Welcome to Steemit! Here Are Some Tips for Internet EtiquettesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

If you're new to Steemit, and especially if you are new to web forums in general, here are some suggestions to help you avoid making some common mistakes. Over the past 25 years since the first chat rooms and message boards, internet etiquette (sometimes shortened to netiquette) has developed into a series of mostly-unwritten rules. Here I will attempt to write some of these down.

Tip 1: Don't Plagiarize

Youtube links automatically include a link to the original Youtube video alongside the playback controls, so attribution is not a major issue with most videos. For example:

That little YouTube logo next to the settings icon is a link to the original page with the uploader's info.

For text and images, you need to make it absolutely clear if you are not the original author, and provide credit where credit is due. If you are not comfortable with Markdown code, quotation marks can be used for text. Cite the original author, and either include a link to the web page where it originated, or use a proper citation method for offline sources like you would for a formal paper. For images, either link to the image source where an image is embedded, or create a citations section at the end of your post. The image to the right is cited near the bottom of this post. The other image in this post has a tag where it appears.

If you copy material, a bot called @Cheetah may comment with a link to the source page. This should not be a concern if you have provided proper attribution to the original author. If you are re-posting something you originally wrote for another website, don't be surprised if verification is requested to prove you are who you say you are.

Tip 2: Don't Use Insults or Threats

Steemit is full of controversial content. Sometimes this can result in heated discussions. Try to avoid making disagreements personal, and stick to discussing evidence and interpretation rather than personal agendas. Don't call names, and definitely don't threaten harm to other people. Telling someone to "Just go kill yourself" should obviously be out of the question entirely.

Racism should obviously be off-limits too. You're gonna get flagged if you assert white supremacy, declare Africans to be subhuman, advocate the extermination of aboriginal peoples, blame the Jews for everything wrong in the world, etc.

Tip 3: Don't Feed the Troll

It is sometimes hard for readers to tell the difference between someone making a nuanced argument and someone just blowing hot air, but there comes a time when it is apparent that someone is not trying to make a rational point, and instead only playing word games. If you find yourself dealing with such a sophist, just stop participating in the conversation. "Don't feed the troll," as the internet adage goes.

If someone is ignoring Tip 2 above, consider ignoring them. Perhaps mute the offending account. Use the flag option to indicate abusive behavior. Flags can also have the benefit of entirely hiding trolls from the Steemit web page if they are unable to behave themselves and enough people flag such behavior.

Use your best judgement to try to differentiate the satirist and the genuinely curious misguided post from the dedicated troll. Assume the best, albeit warily, until people prove the worst if you aren't sure of someone's intentions. The public record of another user's posts and comments is open to investigation. Check for a pattern of behavior if you are unsure. But when in doubt...

Don't feed the troll
source link as promised with Tip 1 above

Tip 4: Don't Beg for Follows and Upvotes

Don't comment on other posts with requests for followers, and don't request upvotes or ask other users to trade resteems. This makes you look needy. Produce good content and engage in conversations with other users. The upvotes and followers will arrive over time.

Tip 5: Do Upvote and Follow Other Steemians!

You don't need to follow everybody, but you should follow steemians who create content you like, upvote that content, offer substantive comments every now and then.

I usually upvote comments people make on my posts, and often upvote comments on posts I read. Don't forget to respond to comments you receive, too!

Image credit—See? I told you it would be here.

Additional links:

Getting Started Guide by this author

The Missing FAQ - A Beginners Guide To Using Steemit and STEEM The Super Basic Explanation for NEW Users by @thecryptofiend

Steemit Markdown Tutorials for Beginners by @steemitguide

Please suggest other relevant articles in the comments below, whether written by you or someone else! Suggestions from comments are added below:

The Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Seriously, what hasn't this guy already done in far more detail than my meager efforts? I should just start writing headlines and say, "Go look up Cryptofiend posts on this subject."

Useful Steemit Tools and Links by @edje

Steemithelp footer by @thecryptofiend

HTML tutorial

Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers?

Please visit:


A collection of guides and tutorials that cover the basics of Steem and Steemit.


You can also add the Steemithelp footer to the bottom of your posts by downloading it here.

It is formatted in markdown so all you have to do is add it at the bottom of a post.

Added to the post!

Nice info Upvoted and followed.

Super post.

Useful links to Steemit resources and tools can be found in this post: https://steemit.com/help/@edje/useful-steemit-tools-and-links

Added to the suggested links!

Super. I've updated the "useful steemit tools and links" post including a reference to this post.

fantastic post my friend and needed . Great tips to keeping the platform miles above the others, its long roaming green fields and hills in the sunshine, where places like facebook have become mounds of garbage in the city streets.

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