Steemit is Not for Whiners….Steemit is For Winners Only Period! Don't Complain Here.

in #steemit7 years ago

Yes you read that correctly,Steemit is not for whiners but for winners.

I signed up for Steemit in June but posted for the first time a few days ago,so for the last one week i have been actively reading most posts here on Steemit and to tell you the truth am learning a lot from this community of givers.

These community is really supportive,it has been rare to be find such a group on the internet,a community focussed on the growth of each and everyone and most importantly a group supporting the overall growth of Steemit,damn this is so awesome.

As they always say there are those few individuals who try hard to spoil everything.These individuals either talk negative about Steemit or  some even take a step further and sign up and start polluting the whole community! This should stop!

There is a small breed of people cropping up here that i guess should not be on the platform,people who complain and write hate/dislike comments..!I am not an admin of Steemit but just a concerned Steemian!
I have been on other social sites where complaining ,whining and all negative vocabulary has been the order of the day and and we easily get used to all the negativity because we have no or little control of the network.

In steemit we have a mission as individual steemians to change the social networking and cryptocurrency world as a whole.I can say this from my heart Steemit is the Future and all the community members are really supportive giving us lessons/tips on cryptocurrency(am a newbie on this subject! ).

Steemit is the where you are rewarded a small monetary value for your good works.Here for someone(especially whales) to upvote you,it must be something really great and they want to support the great work you are doing.
People here don't just like/upvote because you have posted(yes it is not like other social networks!).

If you joined steemit because you heard you will make money for any kind of post sorry. What they forgot ou is that you will be rewarded for great/amazing content not just an post!(Hard reality check huuh…...).

It is weird to see some people complaining why other Steemians are not upvoting or commenting on their posts!  I see some people complaining why they are not earning as yet,really??? In steemit like it is with anything in life,you are rewarded for the good work,this usually takes hard work and time of course.

I have been here for a short time so i can guess it can take for you like may be 6(six) months(not sure about this time frame,an authoritative author should help us on this  time range) to be noticed in the community only if you are active and genuinely posting good stuff,commenting and replying to other people's posts.

So when you come here be a giver,be willing to give because this is a community of givers,if you give good stuff,just by the law of reciprocity people will give back to you.You can checkout this awesome piece here on how to do that by @shenanigator .

Others even have the audacity of commenting negatively on a Steemian post.There was a comment i saw of one complaining that another steemian used the introduceyourself tag twice!).I know it is hard to easily change but here we must adjust quickly.Some people are used to commenting negatively on other people’s Facebook and Youtube Videos.

I know how you feel,it makes you feel better when you let another person down! Here at Steemit we do not let others down though,we encourage them,it's the core of the community.I have to admit this i have been actively reading and chatting on the community for one week and it has been awesome,only positivity flowing from left to right.

As i conclude we should all drop that whining mindset and build our community.Steemit must stay for the long haul and for that to happen we must help support each other.You can read this awesome post by on of our own @krnel


Jarau Moses.

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