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RE: An Experimental "3 Seconds Meeting" Of Every Whale And Steemian On The Steem Blockchain! Please Join Us!

in #steemit8 years ago

What inspired YOU to join and what inspirations you have outside STEEMIT?


these are giant questions and the answers have to do with life itself. From the very beginning surpassinggoogle defines me. I have lived in places where it feels like your are the only one amongst myriads wanting change, something of life, wanting to be used to the fullest of your potential; in these places, there is no ounce of inspiration, there are no warm handshakes, hugs or pat on the back; thinking is so foreign, thus, to look for change, you turn to the internet to look for an enabling enviroment on the virtual internet and for a level playing field, for a team, for source of inspiration, knowledge etc but these days even the inanimate internet has choices and tells you to scram for being from specific locations; then you jump over the algorithms and look to people of social media and even they look at you as lesser human for being from specific locations. You exert your creativity and innovation still and because you are too lazy to quit and mostly cos you feel you are built for more regardless of location or circumstance, you keep searching and that is how steemit got involved. I wish you knew the conditions involved in being or steemit constantly or being on the internet for decades till you find steemit. in physical terms it is torture. no sleep for months, you pelvic core is shattered from too much stress, you love starvation cos any interval or intermission and inspiration dies and no one to re-channel you, so you do sitting on that chair on and on till you are done. steemit is more like a home and constitutes dreams. an my dream is of my and of my dad combined and this dream coming to reality is what an entire community is waiting for. i have not seen my family for more than 4 years now and i can see perhaps till eternity till i can bring whispers of good news to their ears and i tell you, they wait. they beleive in me. i am first son with 3 sisters after me. steemit isnt breakthru in terms of money. i havent earn a physical dime in my decade on the internet and i have not attempted to withdraw from steemit. when it comes to earning from the internet my hopes are up though i know it is possible, so steemit is more like an illusion, a sandbox to help me create an illusion that i am doing something even now. i have wanted even one of my many ideas to come to life but i have been alone in my journey and never with solid team, thus i havent been able to bring any idea to frution but according to my own quote, i wont toss my dreams underneath beds, like skunk socks or porn stuff, i will keep them alive in dream-bits. thus, within my every line even in my tiny posts on steemit are dream-bits or exerpts of one of my ideas, to watch then alive in a sandbox or the blockchain, to leeave evidence of its existence as legacy for someone out there, in the future. i have a story and it is evident in my tone and my story is one of a journey and life. my story can touch lives and fix, though i have not fixed myself. i can inspire and fix others. i turned into a really truly loving person after going thru with the school of life, thus in general i want to give people tears of joy cos i am defined enuf to know that for me, happiness is in watching others in happy state, perhaps, courtesy of me. for now steemit is home. i like the model of it and see it as genius and i have had the luxury on steemit that isnt elsewhere in terms of great minds and real people, like you who asked this question. THIS question is heavy as it come from somewhere. i looks like you heard the sound of my voice and perhaps my story in my post and @papa-pepper sees you questions as weighty as well cos he is an example of the valuable people you find here. I wont say i havent entertained fears about writing about myself here but it is getting dailyly obvious that people here tend to see you more as steemian than like a lesser citizen. i too know though that i am by no means lesser citizen, i am just in a location which will change cos it can. if i was in usa, i would say, if billgates made microsoft, i will at least make macrohard and viceversa, if bill gates was in my location, he may not have made microsoft. my gifts come from life and perhaps my ability to understand humans to the core. i do want to go to usa too. i have wanted that all my life and i am attempting it this year. i want to begin living and the reality is, i havent started living. outside of steemit for now, i have started to pair into cryptostuff, something i have not done before. i have learned new things and experimented but i am not guru. however, i am not lost in what's going on the internet in general. i can envision if something will work or not, though i am not techy. as for making wealth, i have not made one dime but i always know it is possible at the snap of a finger and i definely know a hudred ways to make it even on the internet but i have never had a team or an enabling environment. so i keep amassing my keypoints till times when they will be useful. i want to creating at least one thing that will fix humanity, so i always think in that direction. i have like a model in my head of my social network and steemit is open interface that completes my puzzle. human interaction is going to be key and steemit plays itself before me as i built on how i would want my own social network to be. and it is very obvious, i want to surpassing google and that definitrly involves bringing the human elements of love, comapssion, forgiveness etc back to the internet as human intel beats artificial intelligence according to me. my type of social network is not existence yet cos i have not seen any social network out there they considers people from third world and developing countries as a core part of its inception and model, for i tell you, the way people use the internet in these countries and their expectations from it, is differnet from more popular users in developed coutries. they entertain certain fears and countless other differences. steemit is the only social network that has comeclose in terms of equality, love and human. in real life, i have not drwan much inspiration from where i live but i do a lot of learn, in that i have studied the people to 90 percent. i know what makes them tick, i can predict them and this is huge knowledge which will come in handy in the future. i want to empower people and people here need empowerment. Overall, i want to do good, till people are reminded of a creator as a result of some good in this world. in general, i create new ideas or excerpts of it ffrom what i see in my enviroment. i can talk endlessly on this topic but i will stop here till you ask more questions. I lot of typos, it will stress you a bit.

You are generous great. From Europe to the Islands. Family knows no borders, love knows no borders. I wonder where is your family? Do you speak to them? What is this whisper of good news you wish to bring to them? Know you not you are the good news, you are the breath of life. I too have felt such pang. I have called it shame. It still takes hold at times, yet something has changed. I hope not to question the pain, only to focus as best I can on the healing. Worry not where the arrow that pierced your side has come, pull it out, and back into battle. Your family loves you. Let yourself be loved. If it is miles that separate you, technology now connects. But need you no encouragement from me, your heart will tell you better. Your heart will guide you as it has brought you here. As it has allowed you to meet and appreciate the light in you and ahead. As it has allowed you to encounter the @Papa-Pepper. What a blessed man and family are the Peppers. Yet they may tell you too, no thing is perfect. No day is without night. You will wake some day and embrace your beloveds. It may happen sooner than you know. You are here now. You are alive. You have this moment and this breath to be this YOU. May your pages pour out of you like water. I hope to follow this advice myself and judge not so harshly what comes. I hope to worry not about "rewards" and upvotes. They are apart of Steemit like wild animals on the hike. GO forth, and you will encounter rewards greater than money. Yet the beauty of STEEM is that it allows some harmony of financial and humanity. There are Whales and there are Lions. There are minnows and there are mothers. My own drama is not for this post. But it is raging waters of uncertainty. But I must trust the water and where it takes me. I trust I will see my Reckoning again. I do not have control of time, but trust in time all will be well. Your potential is powerful. Use it friend. Go do now all you can. Rest when tired, and rise to do what only you can do. Please stay in touch. We can help each other achieve more now with Steem and her cryptocurrency cousins. Please keep doing what you do. Be blessed and be well and let's all plan on live high fives at an Annual Steemfest someday.

yes, most definitely we will stay in touch. i heard your voice and your heart and the very person behind you and it is human. thank you alot. as for my family, gosh, they love me so so so much and gosh i love them so so so much but that is where it is a bit complicated cos of this love cos of the moments we have shared, i want to do a lot for them and yes i am their joy, me and being alive but it is me who can stand it, it is me who wants to fix them. like you said their will be breakthru and it is near and i wont lie i feel it and i do hope it happens cos it so can. i saw an add on fb with you logo here, so i am assuming that is you. there is lot to talk about and you have your story too and it is obvious. i wonder what you will write, if i asked you the same question but i will try it, lol : what inspired you to join steemit and what are your inspirations outside steemit?

We will continue our conversation. But thank you for your question. And to answer it, I feel this still holds some truth to the answer:

alot said in your intro. i will be reading it again fully. is improv refering to comedy? i know comedy by nature. i have a side question. what in my post, made you ask your question? the post contained stuff about steemit and ofcourse some other underlying things but was what you saw from this post or did you look at other posts and conclude with your question and if you question came from after reading this post, it interests me to know, what part of this post prompted your question?

Friend. My question is something I wish to ask many. Your post is generous and I appreciate that. So I asked. And I am thankful I did. Because now I have met someone new, someone interesting, the one and only you.

"What is Improv?"

Feel free to ask me more. 17+ years of playing and teaching, I am still learning and happy to share. I coach a team in St Louis. I will be playing and teaching at the Phoenix Improv Festival with my Improv Team, The Reckoning. I sometimes coach groups over google-hangouts. It is an opportunity to discover and remember joy. And sometimes that is enough.

hahaha really good question, really good! It is one that provokes thoughts. and i just remembered now @papa-pepper, i need the exact address for steemstock in Austin Texas.

Hi Jacob, i will respond in a bit. I just got to work and need to quickly get settled here. But in a bit!

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