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RE: The platform growth/rewards pie paradox: A fundamental flaw in the Steemit architecture (Part 1 - The Problem)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Isn't part of the idea that the pie itself becomes more valuable per ounce? Even if you are getting smaller pieces, if more people want it, the value of your piece goes up? Let's say as more people join Steemit and more people find value in the content on Steemit, then more people are likely to buy Steem and SBD right?


Yes and will definitely get into this next week - if Steem can appreciate faster than user growth, then the pie gets larger. Ideally, this growth would largely come from traders and speculators though, rather than more Steemit users (mouths). I attempted to launch a campaign to get Steem listed on Bitfinex last week, though like so many posts in #Steemit, it quickly got lost in unrelated tagspam. (The 60 votes are mostly from MSP and vast majority of the dollar value from our masked whale friend in Team Aus)

Yea, in the shareholder analogy, everyone is constantly getting diluted shares; however, the pie should be growing at a faster rate to compensate.

Yep, haven't got the numbers handy, but I think user growth is far out pacing Steem appreciation. Go on a long enough time frame and it definitely is - Steem is down and User growth is up. Part two coming later today.

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