The future of Steemit? :-)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Let's have a meal! :)

Recently I noticed a very funny Pac-Man post by @blueorgy which was created during the time period after the DDoS attack when upvotes, comments and also articles just got swallowed up by the system.

Even if this post pointed out the recent difficulties very wittily, now, as the platform is running smoothly again and the atmosphere around SteemFest2 spreads new optimism within the community, I got inspired to change the original image a little bit:

Isn't the time ripe now for bigger meals than only a few upvotes and comments? :-)


I don't know. You caught me in a bad mood. I worked really hard right from the beginning here. Tried also to get a foot into curie. Did work for my first serious series. But after all I am exhausted. Though I was noticed by curie, I got hardly any comments referring to my topic, same with many else postings. I am in doubt if what I post is interesting for people. Maybe it is either not funny enough or it doesn't meet the interest or taste. ....

What I realized is that I must split myself into "author" and curator resp. commentator. Right now I would have to spend half of my working hours into steemit further on, which I did. It is not easy to decide whether I will stay on quality content or to just network. Either way my effort so far doesn't pay out. Or none.

I do not feel like the yellow packman. I just feel being eaten and swallowed. Well, I guess I am tired.

Sorry, that I leave it here ...

Pick your topics you love and don't care about the rest. Period!

I always pick my topics/niche and don't care what the first people who run into me think about that. Sure I get influenced. I got to learn how to package it and learn how to use the platform properly. I experiment a lot. But the topics need to be picked by me! Because who are you serving in the first place? Yourself, right? You are doing it for you!

Do what it needs to be done to find your audience but stay true to yourself if you want to find the right audience which resonates with you and your value. Otherwise, you will regret it because you plant the wrong seeds for the quick win.

It is an audience which you are building up. But who are you? Just a random person in the www. Why should I care at first sight? - It takes time and effort. It is a marathon and not a sprint. Plan for that. Have this mindset and do your tiny, tiny steps. Do not do everything and expect everything at once. Do not get exhausted... build up one domino after another... Stick with it and the impact will come.

Networking is another big thing. It is still a social media platform. So it is about connections, too. About growing together, about sharing experiences, about learning from each other... one day truly caring for each other?
At least the ones who will be left. The true ones... the audience, voice and influence you deserve.

Slowly but steady wins the race - Rom wurde nicht an einem Tag gebaut.

I hope you join me in this long, long journey although we are going in completely different directions :D

Lass den Kopf nicht hängen! :) Auf Steemit erfolgreich zu sein, ist kein Sprint, sondern ein Marathonlauf. Ich glaube, fast jeder Steemian erlebt Phasen mangelnden Elans oder sogar Frust. Denk' dir doch einfach, dass du für dich selber schreibst, z. B. wichtige Ereignisse auf der Blockchain festhältst. Steemit als Erinnerungs- und Ideenspeicher. Es nutzt nichts (jedenfalls mir nicht), immer zu überlegen, was andere gerne lesen würden - schreib einfach, worauf du Lust hast. Als ich mit meinen Schachartikeln anfing, erhielt ich anfänglich meist nicht mehr als ein paar Cent dafür, aber mir hat es Spaß gemacht. Und setz' dich nicht selbst unter Druck: Wenn du mal nicht schreiben willst ... ja dann schreib einfach nicht und tu es "morgen" oder "übermorgen". Irgendwann zahlt sich deine Steemit-Aktivität dann bei ausreichender Geduld hoffentlich auch finanziell aus ... aber eine Garantie dafür gibt es nicht ...

Wenn du an den Erfolg von Steemit glaubst, könntest auch überlegen, beim derzeitig eher niedrigen Steempreis eine gewisse Summe in STEEM zu investieren ...

Danke dir für deine Antwort und die Aufmunterung:)
In der Tat, das hier ist kein Spaziergang. Ich bin wie alle auf Unterstützung und Ermutigung angewiesen. Ich habe immer schon geschrieben und werde es weiterhin tun. Meine Texte füllen eine Bibliothek. So lange ich sie nur für meine Festplatte schrieb, waren sie mein Tagebuch. Da brauchte ich nicht formatieren, stundenlang Bilder aussuchen und Referenzen einfügen. Ich habe hier für einige Tage eine Pause gemacht und danach festgestellt, dass das wieder anfangen wie eine Art Neustart ist, weil man in der Zwischenzeit schnell vergessen wird. ......ach, ich denk, ich stecke gerade in der Frust-Phase.

Ich würde sofort Geld investieren, wenn ich es übrig hätte.

Jedenfalls ist es schön, dass du dein Steckenpferd gefunden hast und dein Schach-Thema Anklang findet.

Melde mich sicher, wenn meine Laune sich gebessert hat.

Jetzt kommt der Chiller wieder mit seinem "Neulinge verschießen oft ihr bestes Pulver ins Leere"-Gelaber :) Aber da ist definitiv etwas dran! Du hast 163 Follower und schreibst sehr qualitativ hochwertige Artikel. Die Chance, dass einer deiner Follower einen Artikel von dir sieht und auch noch die Zeit hat, sich damit zu beschäftigen, ist nicht sehr hoch.

Wichtig ist, dass du lernst, die Qualität deiner Artikel (auf jeden Fall zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt) nicht anhand der erhaltenen Einnahmen zu bestimmen. Ein gutes Werk bleibt ein gutes Werk, auch wenn es nicht gevotet wird. Die Gründe, warum nicht gevotet wird, können vielfältig sein und haben meiner Meinung nach in deinem Fall nichts mit deinen Posts zu tun. Ich selbst habe viele deiner Posts nicht gelesen, obwohl ich sie interessant finde, weil mir die Zeit dafür fehlt.

Sobald du mehr Follower hast, erhöht sich deine Reichweite recht zuverlässig und somit auch die Anzahl der erhaltenen Votes. Unter den erhaltenen Votes werden mit der Zeit natürlich auch mehr starke Votes sein, wodurch die durchschnittlichen Einnahmen dann steigen. Niemand hat dich vergessen! Die Meisten haben dich noch gar nicht gesehen, Sweety ;)

Es gibt keine Anleitung für den besten Weg und ich denke, wir alle sind immer noch dabei, diesen für uns selbst herauszufinden, auch wenn wir darüber nicht so oft sprechen... Wie @jaki01 schon sehr passend gesagt hat, ist es ein Marathonlauf. Es gibt auch Sprinter, die früher mal so schnell vorankamen und heute keine Puste mehr haben. Niemals mit anderen vergleichen und lieber aus Überzeugung den langsameren, aber sicheren (eigenen) Weg gehen und am Besten alle negativen Einflüsse/Gedanken meiden!

Wenn sich andere Steemians an die Spitze boosten, damit mehr verdienen und ihre Reichweite erhöhen, warum sollte man das dann nicht auch machen? Ich empfehle dir, deinen Posts zumindest nach 5-6 Tagen mit einer Überweisung von 5 SBD an @minnowbooster einen kleinen Boost zu geben ;)

Ich hoffe, ich konnte ein bisschen helfen :)
LG, Chiller

Danke, lieber Chiller! Du hast dir ja echt Zeit genommen für deine Antwort an mich. Ja, es hilft sehr, wenn ich Feedback bekomme. Und Zuspruch. Ich denke, das braucht man hier ab und zu mal.

Vermutlich liegt mein mich müde fühlen darin, dass meine Aufmerksamkeit nur auf so und so viele Postings und Personen übertragen werden kann. Ich bin noch nicht so weit, dass ein bot Sinn macht aber schon wieder doch so weit, dass mein menschliches Auge und Aufnahmekapazität schlapp machen.

Das mit dem Booster: Du hast Recht. Werde ich machen. Bisher versagte ich auf diesem letzten Meter, mich um meine Artikel zu kümmern, Puste blieb aus:)

Ich glaube "Zeit" ist unser aller größtes Problem.

Ich werd jetzt etwas kürzer treten. Seit drei Tagen habe ich einen Artikel in der Mache und da drücke ich jetzt gleich mal auf den Knopf und dann ist Schluss für heute. Gähn...

Also danke noch mal :-)

Thank you for your well thought answer, @quocvietle - what I realize is that "networking" also means to reveal some of my private thoughts and doubts. As I do react myself on articles which show me that other people also are just humans. In times of frustration I just notice right here and now that I have to get in touch and talk to people in an active way - same when I am happy and content. As the bonds here on steemit just started and I kind of do not always know to whom and how I can get in touch with, I spontaniously answered @jaki01 s posting. And here I am, talking to you - feels good and right.

Strange thing is that connections seem to work better when pain is involved. Makes me confused.

I could never write about something which doesn't catch my interest and personal taste. Wouldn't be worth the time.

I think I am suffering sometimes for the "caring-part" you mentioned.

I will join you as already I was kind of eager to comment on your postings but didn't know what to say for it is so far from what I can talk about. So: Very good to have here a little dialogue.

I understand and feel just the same as you do.
We can use the chat.
Please, write me if you need any help.. or whatever.. :D

Thank you, that is very kind. I have to go to work now. See & talk to you later or soon:)

I'm feeling the same :(

Actually both of you are earning more than average, aren't you? :) (And both of you put great efforts in writing good articles.)
The general problem is that an even higher 'income' on Steemit for all (or at least for creators of quality content) would only be possible if the Steem price increased ...
But on the other side we still should be thankful in a way: where else can we earn anything at all just by writing articles? :)

I actually spend a lot of times trying to post a time when a few of the kind whales are online , especially @kpine and @liberist . And it's first time I felt discouraged . I'm most of the time like what u describe , where can we earn just by writing articles .. but still I enjoy what I do , so won't stop posting . Hehe

of course you are right. It is a very subjective perspective, colored by the state of mind and heart. You just made a good point & maybe I suffered from not knowing where to direct my thankfulness, too.

Let's follow each other;-)

Really funny idea!

Honestly I was first smiling a bit at the thought but in the end it may even be possible to exactly do what you are hinting at with that funny pacman picture.
But one thing is for sure. This is not only made possible by a technical platform or by the mere fact that you can earn money here for the writing.
It is made possible by us all, the current users, content creators and inventors. If we are doing an impressive job in creating cool posts or apps or opportunities than we are attracting people and are making the stay on steemit worthwhile.
Iam in @jaki01! Let's all push this into the right direction!
Kind regards and thanks for this post my dear

according to me steemit already finished Facebook lol but yes steeit is great platform compare to those side and its improving lot there is many blog site also but no one like steemit and this photo shown is excetlly fact.

wow this is too funny! nice idea.
i agree with you.
100& like and resteem

Good post and great idea! Your photo can clearly describe what is going on regarding the future of Steemit…and I absolutely agree with you, this will be happened in very near future! Yeah! “Let’s have bigger meals”! ;)

Haha, very original :) I've been wondering lately if this is ever going to happen. Yes the number of registered users is growing but a huge chunk of these people haven't been active for months. There is a tool that calculates the dead followers, and in my case out of the 630 followers, more than 200 are inactive. I also checked @sweetsssj's account (since she's probably the user with most followers) and half (over 7000) of her followers are dead. It's pretty much the same with every other account that I checked - up to 50-55% of the users are inactive

I am thinking that people register on Steem, find it way too complicated and discouraging, and simply leave the platform. I brought 3 active Fb users to Steem, and all of them gave up. They couldn't be bothered to put the effort and understand how everything works.

Maybe Steem is way too complicated for the average Joe?

Maybe Steem is way too complicated for the average Joe?

Yes, maybe - I cannot answer this question ...
But even if the answer is "yes", there should be still enough 'non-average' Joes (and hopefully also some more investors) to let the platform grow. :-)

Yes, that's what we need :)

I still believe and hope that Steemit is the Pac Man in this Social Media Game. At least it is a big rolling stone which is changing this world. Changing the way we think about this world and one of the unique ones which started this seed in our heads.
Will it be Steemit who is going to eat them all with this approach? Or will another... better... different platform take over this? We don't know but this is a huge step into the right direction. I am thankful to be part of this revolution

Very nice post Sir @jaki01, as we see the images above which explains that steemit is a platform that is extremely preferred by many especially me. After knowing there is only steemit that I want to post, and each article you provided for this is also very interesting. As we know that the development of steemit in parts of the world is already very fast, all people ever accept this platform with very open. Especially after yesterday's attack occurred that caused paralyzed while the steemit account, but it did not shake us in contributing steemit. Good job Sir @jaki01. ;)

As much as I wish Steemit will grow bigger and bigger I do have my doubts.
At the moment for most people outside of Steemit there are no real incentives to join here.
They are enjoying a well working platform where they are already connected to friends and other people around the world

It still seems to much of a hassle to join here and then build a new base from scratch. You already can read all posts here without signing up and just for the few dollars or cents you might get for creating content on the blogchain?
If you really want to enjoy all the perks here on Steemit you need to dedicate yourself quite a bit and rub too many bellies to get a little exposure

Well I hope I will be wrong


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