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RE: Steemit Lesson on Bandwidth, or Puzzled Again

in #steemit7 years ago

Yes, there is a silver lining to a 9-5 job. Well there are several silver linings. One big one being that paycheck thing. The bandwidth thing has caused me to rearrange my day. I have a question for you: I planned to do 5 episodes a week. Do you think that is too many? Maybe 3 or 4 a week. I don't want to flood people with episodes but I don't want them to forget about them. Decisions, decisions! :-)


Hmm that is a great question. I feel like I'm the worst person to ask in the world right now since I haven't been able to be as active on Steemit this week. My gut response is three. Three is enough to keep the story in people's minds but not too much to where they get too behind. Also, I don't know how much you've already written but spacing the episodes further out will give you more time to write more episodes.

We had a mind meld!! I figure I will aim for Monday, Wednesday, & Friday posting the episodes. Thank you for the feedback.

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