No Revenge. Move On and Be Happy

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

No Revenge. Move On and Be Happy

I believe this topic could be a bit difficult for a lot of us at some point, specially in those times in life that we have gotten very hurt and we are not able to control our emotions. We do or say things that we could eventually regret along the way. I have been there and it can be very difficult to control yourself depending on how bad your heart has been hurt.


It is not an easy task just to drop things, let go and move on. Many of us need a lot of time to settle, think clearly and move on. Revenge can be very hard to recover from when someone betrays you in a friendship, relationship or a simple secret someone did not keep.

All I can talk is about experience and how karma works itself out throughout the time, which it can be a matter of days, months or years. The best thing you can do to avoid revenge is to drop it all and let it go. Letting go is one of the hardest things anyone can do without harming or attacking somebody. I had an experience of betrayal where i was out of control and needed a lot of help. After sleeping on it several days, I decided just to let everything go to unload the amount of pain I was feeling.

This decision changed my life for the better and over the months and years, I sat back and saw karma working its way through, without the need to do anything at all. It is good to mention that you should never wish bad things on anyone or enjoy karma on them, because if you do, karma will also do its job on you.

Learn to move on in life on your own and open yourself up to every possibility of happiness coming to your life instead. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Many blessings to all of you my friends.


"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.



I agree with you dear it's time hard to take decision but it important to we take good decisions for our self forget your all painful bad moments because they always give you pain move on you in your life remember happy moments
Thanks for your inspirational post your all words are dimond for us

it is an honor my friend!

There is an old saying that “the best revenge is living well”.

Focus on your own happiness coming from within, which comes through personal growth—also known as emotional maturity or emotional intelligence. Learn how to dive deep into compassion. This will create more happiness in your life than anything else.

SO true my friend! Thank you!

@javybar, Totally appreciating article. Definitely we have to find good decision in our life. If not can be disappoint about ourselves. But better way I think, You focus on your goals. Things you really want from your life. Money, respect, career, anything. You have a purpose. You were not bought into this world to just crib about how your heart was broken. Nobody owes you any sort of apology except you. Apologize to yourself for getting involved in things that don't matter and start doing things that matter. Don't think about moving on because there's no moving on. It's only setting your decision. Thank you for inspiration.

forgiving yourself is a big thing my friend, thank you :)

You are right dear @javybar your all words are dimond for us you explain it beautifuly .
Some time we have gotton very hurt and we are not able to control our emotions. In this time make good decisions is very difficult it's hard for us . But we have always take decision for us because this decision change our life for the betterment we always forget our bad moments in our life and remember special moments be happy
Thanks for this inspirational post and many blessings to you dear

it is an honor to provide you diamond content, my friend. Thank you for the support :)

“Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart do not know how to laugh either.” —Golda Meir

We have to take a chance every happy moments and need open mind with situation. The time we take in each stage also varies depending on our willingness to move on and our past experiences. Also if you want to be change definitely do the needful for keep going our life.

It's better motivation concept @javybar. I read completely opinions as you mentioned. Invest in ourselves. Improve ourselves compared to each previous second of our life. Acquire some qualities which will be with us forever. At first don’t believe that we cant. Because subconsciously this belief of our I can't is somehow letting we not to move on. See our life in a bigger frame, don’t just dwindle our life around a person who was there with we just for few moments in our life. Because life in itself is a collection of moments and we are still to explore the best moments of our life.

Of course I agreed with you and terrific points you gave to steemians @javybar. We have to become stronger, while not shutting off our feelings for the hope of one day being healed and finding happiness again. To feel pain after loss is normal.

Thank you for your contribution my friend :)

Hola javybar, la venganza , hasta la palabra suena feo , esta saca lo mas malo de nosotros , realmente es muy dificil no responder cuando nos hacen algo malo o nos fallan , la verdad es que nos volvemos mas desconfiados cada vez y un poco apaticos .
El karma , este existe y como usted pienso que debemos dejar que este se encargue, pero tambien , si alguien me agrede y no puedo evitarlo , yo respondo en el momento no me gusta guardarme rencores , respondo y luego ignoro a la persona , asi este frente a mi , no existe y punto .
Debemos ser , mansos pero no mensos.
Como ve apesar de lo pequeña que soy , mi caracter es bastane fuerte .
Bendiciones javybar :)

jaja mansos pero no mensos? Muy buena termininologia! Pues la verdad pues el hecho de dejar pasar algunas cosas no quiere decir que un se va a dejar asi por asi por cualquier cosa para que lo hagarren a uno de tonto, pero mas que todo en esas ocasiones donde discusiones o peleas no valdrian la pena, es donde es bueno mas que todo dejar el pasado ir en enfocarse en el presente para trabajar en superarnos y ser mas felices. Gracias!

We will find faithful friends in times of trouble. We can also find friends who are treacherous at times too difficult. But we do not have to hate them. Especially to take revenge on them.

Gold words, my friend and you are absolutely right in your judgment about revenge. I am sure that many experienced revenge when the power of betrayal is very great and it was also not easy for me to cope with this, but I realized that revenge eats me from the inside and does not just allow me to live normally, so I chose forgiveness and got rid of revenge that to live and work successfully for the sake of your dreams. I join your call to get rid of revenge for the good of great goals! Thank you @javybar

So true, thank you my friend :)

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