Steemit has literally made my mother's dream come true!!! THANK YOU STEEMIT!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Photo's by Pixabay

This is a thank you post to all of my supporters on Steemit!! You have literally not only changed my life, but as of the other day, you also changed the life of my mother.

My mom is mainly Irish, as 2 of her grandparents are 100% Irish. She has been wanting to go to Ireland her entire life. However, she has had some pretty serious health issues over the past couple years that has made it impossible for her to work, so she gave up on that dream.

Thanks to all the support on Steemit I am extremely happy to say that I made my mom's dream come true!!! I am taking her to Ireland for her birthday in a couple months!!

This is a video of me surprising my mom with ticket confirmation!!

I just can't express how grateful I am. To be able to do this for my mom is honestly a dream come true. She honestly thought she would never be able to see Ireland, and I WAS ABLE TO DO IT FOR HER!! I just can't believe that... It's quite literally like a dream and I'm just so amazed at how much Steemit has changed my life.

I've given plenty of thanks to the people I'm about to mention, but I want to say thank you again, because they really deserve never ending gratitude for how they've radically transformed my life.

@v4vapid, once again man, thank you so much. You are literally a life changer. You haven't only radically transformed my life, but you have also made it possible for me to make my mom's dream come true!! She has been getting worse and worse with each passing month, so this couldn't have come at a better time!! You're amazing man!!

@bulleth Again, THANK YOU DUDE!!! You rock so damn much. The support you gave me and my family within the first week of being on Steemit and not even knowing me at all, wow man... You are honestly such a great person and the world needs more people like you!!

@chiefmappster and @seveaux Both of you guys are fucking amazing. @chiefmappster, everything you do for me and the other competition hosts at SMA, you have made it possible to keep chugging along on the STEEM ride, you're the man! @seveaux, dude, you rock! The support you have given me with my music is on another level. I appreciate all the time and energy you put into our collabs and all the times you allow me to just vent and complain!! Fucking rock my dude!

And to all the other supporters - YOU ALL ROCK!! You all have enabled me to not only pursue my passion again, but honestly changed my life in ways I just can't put into words. Thank you so much, all of you!!!


Congratulations! I'm sure it's possible for anyone to achieve big dreams here on Steemit. If you find the process of blogging and curating content satisfying, it's not far from reality. I've already seen many dreams coming true with those who decided to stay in the community. This is no get rich quick scheme! But you can see how the community supports people who post high-value content.

As soon as I heard your track for my TFR contest, I knew you were the winner. You have serious talent as a wordsmith with the rare combination of having a cool sounding voice.

I was once an aspiring DJ/turntablist - it was my life, it defined me and I was immersed in hip-hop. I put in thousands of hours of practice but for whatever reason, I let go of my dream to be a world class turntablist, i sold my 1200s and I moved on...

Knowing that I've played a part in rekindling your ART (I read that your equipment was collecting dust in your basement) - it really makes me happy to no end.
I know what it's like to dedicate your life to your art form and to give up on it. I also know we don't get many second chances in this life. So make the most of it my friend.
You're success here is all you man!
You developed your skills with years of blood, sweat and tears.
Your success is earned.
Keep at it!

Peace, V

ps - Oh and STOKED you're taking your Mom to Ireland, I'm sure you're going to love it.

Yea man, being able to follow a passion that was thought to be long lost is truly remarkable. It's crazy to think that just a little over 2 months ago I hadn't done any music seriously for years and then BAM... This is practically all I do now! It's nuts.

Have you thought about hitting up some DJing again? Even as a hobby?? There's no time like the present my man!

Wow awesome, I'm so happy for ya

Wow that is so cool!!! Grats. You really worked hard for it!

Thank you so much!! Going to keep grinding for that STEEM for sure!! Once you go Steem, you'll be living a dream!!

OOOOOO.... OOOOO... Yea, I know it's cheesy... WHATEVVVS... lol, appreciate you checking it out!

There's a lot of negativity on here lately, man.... flag wars going on, STEEM price tanking.... everything tanking today really... but a story like this is all I needed to feel great about Steem and life in general today. This is the power of the Steem platform; this is what it can do, what we can do, together.

I hope you and your mum have a great time in Ireland.

Thanks man! Yea, times are really rough in the market and on Steemit... But at the end of the day, nothing has changed about Steemit, it still has the power to change lives! Just wish everyone would focus on that and really push to move more in that direction!

I love to read stuff like this and see how Steemit has the power to change people lives for the better. Have a nice trip.

Thanks man!! Yes, Steemit is amazing. I really wish more of my family and friends would get on here and really engage in the community... It's such an amazing place. Thank you for checking this out!

Wow am touched by such. I am really happy for you for realizing the long dream of your mom and using such a platform such as steemit to actualise such day one dreams of your mom.

I'm glad it could touch you dude! Yea, I'm so stoked I was able to do this for her. She's done more for me and my family than I can even fathom. I mean she's the reason I'm even here!! It's literally the least I could do.

Steemit has rewarded me SO MUCH over the past couple months. It gave me extra cash above and beyond my bills, so I had to do this while I had the opportunity to do it!! She deserves it!

And please keep achieving more dreams for her.

Wow! I love my mom too. I admire how you treated her..keep steeming..

That's an amazing story, it's good to see the platform is helping people.

It's an amazing platform for sure! I think there is so much power on this platform to help a lot of people, we just need more whales that actually want to do that.

Awww this is sweeeet! So touched! Your Mom is so happy! Great job man!

Thanks :D. I'm so happy I was able to do this for her. Literally every time I watch that video I can't help but smile and tear up a bit, lmao.

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