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RE: Turning Higher Education Inside Out With Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

We are on the brink of a change. We're riding a big huge wave of change. It's happening as we speak. And where do I even start with this subject?

Our higher education system is so out of balance. I completely agree with your viewpoint on the whole "everyone should get a college degree" rhetoric. It's not wise. It's not helpful. It's pandering. It's fluffy and sounds encouraging and so nice, but it's not truly helpful. And at the same time I think it serves to devalue and even disrespect those who would seek a trade rather than go to university. So kids come up thinking that those who make the most money are therefore the most valuable citizens. It's simply not true, and often completely the opposite.

I found this video a while back and really did like it:

Or you can just let John Green sum it up:

You might notice he mentions (perspective and context). Sounds like something that's been a common theme in your writing.

It is relevant - in life. And the way they market the college experience to young people doesn't seem to take this into account as much as they promise money and opportunity for career advancement. And that's another one of those wholly American sentiments. It's just woven into our fabric. And it's a big part of what's made us great, dare I say - in the past, and still today.

But yes, I have a big beef with for-profit universities in particular and how they prey off of their students. I live near Charlotte, NC and they've, in the past year or so, shut down a big name for-profit law school in town, which I believe left a lot of people hung out to dry and in a lot of debt. It's frustrating to see things like that. To see the potential and futures of truly earnest and motivated students be gambled with in that way.

We need alternatives. And I love your idea. It sounds absolutely, wonderfully subversive and like it just might could work. And if you notice on a site like this, there are people from all over the world interacting. How fun, to think you could help to educate people worldwide by a means like this. How rewarding would that be to realize? The information is there and always has been. It's freely available. I don't see any reason not to build and utilize a whole new framework for sharing it.

And as a final thought, I did recently read an article on the "dual-track" education system in Germany. They track their students for either trade or university from a very early age. That would likely not go over very well here, but over there, I'm certain it's purely intended for efficiency and to enhance the overall quality of education for everyone. I'm on the fence about the idea as a whole. But it is interesting to see the differing approaches to education. I guess the final point to be said is that where we see issues, we should and can work to change it. I see no reason why not. I would definitely support teachers, like yourself, who would try to be a part of that.


Thanks again for the great comments. You’ve given me all the reading I need on this Sunday morning! :). I have heard of that German system as well. I think it makes sense. My wife is a guidance counselor in a public high school and she was just telling me that one of the local community colleges wants to start a program where they will send teachers to the high school to teach tech classes. The idea is students could get a regular hs education plus the tech training. In one way this frustrates me because we really just need more tech schools at the high school level, but at least the college is trying to address the problem. We are very unlikely to see any big investment by states in tech education since most are already cash strapped and most Americans have been convinced that higher taxes are bad, so the solution probably does fall on the shoulders of colleges.
Thanks for the support with the idea of teaching on Steemit. Do you want to take a public speaking course? I might do that as a test. But like we are finding with the 5k training program, it might take a little while to get enough of a following to put together a class.

I know. This is an issue that swings political. We're not Europe. We envy their better quality of life in these respects, but we don't want to make the changes that will get us there. That's a very frustrating discussion that I have all too often, and rarely does it reach a very constructive conclusion. I agree, it's good that technical schools are trying to fill the gaps in these respects, even though they can only do so much with what little means they're allotted.

A public speaking course? "Eh, um, ahh", if you want to hear a lot of that and enjoy the ever amusing sight of a beet red blushing face, then sure. That is not and has never been one of my strengths. Maybe that's why I should take a course on it. Hmm. I would be happy to engage, yes. I'd participate to whatever capacity I have time for no matter the subject. I'm always open to learning. :)

This site feels like such a win-win environment for all. I love getting the opportunity to support others, and I'm learning so much in doing so all at the same time. Maybe there's really something to this idea of gift-economy.

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