in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Here we go!

We have finally launched our FIRST project on Steemit!

“WELCOME TO @classifieds – INTRO.“

Please check it out, your support via upvotes, comments and/or resteeming shall be much appreciated.

Finally a concrete result from all the post reading and surfing over the internet in regards to ‘How social networks are utilized for business 101’ etc etc etc.

Over the past month I have posted about this topic, looking at the options available using the platform here with all its tools and capabilities. From researching and applying existing principles of regular “Classifieds” to those in the world of (online) auctions it was concluded that there is heaps of potential to use Steemit very efficiently and possibly much more so than what the ‘other’ social networks out there.

The fact is that every user on Steemit has an online ‘Wallet’ which can make business transactions between buyers and sellers oh so much easier than what most other (if not all) social networks out there can.

Apart from this obvious advantage, the Upvoting process here adds additional opportunities to both buyers and sellers alike.

I addressed this topic in the very first post on the idea:

Basically what the options are, apart from just the classic classified ad, is a “Scratch Dutch Auction”, whereby with every upvote and the accumulated USD (via upvotes) the sale price of the item being offered gets reduced by that amount!
Hence opening up an entire new world of opportunities to all of the people who use social networks to buy and sell items!

To not go into too much details about the project in this post, here are the other relevant links:


The small number of comments addressing the questions at hand in the above posts didn’t make me want to quit, on the contrary they just drove me even harder to find the answers I am looking for out on the internet.

From an initial conversation about the possibilities of selling our properties in Europe via Steemit, to brainstorming and testing the concepts using the capabilities of this platform, the final result is in fact something that has proven to work on most other social networks out there.

So rather than reinventing the wheel, the knowhow gained through experiences has been applied and as a result a concrete project has come to life. Maybe an infant right now, but as time goes on so too shall the number of people selling and buying items via Steemit increase.

Now for those who haven’t yet got to know me, I shall admit right here that I am not a programmer and my computer skills are basically limited to what I had needed in my life experiences, which were Microsoft office programs to surfing the internet!

Rather boring right!

However, through the years of using the internet I have been a part of some FBook groups and pages, I have used Twitter, my wife more so than me!

In fact she along with a group of other people all managed one profile on Twitter and she was into that 100%, up to the point when I introduced her to Steemit.

What the point is here, that we used our knowledge based on our experiences and applied them to this project here.
The page @classifieds shall be managed in the same manner a Fbook page is managed.

Yes, it is as simple as that!

So our experiences and knowledge gained through those experiences are now being applied here and all the trial and error that people went through on other social networks is not applicable here!

Learning from other peoples experiences, trials and errors is what I often refer to as “The smart way to learn”.

So as I would say to some people out there “Don’t go writing me off just yet” there is a lot that people here on Steemit can give to this community. We all know something, we all have various experiences and know how!

Use this to make things happen.

Have an idea?

Brainstorm it, jot down what you can and cannot do, you would be surprised as to what all conclusions you come to.

Sometimes I feel a little inadequate because I am in a community of people who at times seem to speak a foreign language, “blockchain, bandwidth, bots..... etc etc etc”

So too often I just stay quiet and then later look it all up using the good old principle of “Google is my friend”. Try to figure things out, not harassing people with my questions (at least not too much) and move forwards!

So even though to some I may seem like a person who doesn’t have much to offer to this social network, the reality is that soon enough if not already there shall be so many individuals on Steemit that the variety of life, knowhow and experiences shall make things here so spicy that no other social network shall be able to keep up with us.
If we utilize and proactively encourage our members to use their virtues and knowledge to further better everything here, then we are not wasting the most valuable asset that Steemit has: US = PEOPLE!

As a team of people, as Steemians, all working together towards the common goals of making Steemit the place that rocks the house in the world of social networks, we can achieve far more than what any of us could ever imagine.

Yeah, right, another post talking about how wonderful Steemit is!


No, that is not the purpose of this post.

The whales out there suggest and say that people who help make Steemit better, who give of themselves to advance this social network shall be rewarded.

That to me doesn’t mean that all of a sudden the Whales shall start upvoting everything I write or do! HELL NO!
What that really means is that work and perseverance pays off, as with any job out there.

Don’t kid yourselves!

There is no free lunch or bus ride out there, everything takes time and a lot of effort to make things happen.
So too, is the case here on Steemit.

Maybe I’m a little too “old fashioned”, but heck, look at the fact that this “old fashioned” guy and his Mrs just made a page that can be managed the same way similar pages are managed on other social network sites!

May not be a big deal to some people, but to us it is.

We did what we knew we could in accordance with the “direction” given to all Steemians by our Whales!

Maybe we didn’t change the world with this, but we did our bit and if everybody takes a proactive approach to fulfilling their role as a member here, there is no limit to what all we can achieve!


Thanks for reading, I hope that it wakes some people up and gets them ready to take on this world!


Interesting!! I am not sceptical at all I just want to see how you envisage it working. How would I go about selling an item - let's say a digital camera? I learn better by doing.

Can you outline the steps?

As you would with any classifieds ad on any other social network!

You set the terms and conditions of the sale, make sure that your post is descriptive and informative, don't do a shoddy job of it and that is that.

if you read through some of the linked articles/posts you shall see that your options are far greater here on Steemit than what they are on most other social networks!

As stated in the post here, "No reinventing the wheel" just applying the know how and experiences that have been gained on other social networks where business 101 (buying and selling) is done by the millions!

Check it out, you would be surprised what all is bought/sold via social networks!

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