Wearing my heart on my sleeve... explaining something initimate to me... and private.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

On steem, I can do that... I write for my 24 viewers, and my 5 human upvoters.


My posts on steem usually receive around 30 votes, 5 of them by humans. I get about 24 readers though.

On steem you can read for free, and not upvote, that's what a lot of people do. They get the value of something, read it, and then just move on. Gotta save those votes for your friends only right?


If you are a human, reading this, and want to know more about what I'm talking about... and you truly care...

I'm going to share something private with you. Believe it or not, it is possible to reveal private things on steem, because it gets buried with all the rest of the garbage floating around. That's why I chose that dolphin in the garbage picture, and here it is again:


In order to understand what I'm writing today, you will have to:


See this post, on another blockchain called whaleshares.


I don't expect a lot of people to see this on steem (as usual), nor do I expect a lot of votes (as usual).

That's okay.

I'm at peace with myself, who I am, and what I do... and that's important for me.


P.S. I haven't given up on steem. I believe eventually it is worth pursuing and it will eventually get better to the point it owes its roots. What Dan Larimer and Ned Scott has intended it to be in the very beginning.


At the moment, steem is off course. Maybe hardfork 20 and SMTs will change direction and put it back on course. We don't know yet.

...while we go through this though... it should be normal to really see the problems, because pretending they don't exist is just cheating the truth. :)


Although some people accuse me of having no heart, I do consider myself to be (mostly) human. Have a (human) upvote on me :-)

You're a good man... at heart. Not always... (me included -- we all have faults) but you really are... I know what many don't.

­On steem you can read for free, and not upvote, that's what a lot of people do. They get the value of something, read it, and then just move on. Gotta save those votes for your friends only right?

I too have noticed that views to votes ratio superior to 1 phenomenon.

Me, on the contrary, when I fully read a post I feel like having an obligation to upvote whether I (fully) like the content or not. And it's not really out of a desire of rewarding the effort of the poster. No, it's much more self-interested than that. I do it because my time (and thus my money) is precious. Time spent absorbing the info I will not be able to use again doing something else. But like you say, we do get value (almost) from (all of) them, even if at times it's through forming our own mind out of the nonsense having been shared.​ My point here is that I believe there is one thing constantly profitable which remains in this repeated equation of learning (more or less) from somebody else steeming: if I upvote, I always get a curation reward no matter the post's educative added-value I got.

Thus, I double my win: whatever informative value I get, plus my curation reward. Contrary to those who cheat their own selves cutting every corner they can. Wasting time reading here and there but not earning from it, as well as voting their friends' material but probably not entirely reading these posts (maybe because of all the time they lost reading posts they don't upvote), and thus also not getting the full learning value out of them too.

I guess this could be explained by the fact that the attention economy is a fairly new concept in our human history. The wise minority have quickly realized that the writing/reading is a two-way street in the crypto-social town. One needs the other. But most others (the 19 non-voting viewers out of 24) don't understand yet that selfishness mostly leads to short-term gains, and sometimes at the expense of long-term growth and abundance.

But most others (the 19 non-voting viewers out of 24) don't understand yet that selfishness mostly leads to short-term gains, and sometimes at the expanse of long-term growth and abundance.

You said it all.. with this one single sentence that I quoted. It means so much.

Although I'd change the word "expanse" to "expense"

Another human found you! Boom upvoted.

How do you know you get about 24 readers?

When we use to have the steemit icon that would show "views"... it would tell me. It was an inaccurate calculation of views, because it only meant views on steemit.com

..that icon is gone now. But when it existed, it gave you a keen indication of amount of views on your steem posts as viewed from steemit.com website. On average, that eyeball icon would show around 24 views every single time.

I remember that.

In the earlier days, steemit, the website, would show its own "eyeball" icon which would show the amount of displays it had for a post. My posts would generally get 20 to 28 eyeball counters.

The newer version of steemit doesn't show the eyeball icon anymore. People started paying attention to it, and talking about it... and they realized (probably) it was causing more controversy than it was helping... so it is no longer is displayed.

That is how I know.

If you want to do more research, here is an old blog post about it.

Im already the fourth human in this comment section, your quotum for the day is made ;)

Steem at the moment is like granny deteriorating slowly in the elderly home, but hopefully there she will find the love of her life and gloom again, as for steem as well!

...because if it didn't, that would be a complete waste of potential. Why waste potential?

count me among the humanoids on Steemit

"reveal private things"?
Please explain...?


In order to understand what I'm writing today, you will have to:
See this post, on another blockchain called whaleshares.

Okay man... Thanks I will check it out!


So maybe I will come across as stupid or ill informed, but whalshares is like an offspring to steemit, right, created by some whales and developers who wanted to try something different, (but still using the steem-blockchain)?

Or is whaleshares built on a different blockchain?

I enjoyed your article advertising whaleshares, but I am not familiar enough with the whaleshare concept to make a statement.

Thank you very mucho Don @intelliguy!


Initially steem was a good place to advertise projects like EOS. However, it appears that over time, they don't get the proper attention, nor the appropriate re-steems. In some cases, they've been downvoted.

Whaleshares has a different focus. It wants to reward "and share" every post that gets appreciated by the community, encouraging things to go viral.

Whaleshares runs on similar code to steem, but with significant changes. It is not meant to be a replacement for steem. It's just a different chain (very similar code -- it is running a fork of steem on its own chain with some modifications)

You can read more about it in this post:

The network goes officially public on September 1st.

If you owned any Bitshares / BTS you have up until September 15th to claim your sharedrop.

Okay thanks, I heard about this but never really understood what was really going on... Sounds pretty cool... Thank you very much for your long answer! I will read more about it!


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