in #steemit7 years ago

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley



I know that I write quite a lot (ok, maybe a little more than a lot…lol)
about gratitude… but you know, it’s one of those contagious things,
that once you learn how to express fully,
becomes somewhat of an addiction hehehe!

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And besides, one expression of gratitude is always going to differ to the next
as each experience in life is unique and independent from another.

I will probably sound like a little bit of a stuck record for the next while
as I transition into a completely new lifestyle –
so y'all are just going to have to deal with it or unfollow me
MKAY!!! Lol

Besides, my expression of gratitude at this point in my life,
is somewhat different to the few shares of gratitude with my Steemit family...

My first truly demonstrative expression of gratitude here on Steemit,
where I shared an outline of how my life changed for the better,
as I walked the journey of life after divorce...

In fact, at the beginning of my Steemit journey,
I shared many of my rather heartfelt and emotional experiences -
things that I had held on to internally for such a long time,
letting them eat me up from the inside...

Another one of which, was my


The release of all of this,
is PRECISELY what sparked where I stand today -
because it was in the sharing of those experiences here (specifically)
that changed EVERYTHING for me!

Here comes the stuck record part that you need to suck up lol....

Many of you know that I recently closed a business which I started 11 years ago.
It was an incredibly emotional thing to do,
and although I had planned to get out of the industry
within the next year or so, I had not intended for it to unfold the way it did -
which once again threw me into the deep end...

Except this time, the deep end wasn't anywhere NEAR as daunting....

I have wanted to get out of the design and print industry for so long...
I might have owned that particular business for 11 years,
but I have been working on my own in the field for 17 yrs.

I was tired. EXHAUSTED in fact!

I made my way on to Steemit in June 2017 and after beginning to share my life,
with all the amazing people here,
I VERY quickly came to the decision that I needed to make a change!

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Which was another pivotal moment of realisation in my life,
that I shared here in my GOODBYE Hamster Wheel - HELLO STEEMIT post.

I had been blogging for a couple of years prior,
and previous to that had launched, edited and run two magazines of my own -
one print media and the other digital.

EVERYTHING, every single little detail of my life has led me to
where my true passion lay.... and that is here...
in the world of communication and engagement.

I received an email from my landlord early January this year,
to tell me that my lease would not be renewed.
I read this email at about 11.30pm at night...
We were still on holiday at my dads place.

I remember looking at it,
briefly thinking about the "emotion" and "upheaval" that was about to unfold...
and then... I SMILED!
That was it! I was done! OUT! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!

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I felt NO stress. NO panic, NOTHING NEGATIVE, but rather... I felt...


and then... I felt GRATITUDE!

Gratitude for the fact that it had ended before I had a heart attack.
Gratitude for the fact that it had happened before my stress completely destroyed EVERY facet of my life.
Gratitude for the fact that I had now been given an opportunity to live my passion.
Gratitude for the fact that I was actually ALIVE after it all!

I have gratitude for this transition on SO many levels
that MANY others will NEVER understand!!!
I am NOT a person to divulge my stresses, and I have been bottling those
for WAY too long!

I know that this new journey of mine will come with its own set of challenges,
but after everything I have endured,
I know I not only have the skill set to make it work,
but to make a MASSIVE success of it.
I am not a lazy person -
and I have worked my HINEY off here on Steemit too, since I joined...

So, here I am.... now "technically" unemployed....

WHOOP WHOOP!!!!! lol!

I know I have said this before, lol -
but I am still absorbing the sheer GRATITUDE I feel
in simply stating that fact!

I am once again.... in LOVE with my life!
is that not the bloody point of life itself?!


I will DEFINITELY do a HAPPY DANCE to that!
Goddamn - I have certainly EARNED ONE! lol

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Animated Banner Created By @zord189

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Gratitude, I love it! I always think of gratefulness + (good) attitude = gratitude. SO Much to be thankful for I'm not sure if Steemit would allow me enough characters to type them all on this reply ;)

Thanks for reminding me of this to @jaynie . You continue to put a smile on my face on the regular. Have a blessed day!

Thrilled to hear that, so THANK YOU TOO @intothewild. Means a lot to me!!!!!! I hope you have an amazing weekend xxx

Thank you @jaynie. I know it may sound cliche but I too do not try to take this atribute for granted as I try to say a prayer every night in Gratitude for the things that I consider Blessings in my Life. I think having Gratitude is every bit as important as being Kind and Empathetic. It's all interconnected, really. But thanks so much for spotlighting this attribute in your post that many of us overlook sometimes !

Not cliche AT ALL! ;)

Being gracious is everything! Taking a few minutes each day to realize we have much more than we recognize. Being grateful for right now. Grateful for the mundane that we often take for granted. Being grateful for life, health, the air we breathe, friends and family...for the roof over our heads and food on our tables. We are richer than we know. We are blessed. Being grateful and not comparing our lives to others is what will make us happy. We just have to take the time to see it and take it all in. This is how I try to live my life. Great post!

True, gratitude is really important aspect to learn and to apply in our life, if you will show gratitude then your life will become smooth, easy and grateful. You have to treat every situation with gratitude then you can understand the situation and can find better solutions. As you mentioned, your landlord informed you about the lease of house will not be renewed, most of the people would possibly moved into the state of stress and panic, but I really liked your attitude because at this moment you smiled. At last i want to say that your attitude with gratitude will lead you towards great success. Thanks for sharing these words.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

And your words too, ALWAYS inspire me!!!! So thank YOU too for that @chireerocks :)

You're welcome. 🙂

A grateful heart always received more... We should always be grateful in anything we go through in life

That is so VERY TRUE!!!!

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Thanks for the picture... I'll hold on to it

Holy cannoli, Batman! Like you didn't have enough on your plate - now you're moving house too?

Mega, MEGA kudos to you for finding the silver lining, and the gratitude, in all of this. As I've said before, you are a ROCKSTAR GODDESS, and I have no doubt you'll have a ton more things to be grateful for this year!

And I believe your happy dance looks something like this -

Hahahahaha!!! Loving that happy dance!!! lol - but no... I was referring to my business landlord :D

forehead thwack

D'uh - dopey me! Considering we've moved over 20 times in the 30 years hubby & I have been together (nope, not military - just life being life), I default to visions of packing boxes when I see the word, "landlord." 😊

I LOVE this! I, too, have found that when I look back through all of the things that have happened in my life, they were all building up to and 'training' me for the things I am doing now. I hope to have 'steemit' as my job in the near future as well.

Great post, as always!

As you WILL (and work) for it... so shall it be :)

Ha, this literally just goes with a comment I just left for someone on one of my posts, so I'm going to copy it here:

We think we need to have the answer before we start moving, but this rarely the case.

That is SO true! I am not religious, but it is very much taking a step of faith and the momentum and purpose of your direction or putting energy in a direction seems to propel things in that same direction and it just seems... right at that point!

It sure is amazing, being grateful for what that has happened and the greatness that is about to come! Rather than focusing on what we've lost, we should explore what else is there for us to gain. @jaynie you're doing an amazing work in Steemit, and I'm grateful for your contribution.

Gratitude is the basis of happiness. If you want to be happy, first you need to be grateful :)

Absolutely correct. Forwards is the only direction that matters. Thank you for the lovely comment.

great story dear..i appreciate your post..thanks for of luck..

And thank you too, for your positive feedback @triptybarsha :)

most welcome dear..i will waIT your new post...

A grateful heart receives more and live happily.

Very true words @princeso :)

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