
Sorry for the late reply. I can hardly believe what you say. There must be another reason for the flags... although you never know here on SteemIt.

Do you remember who was flagging, and if there was a message attached? (I think I know who, but I can't have prejudice, so I'm asking anyway)

Look at the people who flagged this post, they are activly flaging new Users

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I'm looking into it - just took a short break to let you know. I've been trying to find some clues, but so far all I have is that all accounts I've already checked were active up until 3 to 5 months ago, then they stopped posting.

They don't seem to be targeting new users specifically, because they've also been downvoting posts and comments of users with a reputation score of 60+.

Through I can only go back 1 week, but it appears there has been no downvoting today, nor yesterday. On the 16th and the 17th, they have all been downvoting the same people, both posts and comments.

Some downvotes were acceptable, like the downvotes on the post that contained only a full stop. But other articles are quality articles. It seems the downvoted posts and comments are often related to Dsound or Dtube, but I need to look into that a little more.

They all have a different amount of SP, from 300sp up to 20 000SP.

It's almost impossible the accounts belong to different people.
At first, I thought there might be some relation to the steem Flag Rewards initiative, but that isn't so.

I'll need to think of a way to follow up on the behaviour of these accounts, trying to find a pattern...

Yeah it is really strange, sometimes they downvote a lot, sometimes they only sell their vote and all of this with delegation bought from blocktrades.
It looks a little bit like the accounts where hacked.
The day they flagged the linked post, they flagged some more newbies. I didn't had a closer look at it later.

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I just found an introduction post they flagged so it is now hidden 'due to low ratings'. If you take a look at the post, it is f**ing cruel!

I noticed they indeed all receive money from Minnowbooster.

And that some of the posts they flag are new, but some are 4 months old.
To be honest, I can't make head nor tail of it...

You know, these things just piss me off. Of course there are reasons to downvote a post, but these downvotes seem to be completely random.
Last time I came across something like this (and that was only 1 person who downvoted 1 other person) it made me so angry that I was willing to sacrifice my own account by making it public. My post would of course be downvoted by the same person, who is powerful enough to completely destroy my reputation.

Fortunately, someone calmed me down, and I never wrote the post.

But now I'm seriously thinking about writing a post about this.
No tagged names, just screenshots. But still, it's a risk.

So far for freedom of speech and decentralization ... :0(

But maybe I can collect some data and report it to Steemcleaners or so.
I'm taking screenshots and going to ask around if anything can be done against it. I know some people who might now...

Yeah I already made sure that blocktrades knows about it, but I don't know if they will revoke their delegation Or something.

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I wrote everything I found out in a report, but at the moment, there's no one around in the Steemcleaners Discord channel. I'll try again in the morning. It's 2am, and I really need to get some sleep :0)

Yes, my first month here I got a downvote by some Creepy Legion wanna be Bernie Sanders or something weird like that. Still not sure why.? No comment, no explanation as to why. But I do like this Steem, I follow @curatorcat @Denmarkguy @Janton and a few others, but find it hard to upvote and comment much right now.

But me and my main sidekick Sammi Jo (photo) the Trucking Kitty are in it for the Long Haul. So many great posts and people here. I am not gonna let a bully or cyber stalkers scare us off...

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I like your spirit @krazzytrukker (and Sammi-Jo's too).
Could you perhaps dig up the post that received the flag? After @jeanpi1908's comment, I got really curious whether it is a case of random flagging or not..

Hey there @simplymike, I think @krazzytrukker got hit with one of the random "camillesteemer" that still get scattered everywhere... 2% of 70SP, usually with 3% Mana left. Meaningless, but annoying and confusing to a newcomer. May also have gotten some "Bernie Spam" as a sideline to having interacted with @lyndsaybowes on cat related posts.

I had actually never heard of the so called SteemIt Defense League up until a couple of hours ago. I hd been investigating a series of flags that were given out, apparently randomly on posts and comments of newcomers as well as 'veterans', by 10 accounts. These accounts had a lot of similarities, so they had to belong to 1 person, or work together.
Annoying, bust also dangerous, because the biggest account has a 20 000SP delegation from Blocktrades.

So I had spent two or three hours collecting as much information as I could and putting it in a Word document. I thought about making a post, but thought it was too risky.
I didn't know where else to go than Steemcleaners, but apparently they don't deal with flag abuse. So they sent me to (looking it up) Freezepeach. Once I got there, they already knew about some of the accounts, so I gave them my info. It didn't take long before someone dropped the name SteemIt Defense League. Since I had never heard about it before, I did a quick search and found out about camillesteemer.
I visited Steemworld and was shocked to see how many downvotes were still being given by that account. And to so many people I know...

I did a quick comparison, but I think the group of downvoters I was investigating has nothing to do with camillesteemer. Their voting behaviour is completely different.

But so I got to 'meet' camillesteemer. We should all feel very lucky that the account only has 70SP left.

The other group is a different story. I din't remember exactly, but the 10 accounts tovether have about 35 000 SP. They can cause serious damage. And how low can you go if you start targeting innocent newcomers' introduction posts? There are so few that stick around, what's the point in chasing them away?

I'll probably wfite a post about it tomorrow.the people over at (looking it up again) Freezepeach have promised me they can counter the downvotes I'll probably get.

Idk how it was with camillesteemer, ut these guys have all bought a delegation from Blocktrades, and apparently they are looking the other way....

I don't get why people would intentionally try to destry others. Last week, I got a downvote from hashpanda, and although his reason for doing so was a little short-sided, he a
Could ag least give me a reason. One of which I can imagine it makes sense to a rebellious teenager.

But the random flagging... I wasn't even aware so mant posts and comments were being flagged every day again...I'm still a little shocked. Or I have bden lucky, or just simply so ignorant that I didn't notice. I thought it was just the whales like BS and H and FTG who were flagging just to flag. But the problem is a whole lot bigger than that.

And the fact that it seems to be random makes me furious. And that Blocktrades refuses to do anything even more...

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to find out is this camillestemer has something to do with this 'new' group(they've been acting like this for like 2 or 3 months now, so they are not completely 'new). If only I knew how and where I could find any info on a possible connection....

BOOM....! You nailed it. And you are right, confusing like WTF. It is a cat in a christmas tree and this Creepy Legion Wanna Bee or Grinch that stole Steemit gives Lil Hallie Blue the Stink Finger...(photo)

Glad to hear it was meaningless. Learning on the fly here.

Truck should be back from shop 2 maro. So I will be a very busy KrazzyTrukker trying to get back on budget for the next few months. I have already scheduled a run to Wichita KS. For monday delivery. I Hope I can still find time for this Steemit stuff!!

Thanks @denmarkguy

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Yep, I will look for it. It is probably in a post about a Cat.... Lol

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So I just noticed another downvote from our friend camillesteemer. On my Caturday post. Smh.

No worries tho right.? Just random....?

I wonder what put me on his radar..? Maybe they are allergic to Cats...?

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Freezepeach is a community service thatgives people upvotes if their rewards are taken by a downvote that was given without a reason.

Since no damage has been done, they don't need to act.

But if you ever notice an unrightful downvote from someone with a higher rep score than you, or when the vote is worth more than $0 and takes away your rewards, you can go totheir Discord channel to report it.

Here's the link:

No news on the fact whether itis random or not.
After the conversation above about that group of downvoters, I had planned to do some more research and write a post on it to see what else I could find out, but I must admit it completely slipped my mind...
Gonna write it down this time...

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His downvote was not worth anything, so he didn't take anything from your rewards. His reputation is lower than yours, so it shouldn't have any influence on your rep either.
Still, it's annoying.

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I double checked with the people over at the Freezepeach Discord channel and they confirmed no damage has been done

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