very serious and responsible for me to be in steemit, that's why I say "a strange feeling. "

This told me before I ask the following question:

Do I need to publish every day?

I say this because in this ecosystem, where the way to communicate, the reason for being is to publish and based on the value that the rest of the community gives to your post, whether you monetize or not, my first answer would be a strong *YES *.

But then I tell myself, "everything depends", because you have to organize the ideas, if you are one of those who publish photographs then you should take time to take them, edit them, or if you publish recipes, in that process of making food you should take pictures, to then select them, edit them, among other things.

Starting from this last, writing should not mean a burden, and being in a race for the daily publication does not make sense, the logical thing is to enjoy the production of the post. So, that's when I say to myself, *** No, it's not obligatory to publish every day, because each topic, each user has its own rhythm, its preparation, like everything, there will be those who have the time available to dedicate it, but if not, nothing happens if you do not write.

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Then I go into a war of opinions on whether to write every day or not, just yesterday I was thinking about it, very late at night, deciding whether to sit down with the laptop or not, and in the meantime I decided to write this post. I took the PC and dedicated myself to write about it.

I must write, whether it be to ask what people think of that, if they also think that a daily post is necessary, or two, or if it would be "punished" with loss of followers, decrease in income (even if little), by the Failure to do it.


Steemit for many is the only productive activity to which they are dedicated, for them it is essential to publish daily, even if it is to inform them of what they are doing. If this is the case, it is justified to post daily, but in particular, I do many other activities (mainly work) and I often find it difficult to publish, however, I try to do it.

And is that the routine of many can make a dent in the income with a "schedule" to this platform, requiring greater order to have a few minutes and achieve some writing that has coherence, logic and that may be attractive to some users .


Something that I am not mentioning, and that are very important factors in the possibility or impossibility of publishing daily, we have (In Venezuela) other factors that we must consider.

These are external elements that lately seem to be playing very against, among which I can highlight:

• Electricity: its absence is frequent for hours, a situation that makes it impossible to turn on the PC.
• Computer or Laptop: who has one, must take care of it, because if it is damaged, it is complicated (due to costs) to acquire it or if it is damaged, send it to repair.
• Cell phone: applies the same as above.
• Internet: This is absolutely essential, there are often faults in the internet service even for telephone use, or the page does not want to open, or is too slow, or the signal drops frequently.

These are very important points that will make the writing of a post is somewhat complex, so have the desire and willingness to do so, these factors could limit you.

In view of what was stated above, that reality of life, routine, varies in each person, without putting and giving emphasis to external factors (light, internet, laptop, pc).

Do you think it is necessary to publish every day?
If you do not do it, do you feel that you are failing something?

I would like to know your opinion about this topic, you can leave it in the comments and I will gladly read them.

Until a new reading.

For reading me thanks.

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No you don't need to post everyday I post 2 or 3 times a week If you post everyday its good in big reputations but for me its something out of space

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hello @sabirshah, 2 0 3 times a week is not bad. It is a good number.

To your point, "it depends..." on what? To me, priorities.

I absolutely agree on everything! I'm still quite new here on steemit and just started posting daily about a month ago. For the most part, I was really excited on posting something and always give it my all. It has been that way for about a month, then lately...a few weeks ago, I've been getting less upvotes on my posts and it's what diminished my interest here. For me, I have been posting the same quality on my posts and I don't know why I've received less than before. I later found out that even though you think you have posted some awesome quality content, at the end of the day, it all depends on your reputation on steemit whether or not your post gets the number of upvotes you think its worth and/or the chances your post would be viewed and upvoted by the "whales"(accounts with really High Voting Power/Steem Power). I feel tired right about now and will most likely leave this platform for awhile...Hence, for me it really doesn't make a difference if I posted daily or not, the difference in terms of reward for the work and time I put on each post is quite to speak. hahahah

Hello @lemareg it is true that you comment, in general lines you do not see the correspondence of the time dedicated to Steemit and what is produced.
You have to work fu to be able to achieve a good reputation and upload the steempower.

Thanks for comment.

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