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RE: HardTalk With @yourhelper

in #steemit7 years ago

Hi @yourhelper!
I joined Steemit about 12 days ago and it’s been such a great experience already. I’ve been teaching piano for the last 15 years and I feel that it is time for me to move on to a new phase in my life. For the last year I’ve been struggling to get a few projects off the ground by using blogs, Facebook, and Google for advertising. I’ve been more successful in these last 12 days on Steemit than I have been in a year working on those other projects!
I feel excited by what the future holds on this platform and I’m working on learning all that I can to be successful in here.
My main focus right now is to build friendships. I have made a few friends in the Minnow Support Project and in Open Mic, and I look forward to making even more friends.
I have some music related plans that I’m working on now as far as long term goals, but I really want to focus my time on building a strong foundation here first.
Financially, my plan is to convert any earnings back into Steem power.
I hope to have a strong base and to start implementing my plans by September, if not sooner.
And my role model is anyone who currently makes their living using the Steemit platform!
Thanks for listening and as always, thanks for helping!
Resteemed :-)


@isaria, great stuff! Amazing to hear that you have been more successful here in 12 days than you have been in a year with google, facebook and others. That is an interesting testimony. @yourhelper cherishes your contributions and interest on this project and more importantly your focus towards helping yourself. Judging by your tenacity and single-minded disposition, you are one to beat in this game. Steem on ....@isaria, @yourhelper is watching!

Thank you @yourhelper, that means a lot to me!
I truly appreciate all your helpful advice and tips.
I have learned so much from you already, so thank you!

You are welcome dear!!!

Hey Little Lady, I hope all is well in Austin! Get yourself down to Barton Creek and cool off this weekend. :)

Hello my fellow Texan! Barton Creek sounds like a great idea :)
I hope all is well with you in your neck of the woods!

upvoted you and its great to read all your posts because it adds a great skills and knowledge in myself, already followed you and inspired from your posts, hope that you also follow me back so that it will be a great pleasure for me and a big contribution from ur side for me , thanks kindly follow me aswell @shanzaylizay

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