in #steemit7 years ago

Steemit Classifieds 1.jpg


Steemit Auction Logo.jpg

Now after two weeks of this pilot project being active online here on it is easier to come to some conclusions, based on the experiences and results.

The results of the first week can be seen here:

The results from last week can be seen here:

screenshot of steemitauctions week 2.jpg

During the past week I have been using every opportunity to browse over other posts that call for or support the ideas of being utilized for everything that it has to offer. Many of these mentioned or suggested that selling and buying via this social network could be a viable option. Some mention other social networks and how it is a regular thing there.

All in all the idea has been thrown out there many a time.

There have been already fundraising posts, charity type of posts and those that are used to raise money for certain goals. Excellent, so this proves that the business side of “buying and selling” has already been utilized here on


So what can be drawn out from the two weeks of testing this pilot project?
For those that haven’t yet looked over this pilot project here are the relevant links:
The original post was:


The second week of this pilot project was posted here:


Some of the topics that I brought up included “Naming” the auctions in accordance with their set goals.

i.e. Fundraisers

i.e. Classifieds

Now, after reading many a post from the past here on I would have to admit that even though the techniques for buying and selling are those of a Scratch Dutch Auction, the idea of an “Auction” itself has been deeply set in the minds of people as being something along the lines of those used most commonly on the market, such as Ebay. So this has affected the way people on the internet in general react to any of the non Ebay like auctions out there are looked upon. Basically as we all know what “Coke” is, even though there are thousands of “Cola’s” out there, same goes with “Auctions”.

So the reality is that no matter what the technique may be in reality we have to adapt to the market place if we wish to ensure that be utilized to its full capacities as far as selling and buying things goes.

Teething problems I guess, as was the case on fbook and other social media sites when people started using them for 101 business.

As per the platform here and adapting it for the use of 101 direct sales and marketing, there really doesn’t seem to be all that much needed. With the “Tabs” option it is really as simple as adding two new tabs to the main screen/list.

  • Classifieds
  • Fundraisers

Lets face facts, after a decade of different social media sites, forums and blogging options such as Wordpress, the bulk of people are set in their ways. Taking that into consideration it is absolutely a 100% sure as anything fact that here on we shall have former users of different social media sites who shall bring with them their manners and expectations. So it is up to us to ensure that we cover their needs. Otherwise if we just stick to our guns as being an “essay writing” portal we have limited ourselves to a smidgeon of the potential market out there and we shall drive away the bulk of those people who have made the other social media sites into the giants of the social media world on the world wide web.

Having said that, the point made by many people on various posts in the past about adding social media icons/links for quick sharing to the footer/bottom of posts here is something that should seriously be considered. The pros are obvious, we shall be able to share things to millions of people out there via existing social media profiles of Steemians who use more than just one social media.

I would give the example of Wordpress where there are many options to add these icons to pages and posts. Maybe this is the best example to compare our post pages to.

If it works for them, then it can work for us.

Now as far as the programming side of things goes, I dare not get into that, I’ll leave that to the professionals.

The reality is that the new Steemians of the future shall in large numbers be users of more than one social media, for whatever reason and we should take advantage of that. We won’t change human nature, but we can use human nature to our advantage.

Having addressed all the important points of this pilot project and getting back to the core of this pilot project the posts shall be listed as follows:

Charity Auction 1. Shall be listed as Fundraiser 1.

Charity Auction 2. Shall be listed as Fundraiser 2.

Both of which shall use the upvoting of this platform to raise funds.

The Auto Auction shall be listed as an ordinary classified ad. The funds raised to date shall all be relayed over to Charity Auction 1. (as was stipulated in the first two posts).

Again with the option of paying for the item in STEEM.

Here are the links:






Good idea

Interesting, seems a good idea to me.

If it works for people on other social media sites, then it should work here to.
If we can show to those people that Steemit is a social media site that offer everything that the others have to offer and a lot more because of the "$" aspect to it, then this site shall be rocking and rolling like no other site out there.... hence boosting and skyrocketing the value of our STEEM and SBD!

People Power, literally what it takes to make this happen and the more STEEM and SBD become a trading tool the better it is for all of us.

That is how I view it.

Hi bro Nice Your Post
Hi Can You Help Me By Upvote Follow Me? I Am Follow U And Give Upvote.

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