
I´m really tired of seeing your shitty comments in all of my posts, go out and get a fucking life.

i intend to help make #steemit free of professional scammers

Maybe you should read the whitepaper to understand the system before doing so? Also I would suggest you stop slandering and abusing other users, as it hurts your claims.

i have read and do understand the system and i understand high quality original content has vastly more value than spam
you were spam flagging in retaliation to me tagging scam so must be your scam

No I 'm flagging you for harassing and slandering me and other users. You did not read the whitepaper as you would see that what you are doing is wrong.

It's cool though because I've reported you to the abuse admins, they will be able to authenticate me as not being zero and then see how you have been harassing other users including myself. They will see how much Steem I have compared to you and that should settle the matter.

i intend to help make #steemit free of scam site hurting performance of platform

I'm going to flag you for harassment, I like his posts and no one elected you to come here and shit all over his posts.

You have said your piece you don't need to comment on every single one of his posts, your not the copywrite office, if the owner of any copywrite has an issue it is up to them to challenge, not you.

copyright infringement lessens value of platform so as a member it has everything to do with me.
its not fair use to post without adding a significant amount of original material and it wouldn't take a copyright holder to pursue user/site but regulatory boards or well funded organisations.
Also zeroshiki launched recent pump and dump scam

Please note:

i joined June 12th
professional scammer!!

Firstly your just wrong, it is always up to copyright and patent holders to enforce claims. Secondly there is no regulatory boards that go around and do what you claim willy nilly, it is always at the behest of copyright holders after a cease and desist letter has been written. Thirdly your totally wrong on what constitutes fair use, as long as you don't use the entirety of the copyrighted material, making even one comment is totally fair use.

fair use noun (in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.
So really get off your fcuking high horse and fcuk off

what are media?
regulatory boards that is.
material must make up a minor % of posts hence copy/paste of a link is not,
anything can be used as fair use copyright or no if is used as minor % not whole.

That's weird I don't see your name listed anywhere as the enforcement agent, so again your just making stuff up for your crusade of being the Steemit police when you have no basis legally.

im not an enforcement agent,
im an individual
and i can take it upon myself
and do the most in my power,
if i see some wrongdoing that
can be prevented simply with
just time put in could help with
adding value to steemit.
if goes mainstream with such high
amounts of spam will collapse value
because each spam devalues
the space it holds and those around it.
New users wont readily buy into
a spam filled platform which eventually
if goes to scale will need mass
amounts of new users to support ecosystem.


First, why don't you go and learn how to write proper English. Then you can write your OWN CONTENT!! Not copy pasted! Are you dumb or what??! This is not Facebook. Go learn the rules or get out!

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